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Part Nostalgia, part what d'you know


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This is an email I wrote to ksp last year four days ago

Its just so funny

To Mission Control,

I know that this has been mentioned previously for updates but the implications for docking are huge. The uses i can think of are as follows:

Using the Docking maneuvers to make orbital meetings

Using the Docking Module to meet up with satellites

Using the Docking Module for creation of space stations (although this is an obvious one there are other implications for this as well (see next paragraph)

Using the Docking module for attaching and detaching an interplanetary lander (like the Apollo Program did) and returning the astronaut to the rocket with fuel in

I know you might me annoyed about the fact that i'm not using the forums for this conversation but i didn't want to create a profile just yet as i have some plans for YouTube. Then i can create my name and be sure that people will be able to find me and comments i make (I might notify you guys if i do create a YouTube account, stay tuned)

A main implication for docking is of course, the space station. A problem I foresaw would damage the space stations capabilities would be that you would need to design modules for the space station so that people can take full advantage of the newly added IVA. Now, based on one of my designs you can see where the problems would spring up. ( Observe Attachment 96) This Space-station design was an entirely new idea that i formed in my head. A flaw (that could be fixed with docking) is that i had to put the whole thing into space altogether and this decreased maneuverability. However i got into orbit and it is still sitting there (intentionally) as there is no thrust capabilities. (apart from the retro rockets) Although the orbiting route to plan and timing would be difficult, using the docking module would mean that i could use the same rocket with different payload and i would get the same effect. This would be one of the main purposes in many people's eyes for docking capabilities.

There are indeed mods and other fancy gadgets and gizmos that could be used to assist in the docking sequence that can be downloaded from the KSP mod section, But i would strongly recommend for noobs like me that there is a computer that is added that enables a player to let the computer to launch the rocket so that it will meet up with the space station and then the docking can be made. Another thing that is already included in mods is a shroud. This would be good for both Space-stations and satellites because this would mean that the rocket would be more streamlined. (Observe Space-station image again) The Space-station has been mainly designed around look and practicality (Engine nacelles and SAS, RCS fuel respectively) You may of noticed the wing extension parts on the sides of the space station. Well these are supposed to be solar panels, the purpose being to demonstrate how it would affect the space station. If solar panels were to be implemented into the game, then there could be lights to go with them, research items that could be powered by electricity..... the list goes on. The affects of implementing Docking are HUGE.

Key Points, Parts and Things that would need to take place for space stations to be successful:

Space-station parts: Central module, (A part that the other parts would attach to) Docking, Solar Panels, IVA, (for moving around inside the space station + windows for same purpose) Kerman-Friendly Modules (small and large sizes) and Lights (perhaps)

Docking parts: Docking for small modules and large modules,Docking for satellites (perhaps ones created by player, perhaps one created by yourselves) and Docking for Ships (Maybe if it is possible, then two spacecraft could be used in one design (e.g Mk 1 Command Pod attached to larger Mk 2 Command pod so that when landing on surfaces the Mk 1 is used)

Satellite Parts: Research parts, ( I used SAS modules for demonstration purposes) Solar panels and Dock-able and detachable probes (for launching/landing/collecting probes)

Friendly ideas for those who aren't amazing at the game:

Programming Computer: Like MechJeb, but in the vanilla game

Docking help

Design Templates: Space stations, Satellites etc

I hope that this will shed some light - from a Gamer's POV - on what people would like for future updates.

Many thanks for reading this

From ____ (AKA Cosmos Rhinvos) (OOC: note how I called myself this)

(OOC: Images aren't there)

PS: Attachment 30, 51, 51 and 49 are images of planets that can be seen from kerbal orbit (just for you :3) For some, You will have to go to pixel sizes to pick them out. Attachment 68 is one of my satellite designs.

These are:

51 = Eve

52 = Minmus

49 = Mun

30 = Jool (unbelievably)

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