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Where is YOUR Jebediah Kerman?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Was awaiting rescue in a stable yet eccentric orbit after our first mun flyby (ran out of fuel on the return journey). However, whilst awaiting said rescue, the Kraken ate Valentina, then Kerne, then Kerbin. Given there is no longer a Kerbin to orbit I have no idea where Jeb is now!

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Currently in the cab of 4408 II heading towards KSC2 - an accidental driver change was undertaken while everyone boarded the train from bombo station..

previously he'd been banished to the trailing passenger car as a tempting sacrifice to the kracken :)

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In my modded career currently piloting a ship dropping off probes around Jool and its moons.

In my mostly stock career he is sitting on the roof of the VAB, decided to leave him there for the time being.

In sandbox I am not sure... Little of him near the KSC, little of him in booster bay, probably some of him left in the mountains where he first crashed too....

Edited by annallia
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Not existing,i plan on doing a actual main game. He probably will be...

1.On a moon like the mun or minmus.

2.On Duna.

3.At the KSC.

4.In heaven after killing him with one of my planes,they always go on stalls and spin for no reason.

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Jeb is in a polar Munar orbit after rescuing Bob off the surface. Jeb will stay in polar Munar orbit until Bill arrives with the ugliest 3person rescue vehicle known to Kerbal kind. As it turns out I am really bad at having enough fuel to do things with.

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  RuBisCO said:
He stows away, I launch something and then realize Jeb is in there!

Tell me about it! I've sometimes had to raise my voice and tell him to go sit in the Naughty Capsule...

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  Zild said:
Tell me about it! I've sometimes had to raise my voice and tell him to go sit in the Naughty Capsule...

I got to the Mun last night to rescue Fervin Kerman in a supposedly unnmanned capsule, then looked over and realized BILL had sneaked in! I was shocked he would pull such a stunt!!

My Jeb is in command of my Kerbin Science Station, waiting on a engineer to replace him to keep the station running, just haven't worked out which poor guy to send to orbit for 10 months...

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On his way to Duna to rescue Kerman Watney, who is stranded there in a Hermes capsule designed to last a few orbits around Kerbin (nobody knows how he got there, even Werner von Kerman had a stroke trying to figure it out). Kerman Watney scienced the s*it out of that capsule in order to survive 2 years till help arrives..

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  Unlife98 said:
Hi guys, I have a little game for you. We all know about Jebediah Kerman, his love of explosions, his always-happy attitude, but I have something I want to know, where is Jebediah Kerman in your savefile? Is he floating around in interplanetary space? is he crash-landed on Laythe? I want to know.

My Jebediah Kerman is currently floating around the Mun in an eccentric inclined orbit, yet to be rescued. We haven't researched Hitchhiker Storage Containers so he will have to wait for either us to learn some science or for his oxygen to run out.


Well, ahem, Valentinas munar lander docked with Commander Jebediah on the Munar Science Processing, Refueling and Data Retreival and Transkerbanization Station (abbreviation TLDR) and apparently they found a way to hold the whole thing in at Munar-Kerban L2 and we have not been able to establish contact with them. I did find two scientist floating where we expected to find the station in orbit. I've established a new Kerbal type. Doctor/Psychiatrist, he's in route as we speak.

One of the satellites I sent to L2 region spotted the ship and got a partial image, our image analysis team has reconconstructed as much of the image. Some script that says 'This wobble is not due to a lack of struts'; although our scientist are not sure if struts had been a particular issue since. Apparently its antenna was damaged by 'debris'.

Bill is distraught, he directed his Minmus lander at the Kerbol and burned all his fuel. Fortunately the Mech Jeb unit on board overrid his actions and he's now on a trajectory toward Duna with a new contract waiting in his message box.

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  • 1 month later...

As I prefer playing with the randomly named Kerbals, and may have a bit of an antipathy to Jeb specifically, in my current save I keep him exclusively as an airplane test pilot. I figured his BadS mentality is perfect for a fighter-jock style character. However, he probably got bored and sneaked on board my first space station (which was strictly against regulations as it was not equipped with return capsules). I only realized a few days (or kerbal-weeks) later when I could not put him on a new test plane.

He was just sitting in orbit and gorging himself on Snacks (yes, the actual life support variety), and I had to mount a relatively expensive rescue mission to get him back. Classic Jeb.

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In DunaMission, the hulking ship over 60 meters long. Mid-burn to Duna. The burn was taking so long I just stopped it and saved, then went to sleep... now two days later I know why it was taking so long - the ISRU is active, throttling the engines to its own fuel output.

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