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Star Trek Disaster!


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I don't know if you guys saw these before.


The are Star Trek Globes from the Franklin Mint.

They usually have glass globes around them. Usually.

I have had quite a collection of them.

We were having work done to the outside of our house today. We are getting the house stuccoed. This involves removing the old, crappy siding and putting Styrofoam sheets, paper and chicken wire in the sidings place to make forms to apply the stucco to.

My globes were on a shelve mounted on the wall. The wall is an outside wall.

My guess is that while they were mounting the sheets they had to do a lot of banging on the wall. The shelve looked like it was thrown off of the wall. I had quite a mess to clean up after I got home.

I may never be able to put these back together again. :(


It's my own fault. I should have anticipated that the wall might get shook.

I can probably replace them. But I'm not sure if I should or not.

These are not on an outside wall. :)


I have bigger collectibles. :)

Edited by BostLabs
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