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Replace transmission degradation

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Degradation of science points by transmission as implemented now makes no sense as you can get around it by repeated measurements and transissions. I propose what I believe is a better system.

Each bit of measurable science has four science amounts:

- BV - base value

- DB - delivery bonus

- MB - manned bonus

- MDB - manned delivery bonus

When measurement is executed by a probe, BV and DB become available. If you transmit data, you transmit BV only. Single transmission is enough. If you return the sample back, you get also DB. If you recover the experiment without previous transmission, you recover BV+DB.

When a measurement is executed by a manned mission (Kerbal onboard), all four become available unless they were already acquired other ways. Transmitting the data then sends BV+MB, recovering the experiment recovers also DB+MDB.

The amount of science available should be associated with the experiment and should depend on the mode in which the measurement was made. Subsequent transmission or recovery should not change anything on it. The idea is, if the measurement is manned, all four parts of science reward should be available for recovery even if the recovered part is unmanned (people tend to dump their Kerbals on EVA after landing, that should not hamper scientific result).

Multiple measurement records should be storable on the experiment just like multiple crew reports can be stored in a command pod.


Scenario 1:

you send manned mission and recover the craft after measurement

you get BV+DB+MB+MDB

Scenario 2:

you send a probe which returns back and is recoveder

you get BV+DB

then you send manned mission and transmit results

you get MB

Scenario 3:

you send manned mission and transmit results

you get BV+MB

then you send a probe which returns back and is recovered

you get DB

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