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Discovering interplanetary bodies with a telescope

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With the addition of science and unlocking tech, it brings up an idea. Watching some of the testers play with the new science stuff I didn't think I would like having to unlock all the parts I was used to having right from the word go in sandbox mode. Turns out I was wrong and I am absolutely hooked on the idea of earning those parts. The idea I have now is focuses on earning the knowledge that the other planets in the Kerbin system even exist!

I think a good addition to the game would be to force a blinded state in the beginning of career mode. Meaning that since you have not yet discovered that there are indeed other solar bodies in the system, you will be forced (with the use of an orbital telescope part) to discover those bodies, and learn the orbital positions and trajectories of the other planets. it might go like this!

researching down the scientific tree, (sci-lab, goo containers etc.) where lies a new part. An orbital telescope. the telescope could be positioned outside of kerbal atmo (to enable its functionality) and then perform a scan of a limited area (in the map view?) of space, provided there is enough electric charge to perform the scan. Each scan might provide a bite sized amount of science but the payoff would be to reveal the other planets in the tracking station. Thereby allowing the player to discover that there are other planets yet to be explored. Perhaps Squad could go so far as to completely disable all other solar bodies until they are discovered.

as a vet player, obviously I would know there are planets there, but would be unable to see where they are or to know where they might be for a transfer, until I sent up a telescope to scan the area of space where that planet might be.

lets use Duna for example. the player unlocks the telescope after thoroughly exploring the Mun, and Minmus. launches it to high orbit, and starts scanning. if the scan area is close to where Duna currently is in its orbit, or just close to its orbit, it would provide a directional ping that would show the player "something is there you just cant see it yet" and if the scan is dead on top of Duna... Duna is revealed, and its orbital trajectory is revealed, allowing you to plan a mission if you choose. If the scan is not directly on Duna but on its orbital path, a small arrow might pop up on the path itself in the map veiw showing which direction the player would need to scan next in order to reveal Duna. It could be based on distance to the scan area, so that if Duna had not yet reached the scan area, the arrow would point backwards in Duna's orbital path. Or if Duna had already passed by the scan area, the arrow would point forward in its orbital path, directing the player just a bit as to where Duna is currently. Once Duna is discovered the telescope might need to be "locked" on target for a set amount of time to reveal Duna's orbital path. And during that time the player could go about his/her business as usual with the mun and Minmus, until the scan is complete and a permanent Duna position marker is enabled in the tracking station for further exploration!

The "scan area" could be a spherical marker in the tracking station that can be positioned with the mouse, clicked to confirm, scan begins. Time passes (while the player is doing other things) then the scan completes and gives the player a hint on where to scan next. Repeat until Duna is discovered, and when its revealed, the scan area could then be "locked on" Duna for another period of time to discover the orbital trajectory. once that scan completes, kerbal-kind acquires the "knowledge" of duna to begin planning stages for a visit. The scan area could have a scale equal to that of Jool and all of its moons

the idea is to slow the player down and allow the paced discovery of other planets in the kerbin system. So that from the start of a new career, all you see is Kerbin, the Mun, and Minmus and require the technology to "see" anything else in the system. The player reward is the ability to plan missions to another planet newly discovered for more science.

This is just an idea that I think would be a fun addition, you can hate on it or love it all you want.... Or improve upon it as you see fit, but either way, surely you can see how logically something like this would fit in the sense of discovery that KSP attempts to impart upon its players!

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I hope you realize we didn't discover Mars because of Hubble. Mars was discovered thousands of years ago. Pluto was discovered in 1930. So I imagine if we're going for the 1970s nasa parallel I'd say all the planets and most of the moons would be known. I'd also like to note that the details of planets reference them in kerbal mythology.

However there is still a use for a telescope. Something that always bothered me was that I could zoom out on a planet and see nearly all it's detail. I think this should be impossible until it has been properly viewed by a high power telescope or visited by a ship or probe.

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