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The Data System, What Works, What doesn't, and How to Fix It

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Just thought of a little annoyance you could add to the list: If extended manually, antennas remain extended after transmitting. After all, why in the world would you completely pack up (and thus have to redeploy later) your main communications array every time you want to transmit?

My two cents. :)

A good idea, on the other hand then we wouldn't get to watch the glorious deploy animation everytime.

I`d like the stupidity, or lack thereof, of my kerbals to have an effect on the amount of science they can do, or rather it would cap the maximum science they can get out of looking at rocks and stuff.

I would maybe do it the opposite way, instead of punishing people for bringing stupid kerbals, reward them for bringing Kerbals with special degrees. If you do an experiment that they are trained in then you have random chance of getting some bonus data points.

Lots of good ideas here. I'd like to add some more to the pile.

Science per planet

Currently, science points are the same no matter were they are collected. Moving on to a harder planet is simple rewarded by more points, making points gain the motivating factor.

In sandbox, the motivations where more a combo of seeing if you could do it, and to go explore there- we didn't need to be pushed along.

Perhaps science could be collected per body. This would make it seem more purposeful when you go somewhere.

Going to Duna to find out about Duna, not just because you need more points.

This would be on top of the point earning system.

Data collation, and analysis.

Rather than just collecting points, it would be cool if you could gather actual data about the body, such as mineral compositions in a certain area, gravity data, terrain info etc.

Though the "Value" would diminish, you'd still get something out of doing multiple experiments in the same area.

Over time you could build up a profile of the planet, accessible in the R&D building. These profiles could be done in a way so it doesn't feel like you're just unlocking info, but collecting it. It could have tables, maps, graphs and messages from happy kerbal scientists.

Some basic information sorting would be nice, maybe. But that could be overkill.


In real life, data from experiments isn't away the same every time- there can be variation.

For example, if soil data gets added, surface composition tests could return values like this:

Duna plains regolith analysis:

Haematite 76.54%

Quartz 14.23%

Goethite 5.70%

Hydration: 0.51%


Frozen CO2: 3.02%

The amounts of different minerals could vary based on distance from certain points, so you don't have to travel for kilometers for different results.

This way, your rover could drill the dirt many times, and each time get a unique result after analysis.

One could argue that you can see things much better from outside the pod, but that's about it. It makes sense when you are landed though, that the crew's experience would be different to when inside a pod.

It would be a good idea to have a "university of Kerbin" where they keep track of where you have and have not collected data, and offer bonuses for more complete data sets.

I definitely like the idea of having some more flavor text associated with experiments after you bring them home. More experiments that are actually scientific would be nice. Something other than the goo feels right at home.

Your ideas for an improved science system are spot on. I especially like the disposable experiments, it would add some purpose to permanent space stations. A big part that, as of yet, is completely missing is the cornerstone of every space program ever: taking pictures of celestial objects. I expect cameras in the future, SQUAD guys!

Keep it up and maybe someone will notice.

Also it's absurd that you can store only one crew report at a time (not too bad because you can send it back without penalities but the same rule applies to EVA reports)

It's all about that data!

Good suggestions guys, Keep it up!

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Lots of good ideas here. I'd like to add some more to the pile.

Science per planet

Currently, science points are the same no matter were they are collected. Moving on to a harder planet is simple rewarded by more points, making points gain the motivating factor.

In sandbox, the motivations where more a combo of seeing if you could do it, and to go explore there- we didn't need to be pushed along.

Perhaps science could be collected per body. This would make it seem more purposeful when you go somewhere.

Going to Duna to find out about Duna, not just because you need more points.

This would be on top of the point earning system.

Data collation, and analysis.

Rather than just collecting points, it would be cool if you could gather actual data about the body, such as mineral compositions in a certain area, gravity data, terrain info etc.

Though the "Value" would diminish, you'd still get something out of doing multiple experiments in the same area.

Over time you could build up a profile of the planet, accessible in the R&D building. These profiles could be done in a way so it doesn't feel like you're just unlocking info, but collecting it. It could have tables, maps, graphs and messages from happy kerbal scientists.

Some basic information sorting would be nice, maybe. But that could be overkill.


In real life, data from experiments isn't away the same every time- there can be variation.

For example, if soil data gets added, surface composition tests could return values like this:

Duna plains regolith analysis:

Haematite 76.54%

Quartz 14.23%

Goethite 5.70%

Hydration: 0.51%


Frozen CO2: 3.02%

The amounts of different minerals could vary based on distance from certain points, so you don't have to travel for kilometers for different results.

This way, your rover could drill the dirt many times, and each time get a unique result after analysis.

One could argue that you can see things much better from outside the pod, but that's about it. It makes sense when you are landed though, that the crew's experience would be different to when inside a pod.

This could be tied in to the resource system by allowing you to see which planet has the highest amount of resource x and were it is.

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I would love to see the Science tree tied to goals, so that you couldn't unlock a particular branch unless you've built a ComSat, or a Spacestation, or Landed on the Mun.

I'd like to see ways to improve your transmission efficiency, for example build a ComSat in a SOI and data transmission goes up in that SOI.

Data collection should take time and power, too. if you don't have much power, you can run the experiment and store up data, then charge up your batteries and then transmit it in bulk, or if you have plenty of power, you should be able to experiment and transmit at the same time, one packet at a time. so you could, for example, leave a lander on the mun and go build and launch another mission, and you'd keep getting a slow trickle of data.

Edited by Buback
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I read a post saying that a manned lab that requires energy and crew will not be implemented because a thing that produces science based on time would break the game (you just use time warp and wait) but if you use the data system described in this post it is possible to have a manned lab that requires energy, kerbals AND supplies from KSC so you need to send rockets to your space station in order to perform experiments and it's not just playing the waiting game. science yeld from experiments depends on which planet you are orbiting/landed on so you can perform experiments in a base on kerbin's north pole but a space station around jool or a research facility landed on duna yelds more.

hope you like my idea

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I would love to see the Science tree tied to goals, so that you couldn't unlock a particular branch unless you've built a ComSat, or a Spacestation, or Landed on the Mun.

I agree. Kind of odd to get better aerodynamic parts unlocked when you haven't even flown a plane yet. :confused:

I'd like to see ways to improve your transmission efficiency, for example build a ComSat in a SOI and data transmission goes up in that SOI.

This. What's the point of a bigger radio, when it doesn't work... better? :huh:

I'd gladly take a "stored experiment limit" if it meant that my 75 Science from a lab experiment was kept in a Command Pod, instead of transmitting it back. You know, like the amount of space you have for space rocks, etc. Then, you don't kill weight for labs on return/re-entry requirements. This would make having something like the Space Shuttle (with a working bay) be worth unlocking the parts for. Right now, a lot of the Science grind feels like cheating because I can get huge labs back without losing pieces on re-entry.

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