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My first manual minmus landing


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With the release of 0.22 I decided to use career mode as a means to improve my skill at the game to get more science and more parts to get more science and so on... After getting fuel lines I was finally able to get to Minmus and back with about 460 science on recovery at Kerbin and a few more transmitted back. All manual with 100% stock parts. And I got this photo on the way...


Now that I have larger rocket parts thanks to that mission... Next stop: Duna!

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good job my friend! for your first inter-planetary mission, i recommend either sending a landing probe or just going for an orbit if you plan on coming back, getting a ship landed and having it returned to Kerbin is pretty hard and most likely require in-orbit construction.

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Well done!

And i recommend transferring from the mun to Minmus directly, it's good practice for interplanetary missions.

That's actually not such a bad idea... Will have to try that!

good job my friend! for your first inter-planetary mission, i recommend either sending a landing probe or just going for an orbit if you plan on coming back, getting a ship landed and having it returned to Kerbin is pretty hard and most likely require in-orbit construction.
I think I'll just do an orbit/flyby first and assemble a station in orbit so I can refuel at Duna for the first manned landing and get as much science as possible.
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Good job. :)

Next time use less powerful rocket. This one is too heavy and consumes lots of fuel. It's Minmus, you don't need a lot of thrust.

Even this 60px-LV-T909_LFE.png is an overkill for your vessel.

You could totally use this. 60px-Rockomax_48-7S.png

Beware, if you try to land on Mün now, you're never coming back home with that vessel.

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