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A big problem with Science is it current prominence

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There are dozens of threads going up around the forums discussing the new science system. I believe a part of the perceived issues have to do with the prominence it currently has to us as a new feature and in the absence of the rest of career mode.

Firstly because it's a brand new feature we're all diving into this, trying hard to earn the points as fast as possible to explore the feature and because we're all so very good at the game we're burning through it. This will be very different for the new player, who's primary problem is to build an adequate ship to get to orbit, just like we once did. The focus for this player will experimenting with ships. Science will be there alright but the player won't be as occupied with it like we are now.

Also in the future science will only be one part of a much larger career mode. This will reduce its prominence and some of the debated aspects of the mechanic will matter less or will be actively mitigated by other game elements of career mode, like economy and missions. These other elements will force constraints on the player and set goals aside from the ones the science element now provides and they will likely intertwine with the science system in multiple ways.

I in no way want to prevent discussions, suggestions or criticism about the science system; there's plenty to discuss and there are things I, at this point, think should be implemented differently, but I believe we should be at least somewhat careful with statements like "it should be completely redone" at this point.

My two cents.

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