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Munar biomes? (POSSIBLE SPOILERS!)


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So I heard the mun has biomes too in .22

So we can't just leave its biomes not at least partially figured out!

I landed on the mun a few days ago in one of the large craters, and the name of the crew report was "Crew report from the Muns East Crater."

It appears that the crater with the munar arch at the northern edge of it is the "Eastern Crater" that may be a biome, the surface sample was something like melted material (I don't remember that part as much) so that might also be a biome with all the craters on the mun.

I have yet to land in other places so when I do I'll post what I find.

Anyone who has any information is welcome to post what they know. :)

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Yes I'd thought that only Kerbin had biomes until SkyRender said in this thread that Mun infact has more biomes that Kerbin.

So yesterday I sent a manned mission to orbit Mun and from orbit dispatched 8 science lab probes. I landed each probe in a different biome (lost one probe due to pilot error) and there are still more to land in. Basically each major crater is a biome and the canyons coming off some of the craters are another biome. Also the poles and then there are midlands, highlands and .... that's about what I've found so far.

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I think its fifteen. I've been fortunate to have had a day off so I woke up late. My brain feels like its made of Dust and glue.

I can post a full list with spoiler tags if you want.

Not Dust and Goo? That's how my brain feels and I've apparently been at work all day.

I think spoiler tags are still broken, but if the wiki lists them I can check them there. thou tbh I'll not do that till I've got as far as I can with discovering them myself.

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Technically there are 15 biomes. However, the two poles share the same biome even though it reports them under different names. Kerbin's poles do the same thing.

Really? I've flown over both, and it calls them Poles/Polar Lowlands whether you're over the north pole or the south pole...

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