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[1.2] VOID 1.1.0-beta - Vessel Orbital Informational Display


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If you love at-a-glance information on your flight conditions, detailed information about your orbital dynamics or upcoming transfer maneuver, then VOID is a solution for you! Is it the solution for you? Give it a try and find out!

I've long used VOID to fill the void (doh!) for detailed orbital, surface, and vessel information without adding any new functionality that other mods may focus on. As I find new data that I "need" for my missions, I've been slowly adding information to my own VOID displays and am honored to continue development following Iannic-ann-od's stellar release series. Many thanks Iannic-ann-od!

As before, credit where it's due to code and/or calculations by cybutek, Younata, Adammada, Nivvydaskrl, mrenigma0, r4m0n, The_Duck, Cilph, and Innsewerants, used with permission and/or under license.

This software uses VesselSimulator and Engineer.Extensions from Engineer Redux.

Engineer Redux © 2013-2014 cybutek, Padishar, et al

Used by permission.


GitHub for 1.1.0-beta: [zip]

SpaceDock: [zip]
Not SpaceDock: [zip] [tar.gz] [tar.xz] 

1.0 BETA[zip] [tar.gz] [tar.xz]


Do you like what you see here so much that you can't imagine downloading it without first parting with your hard-earned money? If so, this specially-crafted PayPal donation button will help you to take the currency of your choice and make it my money instead of your money. More seriously though: donations are 100% optional and entirely at your own discretion. If you do choose to donate, I'll appreciate it!



1. Unpack archive into /path/to/KSP_folder/GameData.
2. ???
3. Profit!



* Click the VOID icon, hopefully located somewhere near the middle-to-bottom left of your KSP screen.
* Go to the "Misc" menu and "Change icon position" to move the icon to your liking.
* Enable or disable other informational windows as you please!



* Revisit transfer angle calculations.
* Revisit pressure indication.
* Revisit localization and find translators <insert trilingual, bilingual, American joke here>.
* Revisit data logging.
* Add HUD customization features.



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Edited by toadicus
Updated to 1.1.0-beta
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Can anyone send me a link to the a 0.21 compatible version of VOID please? Looks awesome and I really need some of the info for a project but I'm working at sea and the internet here just isn't up to downloading 0.22.

Did try the 0.22 version but it breaks the game.


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@toadicus: Thanks! Been having a lot of issues getting Engineer to work on Linux, and so far VOID works so extremely well that I'd rather have it be a one-stop shop. If you can get dV to calculate, it'd be awesome if it could display it in the VAB as well.

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Love parts-free plugins - and the delta-v thing is a hotness. Holy cow fast response. I'll check it out when I get home in the morning; I just may have found a replacement for Engineer :)

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0.9 looks good! Thanks again for stepping up and taking charge of the VOID. Don't be afraid to message me if you have questions about any of my janky code. It was an absolute beginner crash-course learning project from Day 1 and the code reflects that in many places!

Just for fun, the evolution of VOID from KSP 0.16 to 0.21.

Edited by Iannic-ann-od
bonus pics
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Is there any documentation, either with the mod or on the web somewhere, itemizing all that this mod does? I don't use mechjeb for autopilot much, but I do use it for Smart ASS and the data screens. What I most use it for is landing predictions and the connected aerobrake predictions. I rarely use the landing autopilot, but the prediction system built into it is very useful. Is anything similar to that included in VOID?

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Right now in my challenge save (and AAR save) I'm pretty much all set up, but maybe I'll check void out for my next setup. Thanks for answering my question Toadicus. This looks very well done and has lots of information on hand.

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  Alephzorg said:
Thank you toadicus for your work.

Something I had noticed in the previous version, it still gives Moho a 14km high atmosphere. Just a detail.

This isn't VOID, that's KSP. All the CelestialBody viewer does is pull the list of bodies from FlightGlobals.Bodies and spit out the information available through the API. VOID reports a 14 km atmosphere altitude because that's what Moho says it has.

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This is an incredible mod, especially the HUD which makes navigation practical.

I have a suggestion for the next version. Typically longitude is displayed in the range of -180 to +180 degrees, with the negative values being considered West and the positive values considered East. For example the Wiki has KSP on the equator at about 75 W.


Currently, VOID is displaying that as 285 E, which would be an untypical way to reference longitude. The code in the green box would always keep the API's longitude in the correct range and allow the HUD to display it properly. Also, since the HUD is now 5 lines on the right side, perhaps the primary body could be added to the left side. This would seem to balance the Biome information on the right as well.


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I was able to get this to work with the following changes. Up to you of course, just wanted to see if I could do it. Thanks for the excellent mod.


Can anyone see the picture...for some reason I can't get it to work.

Edited by 11Bravo49417
image not working
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