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Roundtrip Science Career Mission Craft to Ike and Back!

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First posting of mine. Going to show a simple, efficient, and intermediate career science mission craft for an interplanetary voyage to IKE, doing science there, and returning.

The cumulative science points I gained from this mission was over 4,000.

Before I get started on the craft itself, let me explain where I did all my science in this mission. Since I had just about depleted the science in the Kerbin system, I didn't do any science till I was outside the SOI of Kerbin. At each of the following places, I did every experiment/report possible* and exhaustively transmitted it all back to Kerbin.* 1. In interplanetary space (in Kerbol's SOI) 2. In Duna's SOI high orbit 3. During braking maneuver in Duna's atmosphere, 4. Inside IKE's SOI/orbit 5. On IKE's surface.

*obviously I didn't do EVA reports during the braking maneuver at Duna. Also, the science gathered on IKE's surface was stored and recovered back on Kerbin's surface. It can be transmitted but I didn't want to spend the time doing it as the energy resources on the lander aren't as capable as the vessel as a whole is, I'll explain later.

Mission: Interplanetary voyage to Duna's moon Ike, return to Kerbin. Science collection.

Intention: Meant for intermediate players in career mode who may be struggling to get a few of those higher value tech tree items and who want to practice rendezvous, docking, and interplanetary maneuvers.


While the craft itself is efficient, it may be cost prohibitive in the real world as at least two separate launches are required for total completion. Three launches if you intend to recover the craft on Kerbin's surface. (was not part of the original plan)

My design intentions were to construct a very light, capable, and science oriented ship with simplicity and low part count in mind.

I apologize in advance for not having a lot of pictures from my mission since I haven't posted missions/craft photos before. I decided to post this as the craft worked amazingly well, easy to handle, and could easily be adapted to go somewhere further than Duna as I had lots of extra fuel leftover. Thought someone might enjoy it.

I'm awesome at naming crafts. (not really)

Ship Parts (note: I used the same lift vehicle dubbed 'Gladius' for each craft piece, I know it was way overkill for the last piece, the VRN)

IKEL: IKE Lander

Launched to an orbit of 90km and used Stage 6 which is the 'skipper' engine to circularize. For simplicity i'll call that piece the 'circularizer' since i'm going to refer to it a couple times and the staging # changes and it's an essential part to both parts of the craft.


Excuse the odd nosecones, it was before I had the bigger ones and this is meant as a mid-career ship.



ILV: Interplanetary Launch Vessel

This I launched to an orbit of around 120km so that it could rendezvous with the IKEL. After rendezvous within 200m but before docking, both craft still had their circularizer engines & fuel tanks still attached with surplus fuel. I undocked the ILV from it's circularizer and then switched to the IKEL and docked it with the now undocked ILV circularizer tank and drained it of it's surplus fuel into the circularizer tank on the IKEL. Then I docked the top of the IKEL to the ILV and disabled the crossfeed on the docking ports between the two so the NERVAs wouldn't drain my lander. During my transfer burn to Duna using the NERVA engines, whenever the NERVA fuel tanks were about half I would transfer fuel from the docked circularizer on the prograde end of the ship to the NERVA tanks to keep more mass at the rear for stability. I still had some bit of fuel left in the circularizer after the transfer burn, I eventually decoupled it and the docking ports from the center engine on the lander after some adjustment burns as I neared Duna.


Highlighted here in blue is the 'circularizer' fuel tank.

My current craft consisting of just the IKEL & ILV, I set my Duna periapsis for 13.5km in a CCW/retrograde/West orbit for aerobraking. I then made for Ike and established a CW/prograde/Eastern orbit of 40km. The fuel tanks in the lander should still be full at this point.


I undocked the lander from the ILV and landed on IKE.


Launched to an eastward orbit of 20km. (The lander was originally designed for landing at the Mun where I had to ditch the radially mounted engines and tanks during takeoff/circularization/tranfer to Kerbin.) Notice the IKEL doesn't have RCS fuel tanks so docking must be accomplished via the ILV. Switched to the ILV and set a node to rendezvous with IKEL, docked to IKEL and transferred all remaining fuel in the radially attached engines to the ILV and then jettisoned them. Escaped Ike's SOI and went to an orbit higher than Ike for my transfer burn back to Kerbin. (there was probably a more efficient way but that's what I did)


After arriving at Kerbin I set periapsis to about 35km to aerobrake, then established orbit at 80km. Transferred all the fuel I could back into the lander to fill it's remaining central tank, undocked the ILV from IKEL and set it on a path to de-orbit. Now if you decided not to transmit the science from Ike, you'll have to do this next part.

VRN: Vehicle Recovery Node. Since I didn't want to spend time transmitting my data while I was on IKE, I had to construct this so that I could attach parachutes to my lander when I returned to Kerbin. Docked the parachute node(?) to my lander and de-orbited. Pretty silly I know but this is KSP & it worked great and since I had plenty of spare fuel, I was able to slow my decent enough with a burn so that when the drogues fully deployed they didn't rip the docking ports apart. Then deployed radial chutes and did a Soyuz type burn before touchdown to get my rate of descent ~5m/s.


Bonus: Gladius Lift vehicle, good lifter that you can build fairly early on in career. (disregard the command pod at top, it's there merely to show the subassembly non-translucent)


Here are the craft files, I've included the IKEL both with all the science instruments minus the sensor array nose cone, and one with limited science instruments in case you haven't unlocked all of them yet. It has the mystery goo container and science lab jr. I've also included the Gladius Lift SUBASSEMBLY, meaning place it in the Subassemblies folder in your save.

These craft files are completely stock parts. However on my mission I added the protractor mod part to my ship to make my life easier, but this mission can be accomplished without it.



IKEL(limited science instruments) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/37890819/science%20mission/IKEL%20no%20science.craft

ILV https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/37890819/science%20mission/ILV.craft

VRN https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/37890819/science%20mission/VRN.craft

Gladius SUBASSEMBLY https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/37890819/science%20mission/Subassemblies/Gladius.craft

I'm interested in what you guys think, any suggestions you may have, and any grave mistakes I've made...

Again sorry for the lack of pix of all the maneuvers.


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