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more specific space station parts

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hey kerbals.

as a

<------- bottle rocketeer

i can't make really great space stations, so it would be really cool of they added some more specific space station parts to make it a little easier for newby's. and u can implement it in the tech tree so that in the beginning u only can make little space stations

(just an idea):D

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i know there are enough parts there BUT always when i install mods i get the glitch that i am stuck in a invisible box around the ksc


i cant launch and fly rockets and spaceplanes anymore

(edit 2)

it would be easier to have them as vanilla parts or i have to go search the freackin bug and then figure out how to repair it

Edited by Roderik
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Thread close as this is part of the what not to suggest list as of


* New parts**

** this means no general 'more parts' threads. If you have specific ideas feel free to post them.

asking for more station parts is too general and not specific enough on the part ideas you have.

For the problem when you install a mod, you may want to ask in the addon support forum if someone have encounter it and know how to help.

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