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[1.4.3]ALCOR,"Advanced Landing Capsule for Orbital Rendezvous" by ASET (08/02/2017)


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May sounds silly and/or already answered : why the ButtonBlockers on MJ right buttons ? Will they be removed on the next release ?

As I said previously, these autopilot function will be available when the upcoming version of RPM is released.

- - - Updated - - -

Coming along great! Only question, with so much awesomeness packed into that IVA, how much of a memory footprint does it have?

If one is to believe Task Manager, having ALCOR_LanderCapsule in your GameData increases the amount of memory consumed by ksp.exe by about 60 Mb. This is only ~2Mb higher than the stock MK2-1 pod and stock Props.

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Yes, a 2.5m capsule is in the plans. I don’t expect this to take as long as ALCOR, though, because over 90% of all the time spent on ALCOR was spent on making props. By now, I have modeled, textured, animated and configured something like 313 different props of about 60 different types, not counting testing and unpublished props. As RPM plugin gets developed, I plan to add more handy instruments. I expect this kit will suffice for a lot of different projects.

That's great news that you are planning other capsules with the instruments you've developed for the ALCOR.

Edited by WhatsThisButtonDo
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Awesome capsule, Can tell you chaps have put a LOT of work into making this and Goes great with chatterer to enhance immersion :cool:

Did run into some Wacky Ground Collision issues while testing it.

Rolling it around on it's roof a little and it soon seems to loose the ground collision for its upper half.



Not an Issue though, unless you plan on playing bowls with it.....

Though it does show up in normal usage if you tip the lander on landing, and it does it.... Because switching away, then back again when it is sunk in causes it to pop up out of the ground into the air, fall back down then usually explode on impact.

The Really wacky stuff happens when one Alt-Tabs out then back in again.....

After Tabbing back in the Screens have gone like this....


And even more interesting Behavior depending on how close one zooms in to look at each screen, For example up to this level of zoom the screen stays like this:


Zoom in a one mousewheel notch more and it becomes this:


And even more bizarre another notch more zoom and the space suit styles section of the Kerlington catalogue comes onscreen, grayed out and devoid of color:


Pressing any of the buttons to choose a different screen does return that particular display back to normality.

It's too late at night at the moment for any more testing but I'll get onto further experimentation tomorrow.

Starting with a Fresh install of stock KSP and Alcor and Dependant mods only and see if I can re-Create this Issue, and if not Present add each mod I currently have until the issue pops up again and I'll have found the culprit X-)

Edited by GorillaZilla
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The Really wacky stuff happens when one Alt-Tabs out then back in again.....

Display corruption during alt-tabbing is impractical to fix, if this is possible at all. But you'll be pleased to know that if you run KSP in fixed window mode ('KSP.exe -popupwindow') you will never have it.

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Awesome capsule, Can tell you chaps have put a LOT of work into making this and Goes great with chatterer to enhance immersion :cool:

Did run into some Wacky Ground Collision issues while testing it.

Yes, I also got the same. if the capsule hits the ground by the top part.


I'll look what could be done

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I Wouldn't worry about the displays going wonky after alt-Tabbing after thinking about it, It only shows up if you tab out. And clicking any button fixes each display. Time better spent working elsewhere :-)

One does wonder how it managed to grab one if the texture layers for the Space suits though to use as a display image though X-P

Is there something somewhere in the files I can edit so only this type of screen shows on pressing Reset/Help/Standby?


And doesn't show this screen:


As I always find myself having to hit the button twice to get back to the help/main menu screen, Makes navigating about a little fiddly when trying to switch between the different screens when I don't remember what the buttons do from memory (Maybe never fully, my memory is Chronic :confused:)

Just point me in the right direction if it's possible and I'll figure it out myself with experimentation :blush:

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Just point me in the right direction if it's possible and I'll figure it out myself with experimentation :blush:

In ALCOR_LanderCapsule/Props/ALCORMFD40x20/ALCORMFD40x20.cfg file find and delete this (red) text:

// --------------------Page STBY 'Home/Standby' ----------------------------------------

name = pALCORhome40x20
button = button_STBY
text = ASET/ALCOR_LanderCapsule/Props/ALCORMFD40x20/ALCORhome40x20.txt
textureURL = ASET/ALCOR_LanderCapsule/Props/ALCORMFD40x20/ScreenSaver
} [/COLOR]

name = pALCORSTBY40x20
button = button_STBY
text = ASET/ALCOR_LanderCapsule/Props/ALCORMFD40x20/ALCORSTBY40x20.txt
default = yes

Save file and reload database :)

Edited by alexustas
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Shielded Docking port is causing me a headache..

The switch for docking port wind shields doesn't toggle the shields on the port.

Am I doing something wrong?

I made sure all my plugins were up to date before whinging and whining like the ungrateful toerag that I probably am.

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Did you assign it to an action group?

I assigned it to toggle on key 6 but the dedicated "windshield" switch in the cabin doesn't seem to do anything when activated. Does it work on a particular action group?

Also pardon my obvious ignorance and lamer/newbie charachteristics but there appears to be several switches covered like "Landing Sequence" and "Docking Sequence" are these switches actually useable?

Can I pick a target for a landing site for MJ and have the lander automatically land there without my having to use the MJ menu?

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Just so I'm clear on this..

You made the stock shielded docking port open the shield on AG 6, but the custom action group switch in the cockpit doesn't work, right? Does it not open when you press 6 normally?

The dedicated windshield switch in the cockpit (top left):


does nothing as far as I can tell - same with the capsule environment meters - just something pretty to look at and press.

For clarity, when you assign them to an action group, you need to press the C1-10 buttons (I think they're A01-10 now, actually)here. The text can be changed in the VAB like so:



EDIT: The covered switches are, for now, unable to be used. For now, you can pick a target without using MJ from the cockpit 'Target Selector' screen (I think), but as the switches are unusable, you'll have to open MJ menu and hit Land At Target yourself. As for the Ascent Sequence, I don't see it can work without entering the AP value and everything.. besides, if you're in IVA anyway, might as well fly it yourself and launch from IVA manually. It's a tremendous amount of fun.

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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You have explained everything I needed to know.

It's all fabulous.

I nearly always do fly and land in contol of the ship but very occasionally I like to let MJ do all the work.

I have a pretty good imagination.

As a child a nut and bolt made an adequate space ship and I could be entertained for hours with simple everyday objects exploring the universe.

While MJ is the pilot I watch through the window (and now several monitors) and I get to really watch all the high def renderings and beutiful sunrises/sets.

Then my imagination goes into overdrive.

It's real.

Playtime begins.

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Shielded Docking port is causing me a headache..


It seems there was a funny misunderstanding. :)

Label on the tumbler "DOCK.WIN.SHIELD" means "Docking Window Shield" and this switcher controls protective shutters on the window near dock port rather than doors on "Shielded Docking Port" part.


I've renamed this switcher by "SHUTTERS" a few days ago


At the moment, with help of dedicated switchers can be controlled only elements of the capsule itself (for example, built-in lights ) . To control other parts (for example , solar panels , antennas , etc.) you gotta use the Action Group.

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