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[1.4.3]ALCOR,"Advanced Landing Capsule for Orbital Rendezvous" by ASET (08/02/2017)


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Alexustas, first of all excelent job! I've been thinking how... bad... are the lander capsules, and wondering if there were any custom one... and then I see your thread :D

While I'm at it, may I ask if you are going to work on the discrepancy between the external windows and the internal ones? Judging by your above shots you didn't changed their layouts yet in IVA. This is what I'm talking about:


As you can see, I put a micro engine attached radially to the capsule, and judging from outside, it shouldn't block the view from inside, but it does.

Also the instruments could be moved to the empty painel above the square window, and reduce the fuselage between the windows from the inside.

Again, those are just suggestions, not nitpicking as I know how laborious is 3D modelling.

Btw, Ive made a single-stage lander using monoprop as fuel, that looks good even as an habitat module perhaps... In the interim I was using sumghai's Cupola as a makeshift lander :D


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Alexustas, first of all excelent job! I've been thinking how... bad... are the lander capsules, and wondering if there were any custom one... and then I see your thread :D

While I'm at it, may I ask if you are going to work on the discrepancy between the external windows and the internal ones? Judging by your above shots you didn't changed their layouts yet in IVA.

I'm trying to reach a compromise between the believability and convenience.

due to limitations of KSP, you can't to move camera in IVA's first person view, only pan/tilt and zoom. if i put internal window exactly the same place as the extarnal window, this don't provide enough vertiacaly line of sight to effective operate form the "bridge" during landing. it is some cheat, but i have no other ideas about it. ((

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Another vote for compromise! I know that in the stock pods and some of the mod ones, you can double-click a window to get a full view through it. But, using the stock 3-man capsule as an example, once you do that you lose view of any instrumentation. Alex's compromise solution offers the best of both worlds: a useful view and access to necessary instrumentation.

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my pod has exactly same features ))

Goes to show just how thorough my testing has been! :D

I was too busy looking out the window and watching the MFD readouts to even think of clicking the window.

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Goes to show just how thorough my testing has been! :D

I was too busy looking out the window and watching the MFD readouts to even think of clicking the window.


"Buttons are not Toys!" =P

Not sure how it happened, but somehow I have glossed over this thread till now....and damn my luck for it!

This is, hands down, the best pod style cockpit you can get for KSP. Only advice I could possibly give...keep goin buddy, your work is amazing.

Any future plans to other parts in same style? Trunk sections, maybe legs, lander parts to fill multiple roles??

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what do you choose? :)

Hah! I choose to abstain from choosing :cool:

Seriously, I will be happy with whatever choice that you, as the creator, makes. I'm satisfied to see that you are aware of it and made a conscious decision. And thanks for explaining in a graphic way, I'm a 99% visual kind of guy.

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I plan to use KineTechAnimation plugin for animated indicators in Cabin, but i even can't to understand is it worked? i try to add in config needed module but nothing happens ((.

Is somebody can help me with these?

also a have interested with B9 propmonitor, based on FireSpitter plagin, need more info about this thing.

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currently I'm more inclined to 3 seats

Three is good, then there is room left for return samples. Although I can see a Kerbal with a shoebox full of Mun rocks in his lap quite easily. :D

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currently I'm more inclined to 3 seats
Cool - personally I'd like to see it with three or more seats, two is a little limiting.
Three is good, then there is room left for return samples. Although I can see a Kerbal with a shoebox full of Mun rocks in his lap quite easily. :D

I'm happy with three seats, too.

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Oh cool! Are you going to place it where the non-functional screen is at now?

Not sure yet, right now alexustas is still not settled on what kind of data do we need to show (but the plan is to make MechJeb/Engineer windows mostly redundant in IVA) and this code isn't ready for public consumption just yet anyway. There will probably be a lot of screens.:)

Initially I started with feeding data to a Firespitter monitor, but this is a completely different principle -- Firespitter monitors create individual "letter" objects (hundreds of them) and shift a texture across them to show letters. While this works, it makes creating a new custom monitor for it pretty complicated, I got my own data feed to a Firespitter monitor to work but then had the idea to redo it all from scratch. In this monitor, I'm actually copy-pasting letters onto a single texture, hence "Raster" (because it really is). I'm not completely certain yet if it's better or worse performance-wise in general than the Firespitter approach, but the advantage is that it makes it easy to create monitors of arbitrary size, resolution, and even shape -- want a bulging tube, you can have one. Instead of a fixed menu, they're reading a configurable string where various flight state variables can be inserted according to C# format strings.

So far, it seems I got it to work. :)

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Honestly, It should be most of what KE/MJ show in the Orbit/Surface windows and possibly fuel, EC, and mono prop remaining. these screens should be in close proximity to a navball and preferabally the landing window

that's exactly what I want to do ))

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