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[1.4.3]ALCOR,"Advanced Landing Capsule for Orbital Rendezvous" by ASET (08/02/2017)


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I just discovered this capsule, and it is *amazing*! :D

I could figure out some of the buttons, but not all. Is there a description somewhere of what they all do? I read the original post, but not the 113 pages of the thread... I found something at https://sites.google.com/site/alcormanual/ but unfortunately it's woefully incomplete.

So, what do all the buttons do? And what do all the lights indicate?

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All the buttons and lights... any particular ones, or shall I list the function of every single button and light visible in the capsule? Bear in mind that'll be quite a large list...

Well I was hoping someone would point me to already-existing documentation. But since you're offering so kindly, here are the parts I'm most curious about:

What do the "Heat", "ASC" and "DES" lights mean?

What does the "RESERVES" lock/unlock button do?

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Heat: I believe this is the same as the engine overheat bar in normal view. Will light up if an engine is overheating.

ASC/DES: ASC will light up if you are gaining altitude, DES will light up if you are losing it.

RESERVES lock button: Does the same thing as clicking the little arrow on a fuel tanks right click menu. In this case it globally blocks access to all resources on the ship (or possibly just fuel, I'm not sure).

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Thanks, ObsessedWithKSP

"HEAT" light up if the temperature of the pod itself is over 85% of it's maximum temperature

"RESERVES" - Turns on all resources that were disabled by the player (for instance, by right-clicking on a monopropellant tank, and clicking on the small icon next to the tank's capacity to prevent it from being used). The button is 'on' when there is at least one resource whose flow was disabled.

from 0:25


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Btw alex I asked earlier how you trigger animations in IVA using a kerbal in IVA, any tips? I want to make a toggle-able HUD prop, can't find any documentation on how do do IVA buttons.

Ok, let’s try explaining.

You need to use the “perPodPersistenceName†parameter. It allows you to connect the state of one prop with other props by making them use the same storage variable for their state. (The main RasterPropMonitorComputer module on the pod model takes care of keeping these variables around and making them persist.) If you don’t give this parameter, every button has a uniquely generated parameter name that keeps it’s state, but if you do, multiple animated elements can share state.


Let’s take, for example, the mechanism of turning on cockpit panel lights. Everything is turned on with the “CockpitBackLightSwitch†prop, which has a config like this:

name = CockpitBackLightSwitch

name = JSIActionGroupSwitch
animationName = SwitchLightAnim
switchTransform = SwitchPUSHcollider
actionName = dummy
[B][COLOR="#B22222"]perPodPersistenceName = BackLight[/COLOR][/B]
needsElectricCharge = true
switchSoundVolume = 0.6
reverse = true
switchSound = ASET/ASET_Props/Sounds/buttonbeep
. . .

Pressing this button starts the animation of the button press itself (“SwitchLightAnimâ€Â) and changes the state of the “BackLight†variable, without doing anything else. In the graph above, it’s “MASTERâ€Â.


Now let’s take a look at the configuration of the “PanelDivider†prop, marked as “Slave†in the same graph:

name = PanelDivider

name = JSIActionGroupSwitch
animationName = PanelDivider01TurnON
[B][COLOR="#B22222"]perPodPersistenceName = BackLight[/COLOR][/B]
actionName = dummy
switchSound = ASET/ASET_Props/Sounds/beep-21
switchSoundVolume = 0.001


In this configuration, “animationName = PanelDivider01TurnON†is the animation of the actual color change, and notice also the “perPodPersistenceName = BackLight†parameter. This is what connects the fact of pressing the “CockpitBackLightSwitch†button with the animation of color change of cockpit panels.

ALCOR has 74 parts like this, and they all turn on when you press a single button. The lighting of joysticks and other inner lights are done in the same manner.

Opening window shutters on the top porthole is done using the same mechanism, but the animation module configuration is given in internal.cfg rather than prop.cfg, because the shutters themselves are not props -- they’re elements of the internal model itself.

Making interior buttons affect the exterior model (opening/closing shutters, turn on lights adding emissive texture).

Animation of the exterior model elements is done using the same mechanism as well. This is the button configuration that turns on airlock lights:

name = AirLockLightSwitch

name = JSIActionGroupSwitch
animationName = SwitchLightAnim
switchTransform = SwitchPUSHcollider
actionName = dummy
[B][COLOR="#0000CD"]perPodPersistenceName = AirLockLights[/COLOR][/B]
needsElectricCharge = true
switchSound = ASET/ASET_Props/Sounds/buttonbeep

name = JSIActionGroupSwitch
animationName = AirLockLightsAnim
actionName = dummy
[B][COLOR="#008000"]animateExterior = true[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR="#0000CD"]perPodPersistenceName = AirLockLights[/COLOR][/B]
. . .

The first module starts the animation of the button itself and changes the state of “AirLockLights†variable. The second module reacts to the change in the variable and runs “AirLockLightsAnim†on the exterior pod model. JSIActionGroupSwitch module knows that it’s on the exterior pod model because “animateExterior = trueâ€Â.

More info HERE

Edited by alexustas
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What about the "shutters" button?

The shutters switch will open the docking window shield, which is the small window above the pilot seat. The shield will also open on the outside.

You can get a better view through it by double-clicking right below the window in IVA.

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Thank you very much! Oh, I also wanted to ask: the "envir control" section - they're just for show, right? I don't think the game actually models kerbal health. What about the "shutters" button?

KSP does not provides us data about temperature, humidity and pressure inside the Pod. Almost all on the panel "environment" - are fake. indication of occupied seats and heating the capsule body are only useful .

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btw absolutely great work on the pod. I love it!

I'm not sure if this question's been asked already, but I noticed the button panels for communications and life support-related functions. will there be integrated functionality for TAC life support and/or RemoteTech? I would be really looking forward to that.

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I've knocked together a very quick and dirty Module Manager patch to add Connected Living Spaces (CLS) capability to ALCOR:

name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
passable = true
impassablenodes = bottom // Since there isn't a hatch on the deck of the ALCOR internal

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What is the built in docking camera cockpit display that always says no signal for me?

How do I make it work? Do I have to attach a specific camera or specific docking port somewhere on the capsule?

There is a switch in the cockpit to the right of the main pilot panel that opens and closes something called shutters.

What are those shutters and where are they on the capsule?

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What is the built in docking camera cockpit display that always says no signal for me?

How do I make it work? Do I have to attach a specific camera or specific docking port somewhere on the capsule?

You need to select a docking port as reference part from the target management screen.

There is a switch in the cockpit to the right of the main pilot panel that opens and closes something called shutters.

What are those shutters and where are they on the capsule?

Those are the docking shutters located at the top of the capsule. When the shutters are retracted, you can click on the window at the top for another view of docking

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