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Target or Orbit Prograde?

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Hey, I just trying to get to the Mun when I had a question: When you've completed your orbit around Kerbin and you're trying to make your apoapsis intersect the mun's orbit, do you aim at your target or orbit prograde?

pl0x & tanks,


Edited by lokee
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Maneuver nodes help! After making your orbit circular (Eccentricity <2%) if you put a node (By left clicking) on your orbit you can then simulate acceleration out to your target point. Once your simulation is in the SOI (Sphere of Influence) Of the Mun you will get a Mun encounter (And probably Mun Escape) icon. Once you have set your node line up your Navball with the blue node indicator and fast forward time until you get close (You want to give yourself some lead time for your burn) after that Burn until your actual orbit matches your planned orbit, sit back, and enjoy the trip to the Mun.

Once you are within the SOI of the mun Be sure to point retrograde and burn to slow down otherwise you will just be headed back to Kerbin.

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