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Most Muna Science [Stock] [Spoiler]


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Ok easy challenge but with some strange rules.

The goal is to get the most Science you can in one launch.

This is marked as Spoiler because you may as well have read ScienceDefs.cfg


// This file contains spoilers. If you don't want to have your surprises ruined, you should stop reading now.











// Seriously, it's a lot more fun to find this stuff out in the game.

// Last chance to turn back.











Ok were probable not that bad but youv got the point.

So the Rules

1) Only one launch

2) Stay inside kerbals gravity so only visiting Mun and or Minimus.

3) Stock only (no auto pilots that can land anything anywhere using almost no fuel).

4) Start using this save file that is hacked to give you 2K science points but no time has passed or experiments have been preformed.

5) Please post your start + end (after the recovery) tech tree image ,some sexy landing shots, some recovery images would help and craft save file.

6) Craft should have at least 25 parts. Craft with less shall be judged as having 25 parts for there science per part score.

Id love to see all the names of the mun locations on some map shots please.

Scoring 1

For every tech you unlock you loose 5% of your science so you can only unlock 19 techs max as 20 would loose you 100%

Scoring 2

Same As above but on a per part bases. So you might do better unlocking some more tech in order to reduce your parts count.

Scoring 3

Your final Science score (not adjusted). So you may do better keeping your 2K points and just going for a walk around the KSC !

As we should all know by now there are lots of bio locations on Kerbal and the Mun and fresh science can be done at each of these locations.

So im guessing that in probably 1 mission done well visiting only the Mun we could get enough points to unlock the full tech tree.

Adding the 5% tech penalty just makes things more interesting but I have no clue if it will balance very well yet.

At 120 points per fresh virgin surface sample, doing short hops or multiple landings could earn you some serious points.

Im sure there are lots of other little tricks and tips that will show them selves but thats all part of this threads fun :).

Score Board 1

1) 638 - MPink - My 1st Mun Ship

2) 291.5 - MPink - Mun Mulitlander




Score Board 2

1) 6.38 - MPink - My 1st Mun Ship

2) 2.389344262295082 - MPink - Mun Mulitlander




Score Board 3

1) 2553 - MPink - My 1st Mun Ship

2) 1970 (-30) - MPink - Mun Mulitlander




My Mission

I went for docking clamps and some larger fuel tanks. Not sure it was a good idea yet but its done better than all my other trials so far.

If memory serves i used most of my refueling stage just getting there but did have enough for 1 full resupply.

As per usual somethings went wrong.

I forgot to take a 2nd pilot so docking was a lot harder than i thought it would be LOL and i didnt put an areal on the ship.

Still it was better than having the ship turn into debris and vanish from the map like it did on my 1st try.

My Multi Pilot Pod approach worked but had some problems (the balance of a side parachute uses a lot of energy from SAS).

If i had have taken 2 pilots we would have got 2 samples from the last crater.

I think i had enough fuel for 4 landings but im glad i didnt risk it as my reentry procedure was very ugly and used loads of fuel.

Sorry no save file but im sure it will be knocked off the boards very quick.

Techs 9 (-45% / 0.55)

Science 530 (291.5)

Parts 122 (2.389344262295082)

Final Science 1970

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I think i need to add a new rule.

Something like 25 parts minimum else Science Per Part would best be done on the launch pad with just a pod.

I had another go as i broke my own rule and didnt post a ship file.

Humm yeah it is a bit like playing with yourself but hey i always win that way.

My 1st Mun Ship Based on a popular childrens toy.

Techs 4 (-20% 0.8)

Points 638 (510.4)

Parts 80 (6.38)

End Science 2553

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Kept it simple and only used 4 techs this time. Could probably get the number of parts down a lot with just 1 more tech and almost certainly could have landed a 3rd time.

Had a very strange moment when i was collecting EVA reports. There is a map image of me just east of the east crater before i landed for the 1st time and this is where i got a polar EVA report :~. Not that im complaining just saying.

My bad moment of the mission happened on the 2nd landing. It seams i broke two of the legs. I had to quick load at least once as it wanted to fall over a lot. bad thing was i saved it the moment i landed. I still dont know how those legs stayed on though as i couldn't right click them.

Reentry went ok but with the slight miss fortune of landing hatch side down so i didnt risk collecting an ocean EVA and sample.

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