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[SOLVED]EVA animations

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like the title said ive been working on this now for a long time.

i managed to recreate the skeletonrig, managed to add a custom animation to it.

my problem is whatevver value i use in my custom animation the rig always locks up in 1 frame.

and that frame has wrong values aswell.

my custom animation is created on runtime.

my animationcurve paths are correct i tested it with other paths and nothing happens.

here's a example of a animationcurve i use:

curvepath = EVAShoulderPath;
idleCustomClip = new AnimationClip();
AnimationCurve curve = new AnimationCurve();
curve.AddKey(0f, 0);
curve.AddKey(1f, -0.1231034f);
curve.AddKey(2f, 0);
idleCustomClip.SetCurve(curvepath , typeof(Transform), "m_LocalRotation.x", curve);

screenshot of the problem:

origional animpose:


custom animpose:


noticed the change in arm rotation ?

as you can see in the image the custom animationcurve makes the arm rotate into the body.

my problem is this, that whatevver value i use in my custom animation curve the arm always ends up like that.

does anybody have any experience with this or unity to tell me why this happens ?

any help is appreciated.

Edited by DSSP
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