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[Question for devs] Licence on a mod/addon with modified stock parts


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Hi Squad Devs or others who might be able to awnser me, so i'll make a short and long version

Long version:

When making different airplanes, both stock and especially with the fabulous B9 pack, I run into the problem with the landing gear beeing to small, thu resulting in lots of <strike>fun</strike> crashes on both takeoffs and landings. And I have not managed to find some 'proper' addons with bigger and functional landingear. There are some in the firespitter pack, but they dont seem to work too well with heavy planes.

However, it is quite easy to duplicate the stock landing gear, and then resizeing it. For my own personal use I've made a few bigger ones, with 25% increment in size

I would like to release theese landing gear, but I'm not sure if im allowed to do so, without breaking any kind of EULA or copyright.

Short version:

Can I, and if so; with what licence, release a .zip with theese added/modified landing gears.

Cheers, DJ Nekkid

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It is fair to ask the devs, and they do have a direct email for such inquiries. But as long as you are giving the mod out for free and not falsely claiming all of it as your work, giving fair credit to Squad as it is due, you can give the mod out for free to your heart's desire.

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