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IVA FOV and distance from window

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The problem: The IVA windows give a small field of view, even the largest ones (cupola, landercans) are barely useful.

Consequences of this problem: IVA is not very user-friendly and is not encouraging to use. Despite IVA being an immersive gameplay experience, not many people use it simply because you can't see a damn.

Solution: The camera needs to move closer to the window. Think of it as the kerbal leaning forward.

Zooming in is essentially reducing FOV and will not give you a larger angle of view.


Of course we still want to be able to get the full overview of the cockpit like we are used to.

The lean-forward action could be streamlined into the zoom function, where zooming into the window first causes you to move forward before changing FOV. Some other options would be binding "lean-forward" to a key or performing it by clicking on the window, developer may decide what the best way of implementing this is.

The landercans and cupola windows could even give up to or beyond 180 degrees view if the camera was able to move up far enough. This could allow for some absolutely stunning panorama views.

Edited by Psycix
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I suppose this would fall under more IVA control. It'd be cool to be able to move Kerbals around the cockpit rather than just leaning forward, and perhaps look out a window at another angle. If we could move Kerbals and not just their view angles, we could improve on the visibility of IVA's, not only giving a wider FOV but also different angles out the window.

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