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Everyone starting a let's play or anything KSP related video, probably has problems getting those views and subscribers.

of course your video's will need to have entertainment value, but even when your video's are great, its still very hard to get a succesful channel going.

Posting your video's in a forum like this is a start, but unfortunally people tend to watch video's other people watch as well.

Sort of the "No one will go eat in an empty restaurant, all though the food and service is amazing"

Youtube video's and channels are no different.

Having no views/likes/subscribers will turn people off.

They could possibly miss out on great content.

Even if your KSP video's can not match up with the great ones already out there, viewers comment can help you improve your video's.

And let's be honoust, making video's knowing that 10 people will watch it for sure and enjoy it, makes it worth it.

Basically this is a callout to everyone using this forum.

Support the KSP youtubers and not only the big boys like Scott and Harv.

Below the links to our youtube channels.

JayCheetah's Channel Massive Duna Colonization Mission, Kethane, KAS, Remotetech and more mods

SolarLinerGames Channel For english speaking KSP fan, but also French.

CrazyPilotEarl's Channel Be forewarned: There is old man cackling.

Locutusborg13's Channel German spoken video's.

jonskowitz's Channel Healthy collection of KSP video's

DonLorenzo's Channel 'A Mission a Day' series using the Mission Controller plugin. Lessons in Space also available.

Channel iKerbals Reddit challenges and landings on every celestial body thats out there.

Kirkus Maximus Channel Achieving and informative missions

7499275's Channel Kethane Missions

Chris Nicholson's Channel Career Mode Guides


Zoxgaming Channel Literal Space Plane Project a.k.a Kerbal Fail Program

Korbital Mechanic's Channel Tutorials and the science behind Kerbal Space Program

Shimmythejj's Channel The Sandbox Space Campaign (Sandbox play with a strict budget!)

SirineYumi's Channel Not much too show yet

Mazlem's Channel Mun base and Kethane Mining

Darlock Ahe's Channel Not advanced.... Yet!

Nine2Five Studio's Channel Comedy by poor ship design

Promincraftia's Channel Military Kethane style

LearningByGaming's Channel Tutorials, airplanes and spaceplanes

GWCgaming's Channel X-Plane crash, one hit wonder :-)

Larsmaehlum's Channel Hardmode KSP, with tons of mods

Cruzanak's Channel KSP Quick Guides

Rockettechgamers Channel Talented demolisher

Please add your own youtube channel link, so i can add them to this post.

Thank you for reading and hope to see you on our channels soon.

Edited by JayCheetah
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My channel is noobish and I ignore it most times, but I have a few videos there. Be forewarned: There is old man cackling.

Heh, I usually go as small and as light as possible. But it's good to see how the other half is living so I'd watch you. :D

Anyway, I'll bite. I'm still busy sprucing the joint up, but there's a healthy collection of KSP and a smattering of FTL videos on my channel if anyone's interested. It took me a while before I really 'got' editing so please forgive the early attempts, everything after "Apollo-Style" should be almost watchable though :P



"Circumnavigation Challenge"


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I haven't watched youtube that much. I'm just starting on getting into it... So I've got like 5 people in my subscription list.

I can tell you that I'm not really interested in simple "lets plays" I'd rather be playing the game than watching someone else play. But if you give your channel a theme like telling a story with KSP... or doing tutorials... or making funny videos of bugs or just crazy off the wall things then It's more likely to attract me to your channel. I suspect this is true for a lot of people.

So as little as my advice is worth... there it is.

I fully support youtubers posting their links here. Please also give a little description of what your theme is.

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But if you give your channel a theme like telling a story with KSP... or doing tutorials... or making funny videos of bugs or just crazy off the wall things then It's more likely to attract me to your channel. I suspect this is true for a lot of people.

Tutorials, crazy stuff is ofcourse great content, but it's been done before.. by the best.

Tutorials: Scott Manley

Funny Stuff: HOCgaming ( allthough he does some "serious" content as well )

Crazy stuff: Danny2462

But i know what you mean.

I tend not to watch video's with players simply doing the same thing over and over and are unable to amaze me with either game knowledge or really good rocket builds.

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I fully support youtubers posting their links here. Please also give a little description of what your theme is.

I mostly do challenge videos; either forum challenges or personal challenges where I'm limited in some way (such as building a manned interplanetary mission using a launch vehicle limited to 12 tons LKO :P) though I'm getting into some more RP stuff lately.

Edited by WafflesToo
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well... my channel is linked in my sig... i do missions that i think are worthwhile showing because they're an achievement to me personally, my videos are long and painful to some because i make it a point to include the details of what it is i'm doing... in the hopes that someone will find some of it informative... see you there!

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This is my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/onderzeesteen

I'm currently doing the 'A Mission a Day' series in which I've combined the R&D tree with a 3rd party Economy & Missions plugin (Mission Controller). As the name says, going at the rate of one mission per day.

I've previously done a 'Lessons of space' thing where I try and explain rocketry principles using KSP more as a demonstration tool rather than a game. There's a few episodes up already but it's currently on hold; I'll pick it up eventually.

Interspersed between the gaming are some diving and spearfishing videos :)

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Ich spechen deutsch nicht :(.

And Scott Manley is speaking way too fast for me :P (Hell..he is the white Eddie Murphy :D)

Btw..HOCgaming did confuse me before a lot. I always thought he is Harvester coz in the description it says "I'm Harv.." :D

Edited by Duke-49th
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My channel's name is actually 'DonLorenzo' instead of 'onderzeesteen' despite the link, that's an ancient artefact :P

What I thought we all could do is refer to this thread in (some of) our videos. I know I'm going to at any rate, I've seen quite a few good videos from this topic.

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My channel's name is actually 'DonLorenzo' instead of 'onderzeesteen' despite the link, that's an ancient artefact :P

What I thought we all could do is refer to this thread in (some of) our videos. I know I'm going to at any rate, I've seen quite a few good videos from this topic.

Changed it to DonLorenzo.

In my next episode of the Kerbol Exploration Society i am going to mention my favorites.

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