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Colonization: Chapter one- Farside Crater (AAR) [pic heavy]


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Just for reference, the 'bounce' did happen on my playthrough. I didn't catch the exact speed I hit at, but it was way higher than usual. Those new shock absorbing legs work as advertised... just broke them. They failed to retract after that.

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OK, I've finally gone for the '3 Science points used per day' rule starting after the Munar One returns. This means KSC's current project Advanced rocketry will be done 15 days after Jeb's return. Most likely there won't be much in the way of AAR after the Farside Mission before another tech beyond Advanced rocketry, but I'll probably do short updates on how their progressing between missions. Even if it's just Dunkel shouting at people 'No, don't push that butto... too late.' and the occasional mission report from a probe.

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"Primary LINS?" Gene's voice came in clearly via the relay satellite.

"Green." Jeb's response came back, tired but steady.

"KS-1 Inertials?"


"Sensor pod 3 databus?"

"Reading 98% throughput... *Thump* 99% throughput. Error correction reads good."

A groan came from someone from KSC. Can a groan have a German accent?

"Please refrain from hitting the console Jeb." Gene said calmly.

"I didn't hit it, I kicked it."

Faintly in the background Bill's unmistakable voice came through.

"Hah! See, he CAN get his boots up that high."

"Well, also try not to kick the expensive, life sustaining hardware while you're inches from vacuum... if you don't mind Jeb?"

"Alright, but only 'cos you asked nicely Gene." he quipped before finishing off the systems check.

Gene did start talking about contamination protocols, but Jeb just firmly ignored him as he undid the hatch.

"*Sigh* Jeb, if you would please wait we can do this properly?" Gene attempted, but Bob interrupted him.

"It's no use trying to stop Jeb when he's like this Gene." Jeb smiled imagining his friend's serious expression. "If he wants to head out unprepared and kill himself there's nothing we can do to stop him." Jeb's smile faded.

"Judus!" Jeb muttered under his breath as he swung the hatch clear of the ship.

"What was that Munar One?" Gene said.

"Nothing, I'm leaving the capsule Flight. Tell Wernher that next time he's going to put steps in this thing! I mean, how hard could it be?"

"You vould be zurprized Jeb." Wernher chimed in "Attempting to get zem integrated zo they do not interfere and zo the mechanisms vork in vacuum. It is very tricky."

"Mm Hmmm, what ever you say Mack." Jeb said as he stepped out onto the external framework.

This was ridiculous. Heck, a few welded loops as foot 'steps' would work! He'd have to have a word with Dunkel when he got back.

Climbing down was tricky, and he wedged his way down between two Goo tanks, then hopped down off one of the legs, which vibrated alarmingly. While his foot was still touching it he could even hear the creak conducted through his boot.

Glancing up he could still see light glinting on the solar panels. Good thing too! He'd purposely left the torque wheels on stabilizing this. After that landing he didn't trust the legs to hold him true.

With a light step Jeb's boots hit dust, light clouds billowing around the soles.

"Not so small a step huh?" he said idly hopping from one foot to the other and watching the dust curl in the low gravity.

"Very auspicious first words Jeb." Bob's voice came over the line. "I thought you were going to say something about 'for all Kerbalkind' or something?"

"Nah! Forgot that thing five minutes after I wrote it... though I think that notepad is still somewhere in the capsule?" Jeb shrugged and headed around to the external framework of 'Junior'

"So, how are we doing? You been a good little boy?"

Patting the casing he read off the telltale lights on the side of the secondary sample housing. Seemed consistent with the readings he had from the controls up in the capsule.

"So far the readings are good Control. Monitor the number three sample will you Lildel? I'm opening it to vacuum and turning on the ground blowers. I wanna see if this thing likes Munar regolith."

"MCS reads you EVA." Gene said, using the standard 'EVA' classification for Jeb now he was off-ship. Gene might not be a stickler for the jargon as Lenley had been back when he was Jeb's test pilot commander, but he did sort of lead by example. When Gene used KSC jargon about ninety percent of the time you tended to too. Almost by osmosis.

Mission Control Science (MCS) specialist Lildel was a friend of Jebs from back then. He'd been the avionics tech that had designed a lot of the equipment Jeb had used in those old jet and rocket birds. When Jeb was bumped to KSC (still part time then away from his REAL job at the scrapyard) Lildel had decided to take a course in Biology... then round it off with one in Physics. Guy was smart that was for sure. Bit quiet though, barely said anything most of the time. Now he was quiet in Mission Control and Jeb sure felt safer because of it.

"The crater doesn't look as dark as it did from way above. A few darker shadows around one wall, that's it."

"Interesting!" Wernher chipped in. "Perhaps ze colorization iz more the temperature of the impact? Can you take a sample of the crater floor Jeb?"

"Sure Mack." Jeb said, pulling a sample chamber and analysis kit from his back.

Kneeling down carefully in the awkward suit he scraped some of the dust into the tube and was surprised at the number of large stones in the sample, but it all looked smooth and rounded, no sharp edges.

20-Nice Samples.jpg

"Looks like large concentrations of melted byproducts in the sample Wernher." Jeb said, twisting out the magnifier clipped to the sample case. "Looking at the bubbles and striations I'm guessing intense heat and pressure formed these little nodules."

Static hissed across the radio and Jeb looked up towards Kerbin.

"Flight? Something wrong?"

"What did you do with Jeb?" Came Bob's accusatory voice after the pause. "You're an alien body snatcher aren't you! But your fancy word-type thingies showed you up! You need to do your homework better."

"Oh ha ha!" Jeb said dryly. "I do listen at the science talks you know Bob."

"Yeah, only so you can use big words to pick up chicks!" Bill cut in.

"I THINK," Gene said, cutting in loudly on the circuit, "That we are getting off track. Jeb, your data is noted. When Wernher recovers from fainting dead away after hearing your data analysis I'm sure he'll give a concise response."

"Et tu Gene?" Jeb said, managing to hold back from laughing himself. "But seriously, this scene is fantastic. You guys are going to love the snaps I'm taking."

After taking a few more with his trusty Kinematic he carefully stowed it and the sample container in his backpack and flexed his legs. He'd been dying to try this since he got off the lander!

"Keronimo!" He yelled and jumped up in the air. With a lazy arc he soared then came down with a soft spray of dust from his boots. "Hah, easily two meters and I wasn't even trying!"

"I don't think we have time for 'Jump Tests' Jeb." Gene said "If you can check around the outside of the lander and make sure there is no further damage from the touchdown I'd appreciate it."

"OK Flight, I'll do a circuit to check things out, and check the crater out while I'm at it."

Walking normally was right out it seemed. After some tests Jeb fell into an odd skip/jump, making long steps, almost dancing from side to side with each step. It was also almost effortless. Not that being in a space suit was easy, but the walking on the mun part? That was a cinch!


Slowly he bounded around his little lander. The legs were visibly buckled in places, and some weren't touching the crater floor. He was fairly sure the torque was the only thing holding it upright.

Jeb sighed as he realized this mission was going to get cut short.

"I don't think I'll be sticking around here long. I don't want the lander to fall over while I'm exploring around here."

"Telemetry and EECOM agree, EVA." Gene said. "Sorry you won't get your exploration jaunt. Anything immediate we need to know on the lander condition?"

"The legs look bad, but they're holding. Flight, I really don't think I can risk landing back on Kerra firma. I think we'll have to go to the secondary recovery site."

"Roger EVA. The recovery ship will get there before you do. Don't worry Jeb, they'll bring you home OK."

Finishing his visual check of the lander he was glad that all he found were buckled legs. Didn't look like anything else got hit. If he'd hit much harder the engine might have struck ground! That would have cut his mission PERMANENTLY short! Or permanently long if it had just stopped working.

Glancing around the crater he sighed, just feeling the presence of The Mun herself. He was really here! Coming to a halt he stared out across the crater floor to the far rim-wall on the opposite side of the crater. The jagged crater edge, the shadows on the edge itself, the few grey mountains in the distance, it was all an incredible view.

"Flight to EVA, I think you're going to have to get going. We've got an early launch plot set tentatively for ten minutes from now. Take a few more samples, get the materials lab some more interaction with the regolith and then get strapped in again."

"Roger Flight. Just give me a few minutes to say goodbye to the old girl. Seems only fair after I kissed her like that."

Staring across the crater Jeb brought his gloved hand up and reached out, as if to touch someone's hand in front of him.

"See you later hon. Don't worry, I'll be back."

With that Jeb headed back to the lander to do that last little bit of science. At least Junior would be happy.

22-Rim gazing.jpg

23-Preperations to leave.jpg

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In doing this I have made a mix of NASA type speak and some I made up for it trying to pay homage to the various oddities in KSP. Like the way crew on EVA are treated like ships by the game, so when 'Munar One' leaves the ship he's called 'EVA'. Not sure what NASA did about a similar situation. I'm assuming that if more than one Kerbal leaves a ship at any given time they'll be labelled EVA-1, and EVA-2 etc.

Also, with the backstory for Jeb I wanted to try to fit it all together. The game shows that he's owner of 'Jebidiah's Scrapyard and Spaceship Parts Company' but most of the people on here assume Jeb was also a test pilot. Well, why not both? I'm guessing with Jeb in charge of a scrapyard that had aircraft parts (Before it had spaceship parts) he'd have put together a plane himself if he had to. Heck, he'd have probably built a tower just so he could buzz it! I assume that someone saw his crazy stunt flying and DIDN'T have him arrested, but instead offered him a job. The guy must have been nuts!

Oh, and the whole thing about clambering down the lander? Well, they haven't invented ladders or rungs yet (Though looks like Jeb is going to push Dunkel to do the latter) and I also stated they haven't got EVA flight packs yet... so he had to. In reality of course I did use the EVA pack to fly down and back up. Just a little adjustment of the facts to fit the backstory.

Edited by Patupi
Ladder details
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The digression into ladder tech was great - 'Just a few welded loops as foot steps would do' made me grin. :) I liked Jeb the Scientist too!

As an aside, *thank* you for the idea of delayed science points. I've just started a new career game using 5 points per day, plus additional delays for building spacecraft. In previous games, I've always tended to run into this disconnect between missions around Kerbin and its moons and interplanetary missions. That transition from flights taking a few days at most to flights taking several weeks or months never really sat well with me.

I'm hoping that self-imposed delays will fix that by making even basic missions take a while. Also the launch windows for the first few interplanetary flights will likely open up whilst I'm still doing Mun missions, so the whole program will feel that bit more integrated.

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Yeah, time always did seem odd, even before 0.22 and SCIENCE! stuff happened. First time I really thought about that was with Extraplanetary Launchpads. There (just like in the VAB) you can build a ship instantly if you have the resources. When I was considering using it for a challenge I realized how silly that was and I think I asked on the ELP thread if time was ever going to be a feature. I can't remember if I got an answer. Honestly, until they start delaying launches from the VAB it would be odd to delay just that mod.

For this AAR I actually didn't think of doing this. I'm even considering adding in EPL to the Modded Tech Tree, but haven't decided yet. It does change things quite a bit for establishing colonies, which is what this is all about. I think it adds to the colonial atmosphere if everything has to be shipped from home, though perhaps getting EPL and limiting it somehow might work. IE can only build up to X tons and takes time of Y days per ton. it's worth a thought.

I'm glad something in here helped you get more enjoyment out of KSP KSK. I'll be interested to hear how that game progresses. Colonisation (or colonization as the spell checker keeps getting me to change it to!) has moved on. Two KM probes, one around the Mun, one around Minmus, plus the Munar Two has investigated the Polar Crater for a possible future base. Didn't do much science on that one and won't be putting it in the AAR except in references. It was a two man mission with Bob and Jeb (the two airplane capsules stacked on top of each other) but the tech level was the same. I'm assuming Munar One and Munar Two were both designed at the same time, just one took longer to build than the other. (EDIT: plus Munar Two didn't have the low dV on launch forcing me to use the Descent engines... I mean, turbopump problem! Yeah... Blame Malmie.)

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Farewell to the Mun

24-Munar Launch.jpg

With a fairly low rumble the engine ignited and Jeb stabilized a slight roll on launch as his craft lifted lazily up from the surface. A blast of fumes and regolith dust sprayed from the landing site as he lifted skyward.

"At fifty meters Flight. Engine temp looks good. The legs are definitely a write off. Won't retract." Jeb fiddles with some controls as he slowly eased over to the east. "One hundred meters and starting gravity turn."

"Watch the greater crater rim Jeb." Bob muttered into his mike.

"It's OK Bob, I'm leaning over easy. Four Hundred meters."

Slowly the tiny metal shell arced over the rocky swell of the Mun, the brilliant flare from the engine raced it ever up to orbital speed.

"Telemtery reads good on your course Jeb. Apoapsis is good, go for drift."

"Roger Caldin. Cutting drive."

The sudden silence was always odd after getting used to the rockets firing in a ship like this, though it was more pronounced on launch. The main stages really roared, despite the soundproofing between him and the lower stack.

25-Farside crater behind.jpg

Jeb checked the numbers with the flight computer, though he still had an eye for the view of the Mun slowly scrolling past the window. This he wouldn't forget for a long time!

"I'm reading about eleven kilometer apoapsis. Confirm Telemetry?"

"Confirm Munar One. Eleven thousand two hundred ten at present. Time to apoapsis about one minute twenty seconds. Your Kerbin intercept burn is set at nine minutes after that. Transmitting course plots and burn data."

After receiving the package and entering it into his flight computer Jeb grinned and gave a lazy roll to the ship. He watched as the Munar disk filled the view, span past slowly, then stars shone down once more. Stabilizing with the horizon again he lined up for his orbital circularization burn.

He was born for this stuff!

"OK, burn in five... four... three... two... one... ignition."

Again the little engine lit, blazing away behind him. It didn't take long to get into a stable orbit, then a few minutes later the engine lit once more and slowly pushed him out of Munar orbit, slowing him from the Mun's orbital velocity and letting him fall back towards Kerbin.

27-K-Map of Mun started.jpg

"Munar One," Gene said after the ship's drive was silent once more "I read a Kerbin Periapsis of 36.9km, a little high but the aerobrake should leave your Apoapsis still high enough to fine tune the orbit so you hit the secondary recovery site without using much fuel."

"Roger Flight. So... know any knock knock jokes?"

"I think we can do a little better than that to pass the time Jeb."

Jeb smiled as he looked out the starboard window, Kerbin now up ahead as he slid slowly away from the Mun. Turning his mike off he tapped the port window, just below the small mirror outside that showed the Munar disk starting to shrink behind him.

"Don't worry. I told you girl, I'll be back... and I'll bring friends. We're gonna have a party one day, and you're definitely invited!"

26-Heading home.jpg

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Yeah, I know. That last pic wasn't from the drift home it was during the burn to break Munar orbit... but it looked so perfect for what Jeb said at the end that I shifted the order round a bit. Just ignore the engine flare and the maneouver node dV beside the Navball, OK?

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(no, no pics for this... Besides, I don't have any pics of Wernher that would work, let alone a younger one of him.)


"And I'm telling you, she really didn't."

Bob's crackly voice was something to hold on to when there wasn't anything else to do. And yes, somehow he'd run out of things to do despite what Gene had said. It helped that Bob had taken over as second shift Flight when Gene had finally gone to bed. The old man had been up for a twelve hour shift so Jeb could hardly blame him. Actually, knowing Gene Bob probably pushed him to finally call it quits for a while. True, he'd likely only be taking a nap and would be back before Jeb touched down. At least he wouldn't be completely exhausted from this ordeal.

Jeb looked up at the timer. Already it was... only forteen hours since he launched from KSC? Huh, how time flies. And this was considerably shorter than the mission plan had called for, all because he messed up the landing... Well, couldn't keep blaming himself for that, and no permanent harm done. Just a little cost from re-routing a KSC ship to rendezvous... and it had already been waiting in Litpoon port so it was hardly an expensive mistake... probably.

"I was there Bob, she really did. Hey look, there aren't that many girls in the test pilot program. I know, I keep track of these things even after I got out of it!"

"That I can believe!" Bob said chuckling.

"ANYWAY!..." Jeb continued, trying to ignore Bob's segue "... after that she got quite a drumming down. Command hushed it up of course, didn't want to let anyone know they let their pilots get away with that stuff."

"Huh, never let ME get away with it!" Bill said huffily.

"There was that time you nearly landed on the tower Bill. They let you get away with that didn't they?"

"I got latrine duty for a week Jeb! How was I supposed to know the Commander was calling his wife. I didn't break the antenna on purpose... it was just... you know... in the way."

It did feel good to laugh, though it sounded odd, tinny, in this small shell so far away from the world. Still he'd be back soon.

"Yeah, but..." Bill said, starting to sound like he was whispering into the mike, "... there's something else I'd like to hear about. Wernher. Jeb, Bob won't tell me how he got the nickname Mack."

"Come on Bill, we don't have time for this." Bob started.

Jeb just chuckled.

"Seriously Bob? I have TONS of time!"

"Oy! You're really going to... Just don't mention it to Wernher. He's tried to stop that thing from spreading around KSC.... Hang on."

Some odd beeps sounded in Jeb's ear and he fiddled with his helmet till he realized it was the coding signals for the transmission. Bob was coding the signal?

"OK, we're secure."

"Oh come on Bob! You're scrambling the transmission?"

Bob sounded serious when he answered though.

"Huh, you aren't the one who's going to have to answer for this if Wernher finds out!"

"Um, can he tell me now?" Bill said, then from something Jeb couldn't hear he guessed Bob had agreed when Bill got back on the channel again. "OK, so what's the deal Jeb?"

"*Sigh* It really isn't that big of a deal. Wernher's just tired of it I guess. The observatory staff where he worked before ribbed him continually about it apparently. OK, well you know he was at Lenham Observatory before KSC, right?"

"Sure. He was helping them upgrade the systems or something wasn't he?"

"Well, recently yes, but he started there a long time ago, no white hair then, he had quite a head of hair actually. Anyway, him, Lalock and Mackinsy were working on tracking down incoming objects one day, and Mackinsy managed to snag herself a comet."

"Let me guess. Mackinsy's comet?"

"No, Olmoch's comet. What'dya think Bill?" With a sigh he continued "Well, the three of them were, naturally enough, excited and celebrated for a few minutes before Lalock raced around the dark room, grabbed Mackinsy's arm, and hauled her away. He rushed into the main analysis room, and shouted 'Hey, everybody! Mackinsy's found herself a comet. Aint she something? Go on, tell them Mack!'. And he shoved Mackinsy in front of him to talk to the crowd... but it was Wernher, not Mackinsy. Seems they both had long brown hair and Lalock had grabbed the wrong person!"

"Oh no, seriously?" Bill said, chuckling.

"Oh yes. He stood there, stunned as the whole crowd just burst out laughing. He never lived it down. I know at least two scientists that came to work at KSC from there that he's had serious words with to keep that story quiet."

Bob interrupted at that point.

"And you spent one night winkling it out of one of them, didn't you Jeb? Blonde if I remember right?"

"Jilbee, yeah. She was sweet, and had the most enormous..."

"... BRAINS, right Jeb?"

"Yeah. Brains. That was what I remembered about her. That and the Mack story. Hah!"

"I underztood it was more her underclothes you remembered, yah Jeb?"

Jeb gulped as Wernher's voice came calmly on the line.

"Er, probably, yeah. Hi Mack. How you doing?"

"I am fine Jeb. Zo you haff finished all the science testing?"

Jeb closed his eyes, seeing where this was going.

"We've already done a load of material's analysis at High Kerbin orbit Wernher. I don't think..."

"I do. Why don't you get 'Junior' up and running, hmmm Jeb? I'll get a list for you... A big list."

"Told you that was a bad idea Jeb." Bob said firmly, but Wernher interrupted him too.

"Und I think I haff something about signal scrambling somevere that you can look over director Bob. That should keep you busy, Yah? Perhaps for a few months."

Jeb could almost feel Wernher's eyes fall on Bill despite the distance.

"I was just listening, I promise!" Bill said "I won't tell anyone!"

The trip back to Kerbin orbit was a little less lazy than Jeb though it would be.

Edited by Patupi
Identity clarification
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Yeah, I know. That last pic wasn't from the drift home it was during the burn to break Munar orbit... but it looked so perfect for what Jeb said at the end that I shifted the order round a bit. Just ignore the engine flare and the maneouver node dV beside the Navball, OK?

You're not supposed to mention that. Lol! I've looked back through my AAR several times, to keep my players in mind, and noticed a few pics that were not what I intended to use, but worked out ok. :)

you're great! I am enjoying your story.

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Your welcome and... wow *blushes* Gosh, I'm all embarrassed. I go and get all sticky in public... er, that didn't sound right. Well, you know what I mean (I hope!).

Not much left in this chapter, and after this there will likely be a few short interludes before going with the first trip to Duna (which I'm flying at present) which *Gasp* will be without Jeb! Right now the tech is still low so it's a one Kerbal mission and since I haven't finished the mission yet I can't tell you how it ends. I'm starting to flesh out basic characterization for the main group of Kerbanauts I'll use in Colonisation and hence not having Jeb on the next mission. I want to gradually introduce the main characters before the long effort to reach Jool, then begin colonization of the system. That will likely take a lot of exploration and return missions before any base or long term mission is sent. More science I say!

I'd originally planned to separate each chapter in a different thread... and now this is stickied when it's nearly over... Well, if I attempted to cram it all in one thread just to keep sticky status a) It'd be 'not very nice', B) the thread would be thoroughly crammed soon enough and get awkward for people to follow who come at all this cold later, and c) I'd have to change the thread name. :) So likely there'll be a new thread for the next part soon. I'll add the interludes prior to Duna at the end of the Farside Crater AAR, but after that it'll be in a new mission.

See you there!

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Heading Home

"Good morning Munar One."

Jeb started, jerking almost enough to hit his head on the upper fuel display but he caught himself in time.

"Gene, you're back. Get some good shuteye?" Jeb said, stifling a yawn himself. Wernher's science list had kept him busy up until half an hour ago.

"Yes thank you Munar One, and I believe Bob is currently getting some as well... before his long work assignment from Wernher."

With a wince Jeb shook his head. They should have thought Wernher could hack the comms circuit. He designed the thing! Scrambler or no.

"Telemetry reads still good on trajectory Munar One." Gene continued "Plot has confirmation of your aerobrake. No further burns planned until you clear the atmosphere. Then we'll have you shift orbit to aim down to Litpoon Bay. You'll be back, safe and sound at KSC tomorrow morning. Pilsher has 'aquired' a civilian helicopter to ferry you back to the mainland, and from there we'll send a plane to pick you up."

Jeb just let Gene's words roll over him as he imagined being back home again. For a moment a hint of disappointment stirred, the images burned into his brain of his Munar trip flowing back to him, reminding him of what he'd done. Well, he'd do it again! He didn't care WHAT the mission planners said, he'd be on the next flight to the Mun! Taking turns be damned!

"That will be a relief Flight." Jeb managed and automatically started checking the burn statistics on his flight board, not that they'd be accurate yet. Have to wait till after the aerobrake to see if corrections were needed.

Turning his ship around, engines (and broken legs) pointed towards Kerbin, he stared into the mirror and watched the sun rise as he closed in. It was over seventeen and a half hours since launch. Long for one of KSC's flights, but seems so short given where he'd been. Soon he'd be back and have a heck of a tale to tell!


28-Aerobraking, and course correction.jpg

"Read g... good flight!" Jeb said over the rattling. Aerobraking hadn't been done before. Wernher had promised that everything was heat-proofed back there, but Jeb worried about the busted legs. Would the mounts be weak points to let atmospheric plasma in? "Current c... course apoapsis at... two five oh kilometers. Past p... periapsis and climbing."

Jeb could swear the windows were rattling, but it must be an illusion. The capsule still read pressure so they were intact. He'd been upping the cabin pressure to Kerbin normal this last ten minutes. He really didn't want to get a case of the bends after all this!

"Altitude... three seven kilometers and climbing."

"Reads good. Telemetry confirms Munar One."

Jeb was amazed he could receive them at all. When he'd neared Periapsis the line had bled into static, but the predictions had been that it would have been much worse. Seems once things ease up the radio signals could get through. Heaven knows what they would have done if things were different. If Kerbin had a thicker air, or higher gravity or something, the re-entry flare would be much worse. Communications likely WOULD have been impossible.

Seems the laws of Physics had smiled on the Kerbals in this case.

Slowly the rumble eased and Munar One slipped back up into space.

"Munar One," Gene said after everything was quiet again, "Telemetry confirms two four six kilometers apoapsis. We're running the numbers on the adjustment burn."

"Roger Flight. Gives me a last chance to take in the view."

This whole mission had been like a dream come true, but it was coming to an end at last. It took Caldin a little longer than usual to plot the burn, but they had time. It was only ten seconds at Apoapsis to fine tune, and now he was headed down into Litpoon bay at over two kilometers a second.

Yet again flames licked the window, the radio went dead, and the little ship shook. This time it didn't go away as he slid deeper and deeper into the air of Kerbin. The homeworld was welcoming him home with fire. Fitting for a Kerbonaut, Jeb thought.

"Come on baby, keep it level." he muttered as he played with the torque system, hold the nose retrograde.

29-Alternate Water landing zone.jpg

Nervously he kept glancing at the temperature readouts from the leg mounts, but so far the seals were holding. Finally, with a jarring thunk, the chutes snapped out above him, licks of flame still faintly arcing past the ship close to them. The parachutes were fire resistant and held by a tungsten steel bonded cable. They should hold for brief exposure to plasma, but it was best not to push it!

Still, he'd slowed way down by now, and soon found the flames dying completely. The next time he glanced out the window the familiar deep blue of high altitude flight greeted him and Jeb knew he was finally home. When the chutes finally fully deployed and slowed the craft to a reasonable speed he just lay back and waited, listening to the chatter both from KSC and from the recovery vessel closing in beneath him.

30-Chutes open.jpg

In the end the final touchdown was rather unimpressive, a 'plunk' rather than a splash, but the craft bobbed over, as planned rolling upright on the waves. He could see an inflatable boat skudding accross the waves to reach him as Gene's voice finalized it.

"Welcome back Jeb, the people of Kerbin salute you for doing the impossible. Just don't let it go to your head."

"Hah!" Bob interrupted, spoiling the moment "This IS Jebidiah we're talking about? He's going to be impossible to live with for ages."

"Don't be silly Bob." Jeb cut in. "I'm going to be impossible to live with for good! I've been to the Mun! And you better believe I'm going back!"

When the recovery crew arrived a beaming Jeb was laying nonchalantly on the capsule top.

"What took you so long?"


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And Chapter One is done. Jeb made it back alive and is raring to do it again. Unfortunately I won't be going into a full AAR on his and Bob's trip in Munar Two to the polar crater... partly because I didn't take many pics. Just to show you it DID happen, here are the pics I did take of the voyage:

First, the results (SCIENCE! Yeah!) from Munar One:

32-Over 1000 research.jpg

Needless to say most of the thousand points were from transmitted data rather than contained data in the goo tanks and material bay etc. Future missions will be more reliant on physically sending things back to Kerbin I think. Given the 3pts per day usage of science rule I'm using they will likely still get research data faster than they can use it.

Now Munar Two:

33-Munar2 high over the Mun.jpg

34-Landing in Polar Crater.jpg


Up next, a few minor interludes (very few pics), and soon the start of Duna Mission LVDM-1, and a separate AAR for a Minmus mission TSNM-1 (N for Minmus to avoid confusion with the Mun or Moho... who will be known as H in mission acronyms. Dres will be 'S', Eeloo will be 'O') which happened while LVDM-1 was on the way to Duna.

Edited by Patupi
SCIENCE details.
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OK, The Duna mission (LVDM-1) is done, but not back at Kerbin yet. During it's transfer to Duna I did another mission (TSNM-1) to Minmus with Bill and Seanbur Kerman. Seanbur is a mission specialist, a Geologist doing resarch work on exokerbestrial geology... and a bit of a clutz. Definitely not a pilot, though he did scrape through the sims back at KSC so technically he can pilot a ship... still..

While LVDM-1 was on it's way home from Duna I did another mission. Actually two linked missions. KSC wants to set up a mining facility on the Mun but are still fine tuning the mining equipment (IE it's not quite researched yet). So, while they're waiting they set up another mission... and Jeb got it again. That's his third Munshot! Since they were planning setting up a base KSC wanted an emergency return vehicle on site. So, a four man ship was fired on automatic to an Elliptical Munar orbit so it could land whenever and where-ever on the Mun it was needed. But it needed to be checked out once there. So Jeb launched and checked it out before landing at the proposed base site in the East Crater to see if it was suitable.

So, now I've got three upcoming AARs running sort of concurrently. I'm going to do them in separate threads, starting chronologically with the Duna launch, then I'll sidestep to the Minmus mission, then back to Duna report, then finally back to Jeb's Mun mission and Rescue One set up in Munar orbit. Hopefully it will end with Jedwig's successful return from Duna... but since I haven't finished playing that through yet *shrugs* We will see.

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The Mun may be a harsh mistress but Jeb doesnt see her that way. :) Lots of other good stuff coming up too - excellent! Will definitely be keeping an eye out for the new threads - maybe as something to enjoy reading on holiday though because that sounds like a load of writing!

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"Dunkel, my buddy, my pal!" Jeb said, bursting into the room.

With a sigh Dunkel put the soldering iron down turned to his new 'Bestest Friend' with a scowl.

"Hello Jeb. What new demands from the front?"

Jeb stopped and blinked, non-plussed for a moment. But, given this was Jeb, it didn't stop him for long. After a moment his irrepressible grin returned and he strode over to the old Kerbal and slapped him on the shoulder, perhaps a little harder than he should. Dunkel's scowl deepened.

"So, what fascinating project are you working on?"

"Get to the bit where you want something Jeb. It's easier on my nerves." Dunkel said through clenched teeth.

"Ha, you're a card Dunkel." Jeb said, but lost a little of buoyant enthusiasm... only a little though "I've got a sweet deal for you. Two tickets for 'Liscence to Thrill' at the Barktown Auditorium. What say you and me get our eardrums tested eh?"

"Oh joy." Dunkel said in a monotone. "Pounding music, unwashed masses and Jeb screaming in my ear for four hours. However could I resist?"

"How indeed? Come on, this is the 'Thrillers'! They don't come to town often."

Dunkel slowly pushed up, deliberately scraping his chair with an ear piercing screech across the floor. He got the satisfaction of seeing Jeb's right eyebrow flicker at the wrenching sound. Somehow the infuriating jerk managed to ignore it otherwise.

"OK, Jeb. What do you want in return for this favor of truly mind-boggling proportions?"

"Oh, I would never want to push you to do something you didn't want to Dunkel... but now you mention it, there is one teeny tiny thing you could help me out with." Jeb said, and for the first time in ages Dunkel saw him with a straight face, one with a lot of serious longing on it.

"Ladders." Jeb said simply.

"Ladders. Um, you got me Jeb. Not a clue."

Jeb let go of Dunkel's shoulders and turned, striding to the far window and throwing the shutters open. With a sudden guesture he waved to the view outside, the rocket sitting on the pad out there.

"It's been years now, we've got into space. Heck, I've even landed on the MUN for heaven's sake, and you're telling me we can't manage the simple task of CLIMBING... DOWN... THE... ROCKET!"

Dunkel put a finger in his ear and wriggled. Jeb could be loud when he wanted to be, and apparently he did now. He was also suddenly VERY serious.

"Ladders, huh?" Dunkel managed, keeping his face calm.

Again Jeb waved at the Munar Two.

"That rocket out there, it's almost a duplicate of Munar one with two capsules on top and a few more boosters. I know, it was built at the same time. That's not my issue. I was hoping when I next landed on the Mun I'd get to climb down on something that wasn't threatening to puncture my suit!"

Dunkel glanced towards the offending giant edifice of white steel and aluminum and sighed.

"Jeb, We've nearly got the new RCS Suit Maneouvering Units ready for use, we're getting close to perfecting ship RCS and are preparing the way for Duna One. I don't think 'Ladders' are our top priority right now."

With something like desperation Jeb swung back and clasped Dunkel's shoulders again. Were those tears in Jeb's eyes?

"Please, I really don't want to have to do that again! Heck, if I have to I'll grab some scrap loops and weld them on the old bird! I need hand holds Dunkel. Something solid and easy to use."

"Well, if you can hold off on your felonious welding spree I'll see what I can do. It'll likely be after we get the Duna One off the ground so you might not be here for a while..."

Jeb interupted him with a wave of his hand and an oh so easy guesture that seemed rather faked.

"Oh I'm not going on the LVD Mission Dunkel. I'll be around here. For further Mun missions."

Ah. Dunkel saw what this was about now. Jeb had pushed and used all the favors he could to get on the next Munar mission. Now he was shocked to find the first trip to Duna was leaving without him. He was trying to find a reason to keep interest in all this. Odd from Jeb, but...

With a Sigh Dunkel clasped Jeb's shoulders.

"It's OK Jeb, I'll get on it. I'm sure I'll get something sorted out before your next Mun mission."

A tearful look in Jeb's eye was a ton of thanks, and his weak grin spread slowly across his distraught face.

"Thanks Dunkel. This means a lot to me!" He said, slapping the old guy on the back, perhaps a little too hard.

"Yes yes, just don't think this earns you the right to storm in here every time you need something!" Dunkel said, trying to get back to being severe once more.

"Yes sir Boss!" Jeb said and headed for the door. He gave one salute and a teary grin, then left, slamming the door behind him.

Outside a more emphatic grin spread across his face and Jeb got out the bottle of 'Onion drops', wiping a few of the tears from his face.

"Yeah, thanks Dunkel. Finally! Maybe those acting lessons weren't wasted after all?"

Edited by Patupi
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Thanks KSK, and yes, Jeb definitely likes the Mun. Unfortunately Jedwig (The Cad!) got to be the first to Duna so we'll see what happens with that. Munar Two mission, as I mentioned before, won't be an AAR. Frankly not a lot happened and I don't have enough pics, but there's Minmus One, Rescue One, Munar Four and Duna One to come. Yup, a lot going on. Glad to see someone's watching.

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