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What takes more Delta V?

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A launch and return from Eve...

Or a launch and return from laythe.

If possible, how much delta V is required for a one way ticket to Laythe? Consider Eve's extreme atmosphere and gravity.

edit: Here are the pics of the craft I'm using aswell as the Delta VEEEEEEEEE stats.




What the ship looks like

Edited by CrazedGunman502
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Kerbin to Laythe and back is similar to just the launch from Eve to orbit, except that you can use jets both on Kerbin and Laythe.

One-way to Laythe is roughly 2km/s from low Kerbin orbit.

Return from Laythe is a bit more than 1km/s from low Laythe orbit. IIRC it's about 2km/s from the surface to low orbit (use jets and it's practically free).

Return from Eve is a bit over 1 km/s from low Eve orbit. It's about 8.5 km/s from the highest point on Eve to orbit, and over 10 km/s from sea level.

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An Eve round trip and a Laythe round trip both take around 20000 meters per second in delta-v, depending on which chart you use (assuming parachutes are used and landings are free). However, much more of your delta-v on Eve will not be in a vacuum, so you will most likely need more fuel to take the same payload there and back. With the chart I am using (http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/w/images/7/73/KerbinDeltaVMap.png) it takes about as much delta-v to circularize around Jool, land on Laythe, and escape Jool as it does to take off from Eve. Using nuclear engines, a Laythe lander would be much cheaper on delta-v. Note that I am not an expert on these things though and I accept that these figures may be grossly wrong, use them at your own risk.

Edit: Ninja'd

Also, a one way trip to Laythe is around 4km/s from LKO if you do not get lucky on aerobraking around Jool. In other words, if you went from LKO to Jool, did an aerobrake to about 200x200, then transferred to Laythe and landed with chutes, your delta-v would be about 4km/s (somewhat optimistic).

Edited by Orbiter
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An Eve round trip and a Laythe round trip both take around 20000 meters per second in delta-v, depending on which chart you use (assuming parachutes are used and landings are free).

The map assumes you'll circularize at a low Jool orbit and then transfer to Laythe. It's much more efficient just to go straight to Laythe: do a correction burn after leaving Kerbin SOI to make your Jool intercept have its periapsis at Laythe. Then it costs 2 km/s from LKO, rather than 3.5 km/s. All the moons of Jool are cheaper to hit directly than via aerobraking at Jool, but especially so with Laythe since you can aerobrake at Laythe.

The map suggests it's closer to 3 km/s to get off Laythe. Could well be. Still, using jets, that's a very cheap 3 km/s.

Edited by numerobis
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