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What are your limits?


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TBH the game itself, or unity4, is my limit. Ram usage, management, part physics and count. Even with cut down and welded parts. It still lags and ogengl's only pro is lower ram, con much worse fps.

Getting more irritated by these facts by the day. Which is not a good sign imo.

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Currently: Planes. I've had a period where I was doing well with them and just trying to eek out a little more performance / form / or the like to get them working. I'd even been building and flying them using NEAR (because even though NEAR and FAR are pretty much the same I have a better track record with NEAR than FAR).

After taking a break I'm just as good - if not a bit better - with my rockets but I can't remember how to get a plane that doesn't flip out. I'm almost at the point of uninstalling NEAR for a bit and trying again later.

To Date: The Jool-5 and really any interplanetary mission. I've designed lots of Duna capable ships - even capable of Duna return. I've even flown a few to Duna, but I've never flown the return.

I get caught up in the design, fiddling constantly to try to make it better and better. Getting frustrated when the one little thing breaks - is forgotten - makes trouble. Never getting everything to work together right. Or getting all of my designs but hitting part count cap on the Jool-5 ship making docking the modules an unbearable chore instead of part of the fun. I've started the Jool 5 design stage 4 different times with 4 different mission profiles but I've never got the ship to leave Kerbin orbit because I just burn out on the design. I've still never been to Jool at all. (or Eve, Gilly, Ike, Moho, Dres, Laythe, Bop, Pol, Tyloand Eeloo for that mater).

I've removed Mech-Jeb from my list of mods. My working theory is that this will get me past this block by forcing me to test designs in practice. Sending 6 different landers to Tylo to see which ones can/can't land and return will be A) more fun, B) get me to Tylo at last, and C) prevent me from burning out on one part of the mission since I'll have so many missions to fly.

Current goal of my Sandbox game: Get ships (manned or otherwise) to every body in the solar system. Started yesterday. Got a ship at Mun (CSM, MEL, MER). Got a ship enroute to Moho (think I'll make it this time) (CSM + 2 MEL). To do today: Minmus ship + lander - land Mun mission - look at launch windows and design for that mission.

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