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KSA chase plane.


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Most people know that NASA launches rockets and delivers payloads to space (at least they used to). They also conduct many experiments with atmospheric aircraft. When they do so, they employ what is known as a chase plane. This plane follows along side the test subject to provide film footage and give real time feedback.

Over the past several weeks I have been modeling several liquid engines and boring fuel tanks. I grew tired of this quickly and decided to model something with a few more curves.

I give you the preliminary model of NASA\'s premier chase plane and also the Air-force\'s supersonic training aircraft, The T-38 Talon.

This still requires some modeling and then the texture process can begin. I can\'t wait for this game to have more than just a defuse texture and some real wheels and animations. I hope to have this ready by that time, if not long before. I have noticed Harvester\'s tendency to work at break neck speeds. I can only say that I will do my best to keep up. 8)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This would be awesome to have. A chase plane with an auto-camera function brings life to the KSP (the space program that is) :)

And it does make good use of KSP\'s graphical engine too - viewing failed stages go out of control with engines burning really does look good... and when it impacts you wait a number of seconds for the sound to arrive just like in reality :)

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