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[PLUGIN+PARTS][0.23] SCANsat terrain mapping


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you could still do it if thats what you wanted to do just make a cfg file to do as long as you had kas installed or the plugin.

True, I was kind of thinking about that, but can't decide if I want to do that, or just build a new sat once I unlock the new part. So far I've only got one around Kerbin and one around the Mun, so not a big deal to add/replace them, although it would be kind of cool to do a Hubble type mission sort of.

Question, being a "n00b"(then again I guess most of us are as this mod is relatively new) to SCANsat, I've likely missed this but, is there a reason to have both the low res and the high res scanners on a sat, or would I be better off (if I do change it so a Kerbal can remove/attach the scanners) replacing the low res with the high res? As it is there is limited space on the sats I have in orbit as I am using the structural fuselage right now to attach everything to. I've got a kethane scanner on the front, the low res scanner and "anomaly" scanner on one side, on the opposite side is batteries and a KAS connector, on the off chance it ever needs the xenon tanks refilled (yep its got an ion engine for adjustments) and the gigantor solar panels take up whats left of the space on the fuselage.

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I thought he combine them and if you downloaded that scanner some1 made very nice 1 it as all the scanners in 1 which you can do and, I add the kethane scanner to it to and some things working on a grab just for the scanners now.

EDIT http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55832-PLUGIN-PARTS-0-23-SCANsat-terrain-mapping?p=845019&viewfull=1#post845019 here is a link to look at that scanner.

EDIT 2 Here is a cfg that lets you grab the scanners got to have KAS mod https://www.dropbox.com/s/xhtd4a9q6wl0jwr/KAS_Grab_ScanSat.cfg

To funny they work on his back. now just if you can get a RasterPropMonitor out of the pod EVA TIME. :D

Speaking of Hubble you seen http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60750-WIP-Cacteye-Telescope-Modular-EVA-serviceable-orbital-telescope

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Wow thats a pretty nice looking scanner! I've wanted to make some parts in Blender, but I've never been able to come up with an idea for something that someone doesn't already have. That and I don't know if I would have the time to mess around with it. I'd have to learn more about texture mapping, something I'm not too familiar with at this time.

EDIT 2 Here is a cfg that lets you grab the scanners got to have KAS mod https://www.dropbox.com/s/xhtd4a9q6wl0jwr/KAS_Grab_ScanSat.cfg

To funny they work on his back. now just if you can get a RasterPropMonitor out of the pod EVA TIME. :D

Cool thanks, I was looking through the configs last night but haven't tried messing with it yet as I"m currently scanning the Mun (in real time, i just let it go while I'm sleeping/doing something else).

Thats pretty cool too. I think I've read about others doing Hubble type mods but wasn't sure how far along they were.

Another neat addition to SCANsat, I don't know how easy it would be, but it would be cool if there was a way to have it scan "true color" as well. I remember seeing something about ISAmapsat having that ability, but it had different colors than Kerbin. Not even sure if there would be a way to pull out the color information really, and I don't think using one of the camera mods would work very well, as I don't think it would pull high enough resolution color to use for the maps. Would be neat though as you coould use it like google maps, and it could show your base if you zoomed in enough. Of course memory useage would likely then be a problem lol.

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That would be a nice add on to scan in true color and the thing about the camera or hubble like mods is that they don't zoom in all the way to planet surface that ,I have found.

Bobcat showed 1 where he was in space and with RasterPropMonitor he was looking at KSC and the 1 island with the landing stripe on it, but don't know how he done it.

EDIT @SMA you know how to export from Blender to ksp or from Unity ?

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Hey guys, I'm pretty new to modding KSP and I've ran into a problem.

I'm not sure what stopped working but I can longer log any science data from any instrument. I used a sandbox game to test everything out and it seemed great but when I went to my career save, I can't log any data or science. I did notice that in the sandbox, I could transmit mapping data for no science value though.

Did the plugin that gives the ScanSat data science value break/was not installed correctly?

Thanks for any help.

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Hey guys, I'm pretty new to modding KSP and I've ran into a problem.

I'm not sure what stopped working but I can longer log any science data from any instrument. I used a sandbox game to test everything out and it seemed great but when I went to my career save, I can't log any data or science. I did notice that in the sandbox, I could transmit mapping data for no science value though.

Did the plugin that gives the ScanSat data science value break/was not installed correctly?

Thanks for any help.

I think, I seen some people report that bug but not sure, I haven't played career mode in sometime.

EDIT also might be a mod conflict.

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Check to see if you have Resources in ksp/gamedata/SCANsat

EDIT only see 1 thing in stock 1 looks like this



id = surfaceSample

title = Surface Sample

baseValue = 30

scienceCap = 40

dataScale = 1

requireAtmosphere = False

situationMask = 3

biomeMask = 3


and Scansat looks like



id = SCANsatAltimetryHiRes

title = High Resolution Altimetry Scan

baseValue = 20

scienceCap = 20

dataScale = 1

requireAtmosphere = False

situationMask = 63

biomeMask = 0


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EDIT @SMA you know how to export from Blender to ksp or from Unity ?

Not really, I was reading some about it sometime over the summer but never had the time to try anything. Of course part of my problem is coming up with an idea for something useful lol.

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I'm not sure if anyone else is having this issue, but this started randomly (haven't changed mods or anything). I'm getting some sort of static when I scan Eve and Moho.

Moho looks like this: rOTdnbj.png

Minmus looks like this: FO1FipF.png


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... is there a reason to have both the low res and the high res scanners on a sat, or would I be better off (if I do change it so a Kerbal can remove/attach the scanners) replacing the low res with the high res?

Each device has a different optimum altitude, and the small angular view of the hires scanner lends itself to rather high orbits. They're in the config and mentioned earlier in this thread, so no, I wouldn't put them on the same satellite.

A Hubble-style service mission does sound like fun, and even if the part looks oversized on a Kerbal's back with KAS it's still possible - only momentum matters in space :)

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EDIT 2 Here is a cfg that lets you grab the scanners got to have KAS mod https://www.dropbox.com/s/xhtd4a9q6wl0jwr/KAS_Grab_ScanSat.cfg

I tried just using the code that was in the KAS config file that came with KAS duplicating that and changing the name to one of the Scanners but that didnt work so tried that config, and it worked, except it worked for EVERYTHING, fuel tanks, command pods etc lol. Turns out, after looking at the code there was an extra end bracket on the first line. Once I took that out (also changed * to SCANsat_tracker or whatever the name is. Although I thought that should have just been one of the parts, it did all of them.

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I tried just using the code that was in the KAS config file that came with KAS duplicating that and changing the name to one of the Scanners but that didnt work so tried that config, and it worked, except it worked for EVERYTHING, fuel tanks, command pods etc lol. Turns out, after looking at the code there was an extra end bracket on the first line. Once I took that out (also changed * to SCANsat_tracker or whatever the name is. Although I thought that should have just been one of the parts, it did all of them.

LOL Sorry about that Sma , I thought, I could grab more but no matter how, I change it , I can't grab them lol still playing with it now after seeing you post.

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Is there any way to bring up the maps to different planets without being at the planet and having the equipment onboard?

It's like after I scan a planet with some satellites, I want to be able to use the maps on other missions.

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Is there any way to bring up the maps to different planets without being at the planet and having the equipment onboard?

It's like after I scan a planet with some satellites, I want to be able to use the maps on other missions.

You could export them to your hard drive and stick them to your wall. No method to do this in game as far as I'm aware.

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In regards with ISAmap that i was using for a long time, what is in SCANsat the influence of the altitude on the scanning beam ?

I remember that ISAmap had a wide but unprecise beam at long distance (400km), thicker but precise at small altitude (100km). I was a bit surprized by how thick is the beam over Kerbin at 100km of altitude.

So basically, 1) up to which altitude can i scan a planet in SCANsat ?, 2) is the beam getting wider with higher altitude ?, and 3) at which altitude do you scan the planets ?

Thanks for your help :)

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In regards with ISAmap that i was using for a long time, what is in SCANsat the influence of the altitude on the scanning beam ?

I remember that ISAmap had a wide but unprecise beam at long distance (400km), thicker but precise at small altitude (100km). I was a bit surprized by how thick is the beam over Kerbin at 100km of altitude.

So basically, 1) up to which altitude can i scan a planet in SCANsat ?, 2) is the beam getting wider with higher altitude ?, and 3) at which altitude do you scan the planets ?

Thanks for your help :)

I think the min, max, and ideal altitude for each scanner is in the part's description. If not it's in the part's .cfg file. It's different for each type, but basically, the higher you go, the wider the scan beam is up until the point where you're too high, then it doesn't work at all.

Also, the scanner icons will change color on the map to indicate whether they're at the right altitude or not. Solid orange means too high, or too low and it won't work, solid green means it's at the ideal altitude, and flashing orange to green means it works, but it's not ideal.

I saw the export PNG, but where does it go?

And the problem with just using a PNG is that you don't get coordinates for items embedded in it.

I think it just puts the images in /GameData/SCANsat/PluginData, or at least it used to. Just look around in the SCANsat folder, they should be there somewhere since you're not supposed to alter files outside of the GameData folder.

And the problem with making maps that you can access in game is that, once you load any image into memory it has to stay there. So considering that SCANsat creates 15 or so maps for every planet (all of the different scanner types, color options, and projections) this mod would go from being very light memory-wise, to taking up 100s of MB of RAM.

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Here is range again http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55832-PLUGIN-PARTS-0-23-SCANsat-terrain-mapping?p=910067&viewfull=1#post910067 and yes the beam get's bigger.

Edit But again all range can be edit for if you download the 125 scanner all there scanners in 1 and the ranges are all the same.

name = SCANsat

sensorType = 24

fov = 4

min_alt = 5000

max_alt = 12000000

best_alt = 750000

power = 3.5

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Feature suggestion:

Suggested Landing Locations - Would it be possible to add a feature that would circle area's on the biome maps that have the greatest number of biome types within a configurable distance?

Example of how this might work: Add a small button and entry box. Entry box would be the radius you want searched, say 10KM. When you press the button the calculations would be performed and highlighted area's (on the map) would show up, these would be your "suggested landing locations".

The idea of course is to setup a system whereby I can scan a body, then learn the best places to put a rover to hit the most possible biomes within a set range. (this is mainly prep for when other planets get biomes like Duna, I mean how cool would it be to have your "K-Spirit" and "Koppertunity" rovers on Duna be able to hit several biomes?

Just a thought.

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