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[PLUGIN+PARTS][0.23] SCANsat terrain mapping


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Hey, I'm getting a bug where when I resize the big map past about 500x250 It doesn't render and only displaysj a series of random characters. Any I dea why this is? I only have about 20% of Kerbin mapped.

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Really love this mod. I know it has been mentioned many, many times before but would be amazing if you could integrate Kethane, Interstellar and extraplantery launch pads scanners into the maps (pretty sure its not possible but would still be really cool :) ).

For anyone who wants to get a better idea about how it works or wants to see it in action I have just uploaded an episode where I use it to scan the Mun and Minmus which covers some of the basics.


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It's at the very end. I thought it was way too high personally so changed it to electronics

Right at the end where, though? I have the prerequisites for "Advanced Science Tech", which is the last science tech on the tree, but I don't see it in the list of parts that unlocks.

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Right at the end where, though? I have the prerequisites for "Advanced Science Tech", which is the last science tech on the tree, but I don't see it in the list of parts that unlocks.

The mod is supposed to add "Experimental Science" as a new technology right after Advanced Science Tech.

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Do planets/moons outside of the Kerbin system have biomes? I'm getting static fuzz on moho and duna on the big map for Biome switch. Altimetry appears to work just fine.


The Custom Biomes mod adds biomes to the other planets and moons, FYI. For gathering science in career mode it's probably only marginally useful since you can max out the tech tree just from visiting the Mün and Minmus IIRC. There is also a community contributed experiments text file that adds a lot of extra experiment text which is nice, so you don't end up seeing repeating messages all the time. I haven't checked on it lately but there's probably also a version that covers the added Custom biomes too.

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The mod is supposed to add "Experimental Science" as a new technology right after Advanced Science Tech.

There are several unused tech tree nodes in stock KSP. Experimental Science is one of them, so there shouldn't be any problems getting it to show up as long as the prerequisites have all been researched.

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Just downloaded this mod. Really excited to try it out. Once you map a planet/body, can you select on an anomoly to target it? In order to highlight its location? Or is there an easy way to translate coordinates from spots on the map to spots on the planet/body itself? I do not have MechJeb installed. Thanks.

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Hey guys what's the optimal altitude for the SAR Advanced Altimetry sensor? I went out to 500km and it was still blinking orange/green so I brought it back in to 450km and still orange/green. Anybody have a list of optimals?

750km it optimal. 5km minimum 800km maximum

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Is there any reason why when using the multispectral sensor the map shows static. Ive used the identical process successfully on kerbin mun and minmus but it only managed to scan elevations on duna.

I have universal replacer installed too and thought this might be the problem.

Also I couldn't find any references to scansat and static from seaching google. Any ideas would be appreciated.


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The multispectral sensor only works on planets/moons which have biomes. In 0.23, that means only Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus.

I believe it'll also work on any planet with the Custom Biomes mod as well.

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uhm i downloaded this mod just now and i have only one question.

do all the sensors/scanners do different things or is there one that does all?

They all do different things and unlock at different science levels. An additional part exists outside of the base mod called the Calypso scanner that can do all types of scans.

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Could there be a low-resolution, wide-angle biome scanner (just like there are low- and high-resolution versions of the altimeter)? It would be nice if there were a part that could represent the kind of limited mapping you get from flyby missions.

It would be very easy to make that happen if you exclude the 'low resolution' part. Make a new copy of the part folder, edit part.cfg to change

  • the name and title
  • the high, low and 'best' altitudes
  • FOV (field of vision).

You can't make it less accurate, but you can leave the FOW low to restrict the usefulness, or have a large power requirement to simulate very active scanning.

Note that 0.23 (and, I assume, 0.23.5) only have biomes on Kerbin, Mun and Minus so flybys aren't particularly useful for biome scanning yet.

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It would be very easy to make that happen if you exclude the 'low resolution' part. Make a new copy of the part folder, edit part.cfg to change

  • the name and title
  • the high, low and 'best' altitudes
  • FOV (field of vision).

You can't make it less accurate, but you can leave the FOW low to restrict the usefulness, or have a large power requirement to simulate very active scanning.

Note that 0.23 (and, I assume, 0.23.5) only have biomes on Kerbin, Mun and Minus so flybys aren't particularly useful for biome scanning yet.

I'm using Custom Biomes, so that last part isn't a problem.

And I already know how to edit the config file -- the problem is that, without some tradeoff, it feels like cheating to me. I want the original (orbital) scanners to be superior, because orbits are harder than flybys. And since the use case I'm thinking of requires both large FOV and large maximum altitude...

Edited by Starstrider42
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