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Exhaust Pattern Reproduction challenge

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Do you like engine exhaust effects? Do you like art? Here is an off-the-beaten-path challenge for you:

Exhaust Pattern Reproduction Challenge

The goal is to reproduce an exhaust pattern image as closely as possible by building and firing the appropriate engine layout. Participate by either posting a replica of a given pattern (along with a screenshot of the rocket/vessel that you used to produce it from a "normal" angle) or by posting a new pattern for others to try a reproduction (Please give your creations a name).

I'll start with an easy one:

"Black Ace of Diamonds"


and a hard one:



You "win" this challenge by having fun participating. Simple as that. No highscores, no efficiency records, there are plenty of other challenges if you want those. This here is just a little KSP quiz combined with some engineering know-how with some pretty images. Lets see how it rolls.

Edited by SirJodelstein
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