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Let me preface everything by saying I've never modded anything in my life. That being said... I believe I have Unity set up correctly as well as Blender. I have played around with Blender enough to feel okay with the actual modeling portion of creating something. My problem is EVERYTHING else. The information in all the threads that I searched through seems to contradict each other or outdated. I need help getting my model from Blender into KSP. I've got the model in Unity as well as what I thought was a UV map/texture. I copied a part.cfg file and edited it to fit my simple part. I can even see my part in the menu in KSP. The problem I'm having is the part is invisible and won't attach anywhere. Is there anyone willing to walk me through the process of actually creating something from beginning to end. I can probably work it out on my own again after I can get through the process at least once. Thanks in advance for any and all help.

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OK...gonna try and lend a hand, need a bit more info though.

Did you apply the texture to the mesh in Blender? As far as texturing goes the part should look 'finished' in Blender before ya export it. Does the part in question have any animations?

On to Unity...

Once you dropped the model into a GameObject was your texture showing as applied (would show up in little box on right in inspector window, as ya select different parts of model)? What shader were you using? Did you add colliders?

As long as everything in Blender was done right it really sounds like your Unity build is the issue. Sounds to me like the texture didnt apply to part properly, and theres no colliders.

here is my typical workflow for a basic part:

In Blender-make model, apply material/texturebase, and set shading.

In GIMP/PS-use pallets and UV maps to make texture for part (personaly I use png up until I write from unity)

In Blender-apply texture to mesh via UV imaging. Animate any mesh needing it.

In Unity-import model and textures, remember if your using normal/bump maps you need to tell unity thats what they are on import. Set shader to whatever KSP shader your wanting (diffuse is most common, though you can use bump and specular textures with KSP too). Next I set colliders, derendering any mesh set to work as collider.

In Notepad-Write config..the only issue you could be having with this part Im guessing is if the part you copied the config for is rotated differently than your part, causing the nodes to face wrong way.

Hope this helps some, but without more info or looking at the files its kinda hard to nail down where the issue is.

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You should help us helping you.

First make some Screenshots of your craft in Unity, best one Picture per Objekt on the left side with showing the Parameters on the right side. And show your cfg-file.

That would be a good start to solve your problem without looking in a crystal ball.

Note the typical issue when a part is displayed in the Menu but can´t seen in VAB are huge offsets in the cfg or in unity, that means your part is far away of 0 0 0

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I just started over to make things easier to explain. We start off with the default box in Blender.


I deleted the box and added a cylinder using 'add' > 'mesh' > 'cylinder'. I gave it 24 vertices, 0.5 radius, 2.5 length.


After creating my cylinder, I created a texture. I did this by clicking 'image' (at the bottom of Blender) > 'new image'.


Once I created my texture, I unwrapped my model side-by-side (creating 2 seams on the sides so they would lay flat).


Once that was complete, I threw in some color just so I would get a visual representation of something going on.


I then saved the model and the texture file and copied them into /unity/KSP/assets/FuelTank and from what I understand this automatically imports it into Unity?


Anyway, my model showed up in the project window so I dragged this into my scene. I dragged my texture onto the model, added a mesh collider with 'convex' checked, changed the shader to KSP/diffuse, added 'Part Tools' to a new game object to make my part exporter. And last but not least, I went to my part exporter and put in a name for my part and exported it.


I then copied the part.cfg file from the FL-T500 Fuel Tank and added it to my FuelTank folder. I then edited it to match my part.


And just for good measure, I copied my texture file and put it into the part folder. And finally, this has been my result...


I have no idea what's wrong or what else to do. And I've been searching this forum for days now.

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I'm also new to modeling and modding. I had a hard time a few weeks ago, just like you. Here's what I found: You need to drag your part to be a child of your part exporter. I don't even bother giving it a name. I can upload a screenshot later. For now, here's what the hierarchy should be:


Just drag the name "FuelTank" to your "Part Exporter" to do that.

I never renamed my part exporter, I always leave it as "GameObject". I also currently still use PartTools 0.18, because, I'm scared of upgrading and not getting it to work. Once I get my first mod into a usable state, I'll upgrade to finish it. But I don't think these two differences between our environments matter much.

I hope that helps! Let us know if that works for ya.

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Yep, it's not working because your part exporter is a different game object. This lets you build multiple parts in one scene though. For example parent your fuel tank to the exporter object, and make another exporter game object to export another part(a group of objects parented to it.)

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That did indeed work! Thanks! I finally see my ****ty-ass cylinder in the game. The next step I guess will be to make my specialized fuel tank. Is it possible to make a fuel tank that generates fuel under certain conditions? I assume that if there is then you do it within the part.cfg. Is there a good guide or anything to how the *.cfg needs to be written? I tried the wiki, but it is too out of date. My goal is to eventually make an engine next. A question for the engine, is it possible for it to use make it possible to toggle the use different combinations of fuel?

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Where did you hear about this part exporter?

I don't use anything like that in my hierarchy.

When I build something I select that part in the hierarchy and in the inspector window, choose add component and add KSP part tools just like I did for the mesh collider and mesh renderer. I set the object path and filename as well as image type.

I don't have any of my parts in the hierarchy parented to game objects, but I've used game objects parented to parts for hatches.

Sometimes I've also got multiple parts loaded and everything seems to work well enough. I can save each part to it's own location and they seem to work ok in KSP so I can't be doing too much wrong. :)

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Good to know, I will give this a try tomorrow as I plan on trying to hash out several parts. If all goes well anyway... How do you know how to set up the .cfg file? I'm working on a fuel tank and an engine and would love to know how I can customize each. Are there any guides to configureing the .cfg? Hopefully once I feel comfortable enough with getting an object into KSP and working correctly, I'm going to do some up to date tutorials/vids. Thanks for all the insight guys, really appreciate it. Keep it coming.

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