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I love your game and have a few ideas for cut scenes.

1. Fix the ComSat

A comsat has malfunctioned and the KSP is off to the rescue! An orbiter is sent out to rendezvous with the satellite, swaps out a defective part with a fresh part (via an EVA) and the orbitor successfully returns back to Kerben.

In the cut scene, a Kerbal astronaut is seen switching out the defective part then gives a thumbs up to mission control (The head mission control leader gives a thumbs up then hits a transmit button).

Meanwhile, in a Kerbal home, sports fans (wearing team jerseys) eagerly await a broadcast (TV says, "Please stand by...technical difficulties"). The game appears on the screen and the sports fans cheer with glee.

2. Victory Parade

After every major milestone (first suborbital, orbital, moon/planet landing....with a successful return) there is a cut scene of a victory parade. The returning astronauts are seen in an open air limo waving to a cheering crowd (in their KSP uniforms...minus helmets). On a podium, the astronauts are given medals and reporter's cameras light up. One of the dumber Kerbals starts to gnaw on the medal thinking it's chocolate candy.....the other astronauts "face-palm".

Other comical outcomes could have one astronaut tripping on the podium stairs, having the astronaut's fans storm the podium, to one Kerbal doing an ad-hoc commercial.

3. The Six Million Dollar Kerbal

Jebediah Kerman, astronaut, a Kerbal found barely alive....

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