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A modded odyssey


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Yo! I'm new to this whole thread thing... bear with me.

Anyways, after playing KSP for the past three months, I thought it was high time that I showed my face, and posted the outcome of my learning curve. The following are to be mission reports from my latest, and greatest modded endeavors, tough it.

Order is from earliest missions featuring screen-caps.

Mission Class: Unmanned interplanetary.

SOI: Eve.

Craft: Tri-UAV Scout Transport "Perihelion".

Vessel type(s): Unmanned atmospheric probe/Orbital circularization assist stage.

Time in space: Estimated 1 year.

Parameters: Obtain/Study/Gather information about local atmospheric conditions.

Mission Outcome: Success.

Shortly after sending a rover to Eve, I was fortunate enough to discover that KSP has a real nifty camera/screen-cap function. The following is a photo of my Tri-probe scout vessel.


An Tiny UAV performing deorbital countermeasures.


Mission Class: Manned Interplanetary capture/Orbit.

SOI: Duna.

Craft: Duna Orbital/Return Unit Alpha "Dix-9".

Vessel type: Small Interplanetary Orbital Scout.

Time In Space: 379 Days.

Parameters: Perform orbital survey/Study topology.

Mission Outcome: Success.

After sending unmanned landing units to Pol, and Laythe. I thought it was time to push the limits of how far I could safely take my Kerbals; this example was an extremely successful mission which solidified the foundations of my manned interplanetary missions.


A happy Jeb falling with style high above the surface of Duna.


Mission Class: Manned Interplanetary capture/Landing.

SOI: Ike.

Craft: Duna/Ike Orbital/ Landing, and Return Unit Alpha "Gunther".

Vessel type: Small, Non-atmospheric Interplanetary Scout Landing Unit.

Time In Space: 367 Days.

Parameters: Perform orbital survey/Study topology/Utilize landing systems.

Mission Outcome: Success.

Simple enough, though my only concern was for the fuel.




Mission Class: Manned landing.

SOI: Mun.

Craft: K-Scout Landing Unit Alpha "Orion".

Vessel type: Scout Drill Lander.

Time In Space: 20 Hours.

Parameters: Perform orbital survey/Land/Gather/Convert/Study kethane deposits.

Mission Outcome: Success.

This was a pretty straightforward mission: Rendezvous with the Mun, circularize orbit, and land the drill platform. It wasn't until I landed that my first serious problems had arisen...

First off: My ingenious design was trumped by an antenna that had been mounted 5 degrees off, novelty!

Secondly: The kethane drill was mounted much too high; I was forced to balance the craft diagonally, while precariously resting the vessel on three engines, and it's drill. A very Kerbal way of getting things done!


A lone Kerbal stands dwarfed by the titanic scale of an enveloping cosmic skybox.

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