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Don't filter the current ship or the target in map views

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It's possible to filter the map view and the tracking station view by craft type. This is very handy for cleaning up the map when trying to select something, but often hiding ships that I don't want to see also hides the ships that I do want to see!

If I'm trying to dock two capsules and have selected one as the target, disabling capsules on the map hides the active capsule and the target capsule as well as any other nearby capsules. Either the current ship and the target should always be displayed or there should be an additional tab in the filter panel for the 'selected ships'. It would also make sense to render the icons for these two in a different colour to make them easier to pick out in the map view.

Edited by MythicLionMan
Trying to improve clarity
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+1 for this suggestion. As a workaround, I sometimes use the 'rename' feature to declare my current ship to be a space station.

I like the idea of additional tabs in the filter panel because I can see circumstances where you may want a 'clean' view that shows no ships at all.

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In the Tracking station, left top (right side off the ship list) is a list of craft types. Right click them to toggle show/don't show.

Same menu is in the map view, hold your mouse on the top center of the screen and it'll drop down

The OP is aware. He states that in the first sentence. He 's asking (I believe) to filter out ships that are not the target or the current ship. So if you are flying a ship marked capsule, trying to dock with another ship marked capsule, with other ships marked capsules around, it hides all the ships marked as capsule, including your active ship and the target which he (presumably) is what he was trying to see.

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As a workaround, I sometimes use the 'rename' feature to declare my current ship to be a space station.

Switching ships to an unused type is a good workaround, but it's currently pretty cumbersome, particularly since i have to switch to the target in order to change its type.

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The OP is aware. He states that in the first sentence. He 's asking (I believe) to filter out ships that are not the target or the current ship. So if you are flying a ship marked capsule, trying to dock with another ship marked capsule, with other ships marked capsules around, it hides all the ships marked as capsule, including your active ship and the target which he (presumably) is what he was trying to see.

Yes, that's what I was trying to say. I've edited my original post in an attempt to make it more clear.

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  • 1 year later...

It is a good idea but I would rather see a much larger overhaul. We need to be able to create our own custom categories to dump ships into and hide. Plain and simple.

I also liked the idea of copying the planet sort feature from the science archive. But I'd rather have the custom groups or both.

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