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I tried to add Inland Command Center as another Station for Remote Tech, but it did not show up in the game. The cfg file is looks like this, what's I'm doing somthing wrong? I changed the last nubmer of Guid from 8 to 9.

ConsumptionMultiplier = 1
RangeMultiplier = 1
ActiveVesselGuid = 35b89a0d664c43c6bec8d0840afc97b2
SpeedOfLight = 3E+08
MapFilter = Omni, Dish, Planet, Path
EnableSignalDelay = True
RangeModelType = Standard
MultipleAntennaMultiplier = 0
ThrottleTimeWarp = True
DishConnectionColor = 0.9960784,0.7019608,0.03137255,1
OmniConnectionColor = 0.5529412,0.5176471,0.4078431,1
ActiveConnectionColor = 0.6588235,1,0.01568628,1
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc488
Name = Mission Control
Latitude = -0.131331503391266
Longitude = -74.594841003418
Height = 75
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc489
Name = Secondary Mission Control
Latitude = 20.582931503391266
Longitude = -146.511641003418
Height = 75
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07

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I tried to add Inland Command Center as another Station for Remote Tech, but it did not show up in the game. The cfg file is looks like this, what's I'm doing somthing wrong? I changed the last nubmer of Guid from 8 to 9.

ConsumptionMultiplier = 1
RangeMultiplier = 1
ActiveVesselGuid = 35b89a0d664c43c6bec8d0840afc97b2
SpeedOfLight = 3E+08
MapFilter = Omni, Dish, Planet, Path
EnableSignalDelay = True
RangeModelType = Standard
MultipleAntennaMultiplier = 0
ThrottleTimeWarp = True
DishConnectionColor = 0.9960784,0.7019608,0.03137255,1
OmniConnectionColor = 0.5529412,0.5176471,0.4078431,1
ActiveConnectionColor = 0.6588235,1,0.01568628,1
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc488
Name = Mission Control
Latitude = -0.131331503391266
Longitude = -74.594841003418
Height = 75
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc489
Name = Secondary Mission Control
Latitude = 20.582931503391266
Longitude = -146.511641003418
Height = 75
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07

The first 1 , I think is KSC already and what file are you guys looking at for my RT_setting.cfg don't look like that ?

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I think you need to delete one set of brackets between the stations. Like this:

Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc488
Name = Mission Control
Latitude = -0.131331503391266
Longitude = -74.594841003418
Height = 75
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07
Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc489
Name = Secondary Mission Control
Latitude = 20.582931503391266
Longitude = -146.511641003418
Height = 75
Body = 1
Omni = 7.5E+07

In yours, the second station was not inside Groundstations { }. Also, in response to what MeCripp said, my RemoteTech_Settings.cfg looks exactly like that, without the extra station of course.

Edited by sonicsst
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Are you guys on a PC or Mac or Linux ? This is what, I got

MissionControlRange = 7.5E+07

MissionControlPosition = -0.1313315,-74.59484,75

MissionControlGuid = 5105f5a9d62841c6ad4b21154e8fc488

ActiveVesselGuid = 35b89a0d664c43c6bec8d0840afc97b2

MissionControlBody = 1

ConsumptionMultiplier = 1

RangeMultiplier = 1

SpeedOfLight = 3E+08

MapFilter = Omni, Dish, Planet, Path

EnableSignalDelay = True

RangeModelType = Standard

NathanKell_MultipleAntennaSupport = False

ThrottleTimeWarp = False

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I think you need to delete one set of brackets between the stations. Like this:

Thank you, it worked.

Are you guys on a PC or Mac or Linux ? This is what, I got

I'm on PC and I just downloaded the Remote Tech 2 from Spaceport. Maybe the version is different? The config file looks slightly different.

Edited by Ghost13
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By the way, why there is a such a short distance KSC can connect with the craft? The antenna in KSP looks pretty huge. I understant the idea is probably to make mod harder so you will have to lanch more comsats with bigger antennas, but maybe there something else behind such a short range?

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By the way, why there is a such a short distance KSC can connect with the craft? The antenna in KSP looks pretty huge. I understant the idea is probably to make mod harder so you will have to lanch more comsats with bigger antennas, but maybe there something else behind such a short range?

Don't think KSC range is short but what is trying to talk back has the short range.

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how to land with flight computer?

It is impossible with current version of RT2. The work around is to disable the Signaldelay in the config and to perform the ladning procedures while still in range of relay or command center dishes.


Could you please help with the cfg that will allow local control with any probe core and with just one kerbonaut instead of large probe core and 6 kerbonauts? I have found IsRTCommandStation = true in the RemoteTech_Squad_Probes.cfg so if I add it to the every probe core it shuld work as a command station, but how to reduce the number of Kerbonauts requirements for a ship to act as command?

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How did you come up with 6 kerbals idea anyway? It's at least two Mark 2 capsules for 3 kerbals, so it's space station or at least two ships docked together (It's kinda difficult to put two Mark 2 capsules in the single ship espeically in the first part of the game). I don't want to sound like "let's make game more simple", but 6 kerbals is a little bit too much, especially if you play with TAC life support. I think Mark 2 capsule with 3 kerbals is pretty enough as a requirement. It will smplify unmanned landing probes mission that can be done from the orbit by mothership. Look forward to the new version with this parameter is changeable.

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Because I and JDP wanted command stations to give a use to space stations and prevent any 3-man ship to act as one (too little effort.)

I agree on that,in my plans I'm planning a mobile space station to deploy ground stations on Mün,Minmus & Ike.

You can't realistically make a comms network in KSP but you can make it more challeging

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Because I and JDP wanted command stations to give a use to space stations and prevent any 3-man ship to act as one (too little effort.)

Good call. I like the idea that stations should be useful.

For those who use TAC and claim this bar is too high,TAC is mostly there to make the game harder.

It's what you signed up for.

Edited by erendrake
the post before made no sense
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erendrake its not to high its called planning if u sending 5 kerbols to somewere for a station once they leave for there launch a second ship with last with some huge tanks of tac support for them. thats what sphical tanks will help u with has tanks with enough to keep them alive for very very long time.

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erendrake its not to high its called planning if u sending 5 kerbols to somewere for a station once they leave for there launch a second ship with last with some huge tanks of tac support for them. thats what sphical tanks will help u with has tanks with enough to keep them alive for very very long time.

I apologize for awful wording and punctuation :P it was apparently too early for me to make sense.

I agree with you, its planning. That is why you installed TAC.

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All in all there should just be a part for command station and let the player use it how they like if you want 12 then 12 if you want 1 let it be 1 for 1 kerbal can give commands but it should be up to the player how they use it.

"Should" is a messy word when you are talking about someone else's project. If I was maintaining RT one kerbal would never be enough for a full command station and I likely would have tied it to larger pod parts like the hitchhiker to give that part another function. Since I am not a contributor I have very little input.

I will be fine with whatever Cliph and the other contributors choose.

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"Should" is a messy word when you are talking about someone else's project. If I was maintaining RT one kerbal would never be enough for a full command station and I likely would have tied it to larger pod parts like the hitchhiker to give that part another function. Since I am not a contributor I have very little input.

I will be fine with whatever Cliph and the other contributors choose.

It could just as easy be set in the RT2 settings to change the number that's all , I'm saying where the players could change the cfg to what they want like the time delay, I would think any modder would want a large player base and if some players find it to hard there not going to use it but if there is more setting that the player picks how they use it, the large player base will be and it was 3 now 6 so what really is the big deal about letting players pick but all in all what ever Cliph does is fine with me as for as TAC is easier then ECLSS trying to keep 6 kerbals alive with it would be harder.

Edit sorry about should be there could just be a setting in the RT2 setting cfg.

Edited by Mecripp2
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I'm fine with giving people the option to change it (it was already on the list!), but do get it in your head that it's not for you to decide the default settings for every other player.

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I'm fine with giving people the option to change it, but do get it in your head that it's not for you to decide the default settings for every other player.

you talking to me ? If so you are the 1 that will pick the default setting, I never said what they should be.

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Hi guys, I'm enjoying this mod so far in career but i've encountered a problem.

http://imgur.com/a/WiQUk <-- commented imgur album, describing it in detail.

In short (from my observation), a probe that gets connection from another with a dish can't be connected to with a dish in order to get connection.

A probe that gets connection from a dish directly from the center can be connected to with a dish for connection.

Also (not really an issue) it seems to me that you can never do "routing" with a dish the way it's done with omni-antennas, as in, aim a dish at kerbin/center and let the mod figure out the path if it is possible (maybe with an angle offset or somethng). What does aiming at a planet/moon even do actually, it never seemed to work for me?

I am fairly new to this so it's possible that i'm just being a noob, any help would be appreciated

P.S.: I do realise that my Kerbin setup may not be the most optimal :)

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@0bj4ct7 if you was to have like DTS-M1 dish around kerbin and 1 around mun and use target body kerbin target mun and mun target kerbin the cone you see on the map any dish targeting that body and is in the cone and line of sight will connect if you go outside of the cone you lose your connection.

It would be hard for you to use the body connection with Crius's because from kerbin there is no body that Crius's stay's by for it to work it would be a hit and miss.

Edited by Mecripp2
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