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  MeCripp said:
Before the patch if you had more then 1 probe core on a vessel when decouple 1 wouldn't connect but the patch fixed that part.

EDIT @TheDude you and tmbomber must have some beast of launchers please post your 24 sat launcher lol.

Here you go:



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I spent three hours yesterday converting http://cilph.github.io/RemoteTech2 to use Markdown and Jekyll. I remain convinced that Ruby is an awful language and that everyone implementing back-end features (node.js, ew) in a dynamic language should have nasty things be done to them.

Three hours wasted because of buggy Windows releases, and incorrect HTML indentation. (What the?)

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besides me waiting for over the horizon to make a good ground based network, anyone got a clue why max signal length differs so much & why I'm already losing comm less then 10 km away from the previous relay, on the polar cap

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Hey. I like the layout of the rt overview page.

I have some suggestions for the plugin:

* the warp gui is just a tad out of alignement with the mission time counter. Its not a big thing but id love for it to be centered in the box.

* a color filled dish cone visual would be nice

* an overhaul of the connection gui functionality would be really nice. Its very good already but i would love to be able to rename sats, do more advanced retargetting of dishes and reorganize different sats from the mapview of one craft and/or the trackingstation.

*more flight computer stuff. I dont like using kos so i really like everything integrated into the fc. Node execution integration was really nice. I Dont have any concrete suggestions for it just more functionality and tweaking. No landing autopilot please, would make things too easy and one can probably use mj for that anyway. What would be nice would be to have the ability to configurably and visually delay stage firing to a node or similar tho for hands off landings and such.

* more dishes and dish diversification. Id love a 0.625m stack compact folding midrange+late game/ semi-long range dish for deployable probes. Id also love to see plugin functionality and model animations to make dishes turn to point the correct way(the animations direction to the grid dont need to be updated often. For long ranges maybe just after coming out of timewarp or otherwise once per ingame minute)

* more helpful hints. Like a new partmodule hooking into the sciencetransmitter module etc. and making for example the "cant transmit science no transmitter onboard" message read "vessel is not connected to the science station. Please connect this way:*insert tip here*" etc. Or "not enough power available to transmit science". Sorry if thus is a bit incorrect but its been a while since iwe used rt.

*more cool gui stuff:D

EDIT: over the horizon will be a nice addition. Cant wait

Edited by landeTLS
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  MeCripp said:
Nice is alot of the parts RLA mod ?


A lot of them are. The engine is a monopropellent from RLA Stockalike. The MRTGs are from RLA as well but are modified a bit. I made them bigger to fit the probe core and increased the power output a bit to match. The Monoprop tank (The yellow band) is stock but I shrunk it down because I didn't need the size and amount of fuel. The RCS thrusters are from.... I __think___ KW Rocketery but don't quote me on that. The Whip antennas are actually from AIES and are modified using Jasonwas Module hacks that can be found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61393-0-22-Johnsonwax-Module-Hacks-Dec-12 The probe core is stock but has the MechJeb module installed via Module Manager. The Dish is from RT and is slightly modified for a very slightly increased cone angle, longer range and increased power consumption.

I typically don't use this launcher as I don't need 24 sats in in any given place. The only time I used it was to go to Jool and it had to be refueled on the way as it didn't have enough dV to complete the mission. Usually I only have 6 - 12 sats which is more than enough for everything else in the Kerbin system.

As you can see I like small, simiple and standardized. That way when something breaks it makes it very easy to find the fault which 99.99% of the time is me being stupid.

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Where did you get the Truss ? and that's like a 1 launch setup lol no matter where you put it and,I did my own on AIES and mod the stock RT2 dish to have 3 targets a dish that's very nice.

EDIT modding the Stock Dishes will brake connections so best to use on new game.

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that looks like the new truss from the man that made the fatman nuke rockets he put out a small truss pack.

dont worry cliph if no one else appreates your hard work atleast u know i do lol. for me its if there isnt any RT then i dont play ksp lol.

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  MeCripp said:
Where did you get the Truss ? and that's like a 1 launch setup lol no matter where you put it and,I did my own on AIES and mod the stock RT2 dish to have 3 targets a dish that's very nice.

EDIT modding the Stock Dishes will brake connections so best to use on new game.


The truss came from Kosmos. It comes in 3 flavors: Empty, crew tunnel and RCS tanks. You can't see it in the picture but the bottom truss contains RCS fuel tanks and the top truss is empty.

I mod the dishes and antennas all the time while in game and never had any issues with it breaking connections. Though, I've always modified the base settign such as cone, range and power. I've never actually added multiple targets to a dish. Interesting idea. I may have to try that on something.

Best regards,

The Dude

Edited by TheDude
Bad spelling. Worse typing.
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  sidfu said:
dont worry cliph if no one else appreates your hard work atleast u know i do lol. for me its if there isnt any RT then i dont play ksp lol.

What are you on about? No one said that.

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I do have one bug to report.

I have 6 com sats in geo sync orbit around Kerbin. (See my post above for a pic of the sat. ) Above them is a com relay sat in a very high polar orbit that contains 15 com dishes. These dishes connect to various sats orbiting other planets and moons. 2 of these dishes are targeted at 2 of the sats in geo sync orbit around Kerbin. The problem is one of the dishs on the com relay sat will consistently become deactivated with no target set. I'll go back in and reactivate the dish and target it back to the geo sync sat and all will be well for a while. Then it'll happen all over again.

I haven't been able to find any specific trigger and right now it's more annoying than anything else.

Best regards,

The Dude

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  togfox said:
Broken compatibility is the risk we all take with all mods and even stock save games. Squad make no apology for this and as stated above, I have skipped entire versions because I didn't want to lose my you-beaut universe. No one is forcing anyone to upgrade.

I have no illusions of being able to preserve my current saves forever. In fact, I sometimes think about how it would force me to start fresh and get rid of many obsolete vessels I have just floating around out of nostalgia. I was simply responding to the prompt added to the main post and making my voice known.

Did anyone have thoughts on why visiting the VAB before mission control would cause the hanging behavior seen prior to the hotfix?

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First let me just say that I am loving you mod. Just got KSP a few weeks ago and still learning how to do everything manually (Mechjeb definitely makes things too easy). I've got a couple mods that add fairings, but I mainly use procedural fairings in conjunction with FAR I think this makes all parts inside the fairing immune to aerodynamics. Is there a way to make it so that my omni antennas don't snap in atmosphere when they read as shielded when I right-click them? Even if it's activated, if it is completely inside the fairing there should be no way for them to break from atmospheric stresses.

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  Bigshot0910 said:
First let me just say that I am loving you mod. Just got KSP a few weeks ago and still learning how to do everything manually (Mechjeb definitely makes things too easy). I've got a couple mods that add fairings, but I mainly use procedural fairings in conjunction with FAR I think this makes all parts inside the fairing immune to aerodynamics. Is there a way to make it so that my omni antennas don't snap in atmosphere when they read as shielded when I right-click them? Even if it's activated, if it is completely inside the fairing there should be no way for them to break from atmospheric stresses.

That's a deal that FAR's don't see the Fairing's as a shield but you can edit the antennas and take out the MAXQ= and they won't broke or you can use this.https://www.dropbox.com/s/v85x3heriea639x/RemoteTech_REMOVEMAXQ.cfg Just put it anywhere in KSP/GameData

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Would also kind of be 'cheaty' cause the fairing would protect the antenna from being ripped off.

Now on a side note how high does your antenna (of the current) need to be above ground to be connected to another ground based antenna near the poles,cause I'm getting issues there.

I could off course make a manned relay station but what would the fun in that be

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Well, the fairing protecting the antenna from being ripped off is fine, that would be realistic. But since FAR gives me no info about if a fairing is made of metal or carbon fibre, I can't shut down antennas :P.

As for your height requirement, simple geometry. (1-0.5*sqrt(2)) * Kerbin radius I believe. So, uhh, 175km up on the equator and poles to see each other :/.

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  Cilph said:
Well, the fairing protecting the antenna from being ripped off is fine, that would be realistic. But since FAR gives me no info about if a fairing is made of metal or carbon fibre, I can't shut down antennas :P.

As for your height requirement, simple geometry. (1-0.5*sqrt(2)) * Kerbin radius I believe. So, uhh, 175km up on the equator and poles to see each other :/.

Ok so Kerbin isn't a perfect sphere. Ok the ground network won't be feasable with the current version.

I'll design a manned polar relay station for Kerbin itself

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  Resender said:
Ok so Kerbin isn't a perfect sphere. Ok the ground network won't be feasable with the current version.

I'll design a manned polar relay station for Kerbin itself

Kerbin and all other planets are perfect spheres, the game doesn't use spheroids.

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  Bigshot0910 said:
First let me just say that I am loving you mod. Just got KSP a few weeks ago and still learning how to do everything manually (Mechjeb definitely makes things too easy). I've got a couple mods that add fairings, but I mainly use procedural fairings in conjunction with FAR I think this makes all parts inside the fairing immune to aerodynamics. Is there a way to make it so that my omni antennas don't snap in atmosphere when they read as shielded when I right-click them? Even if it's activated, if it is completely inside the fairing there should be no way for them to break from atmospheric stresses.
  Cilph said:
About FAR, I don't think antennas should work when extended inside a fairing. Being made of metal and all that.

I actually folked a branch and added the FAR integration for fairing shielded antennas, though Cilph didn't accepted my pull request. :blush:

I've talked with Cilph about that several weeks ago. It is fair that we need to know the material of the fairing before we can state whether the antenna can or cannot work normally. We might need to find some references about the common types of PLF material, that would give us some good hint.

EDIT: ok one reference here (not sure what rocket it is describing, perhaps just a sample rocket for textbook): https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/phil/english/chairs/linguist/independent/kursmaterialien/TechComm/acchtml/twnarrow.html

Fairing. The metal fairing, which protects the payload

during the ascent phase through the atmosphere, is jettisoned

in flight during the second-stage burn at an altitude of

approximately 120 km. The fairing, which weighs 826 kg and

has a diameter of 3.2 m and a height of 8.65 m (external

dimensions), is bulb-shaped to provide a diameter and useful

volume compatible with satellites or payloads. The bottom, or

boat-tail, section of the fairing is made of radio-transparent

material to allow communications with the payload. If two

satellites are to be carried, the bottom satellite is placed

in an egg-shaped structure called the DOSLAS (double satellite

launch system).

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  AndreyATGB said:
Kerbin and all other planets are perfect spheres, the game doesn't use spheroids.

Yes then explain to me how its possible,to get over ground connections of over a 100km long? But near the poles I lose connection after 10 km

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It depends on the height of your antenna. If its low to the ground a direct line would scrape the ground fairly early. Mission Control is set to about 200m high I think? The collision tests merely consider sealevel, by the way. You can transmit through mountains.

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  Cilph said:
It depends on the height of your antenna. If its low to the ground a direct line would scrape the ground fairly early. Mission Control is set to about 200m high I think? The collision tests merely consider sealevel, by the way.

Now I really want to see someone build a 2KM tall antenna.

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Building ground stations to the poles is silly anyway. There's plenty of space up in space. Over-Horizon comms will fix it but that is a while away. Help solve the mathematical problems and it'll get done sooner.


The bottom, or

boat-tail, section of the fairing is made of radio-transparent

material to allow communications with the payload.

That seems relevant.

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