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I have not made any changes - no one else has requested features. I need to put antenna manipulation in there, but the current set of commands seems to be set in stone.

Currently going through a documentation phase while I tear RT apart for modularization and isolation. Oh, and bashing my head open with Jekyll.

Great! Im really excited about RT and KOS working together, Ill have more news soon.

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Stupid question, but I seem to be good at those.

What is the CommTech EXP-VR-2T antenna good for? The way I see it, it's inferior to the Communotron 32 in just about every way: it has a shorter range, it's heavier, it's bulkier, and it sits higher on the tech tree. The one advantage it has is a lower power drain, but the Communotron's drain is easily affordable if you have some standard solar panels.

So when or where are you supposed to prefer the CommTech as your omnidirectional antenna?

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Stupid question, but I seem to be good at those.

What is the CommTech EXP-VR-2T antenna good for? The way I see it, it's inferior to the Communotron 32 in just about every way: it has a shorter range, it's heavier, it's bulkier, and it sits higher on the tech tree. The one advantage it has is a lower power drain, but the Communotron's drain is easily affordable if you have some standard solar panels.

So when or where are you supposed to prefer the CommTech as your omnidirectional antenna?

I always assumed it had just been put in the tree wrong. I don't like the look of it anyways

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well it would be nice if it were backwards compatible but if there is no way around it, then i rather go for a new awesomer and update RT.

Also i might just make new game with .24 so for me its no big deal

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I always assumed it had just been put in the tree wrong. I don't like the look of it anyways

Actually, it comes in a small footprint, it's not long and....stick-like, sticky? Though originally the Communotron 32 sucked about 16x as much power.

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Stupid question, but I seem to be good at those.

What is the CommTech EXP-VR-2T antenna good for? The way I see it, it's inferior to the Communotron 32 in just about every way: it has a shorter range, it's heavier, it's bulkier, and it sits higher on the tech tree. The one advantage it has is a lower power drain, but the Communotron's drain is easily affordable if you have some standard solar panels.

So when or where are you supposed to prefer the CommTech as your omnidirectional antenna?

I use it in place of Communotron 16s. When deactivated it has a lower profile than Communotron 16 or Communotron 32 and I prefer to use it if I need to mount an antenna in a space that would see either of the Communotron antennae clipping through another piece of airframe, for instance behind closed cargo bay doors. I have a personal preference against allowing parts to clip through one another.

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Feel free to design new antennas if you don't like the current ones.

Sorry, I didn't mean to sound as rude as I did. This is one of the most fun mods out there, and I appreciate the trouble you've gone to to design and maintain it.

I just figured that, since the mod is so well planned out, if I couldn't see a use for an antenna then I was probably missing something.

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If possible can you add somthing that stores data (you send science to a comand station with the part then when that has a signal to the KSC it sends the data at no extra science cost) it could be made so that it can only hold one of each experiment(one report from sea one report from launch pad one report from kerbins grasslands etc.) per container. This would be usefull for if your probe never or rairly has a link to KSP but it’s command station might have a link when the probe doesn’t so you could send data to the station before you lose a link with it and it could send data back to KSP.

Edited by hpf
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I don't know what exactly I'm doing wrong, but I can't get multiple satellites to connect to another single satellite further out. In addition, if I target Kerbin using the KR-7 from the Mun, and target the Mun from Kerbin using the KR-7, they won't connect even though they should be in the 25 degree cone range. Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong? I used to be able to do what I'm trying right now.

Edited by Harvoification
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I don't know what exactly I'm doing wrong, but I can't get multiple satellites to connect to another single satellite further out. In addition, if I target Kerbin using the KR-7 from the Mun, and target the Mun from Kerbin using the KR-7, they won't connect even though they should be in the 25 degree cone range. Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong? I used to be able to do what I'm trying right now.

Check your cone on it that should be alittle close for the cone the DTS-M1 is better at that range.

EDIT just put 1 up they should connect if you have line of sight you have a screen shot ?

Edited by Mecripp2
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Check your cone on it that should be alittle close for the cone the DTS-M1 is better at that range.

EDIT just put 1 up they should connect if you have line of sight you have a screen shot ?

Never mind, just uninstalled the mod (which is a shame, 'cause it's awesome). All my craft have been copying each other and blowing up because they're occupying the same space as well as lots of other little problems and crashes. I think I'll wait until an official fix is out, but thanks anyway mate! :)

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How are you guys getting the craft copy bug lol never had it you using the patch ?

EDIT most, I got was could'nt launch 2 probe core but was fixed with patch and the blue and white screen blur.

@Cilph is there anyway that the way RT2 to making or putting in the RT2_Setting.cfg file that's making this bug's some are having as, I still use the older 1 and don't get them have seen there alittle defrant?

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Hello, I have a problem with RT2+RemoteTech2_2014.


Everything looks to be fine. But I build a heavy rocket with rover and want to fly it to the Mun. I don't want to risk so mission to the Mun consist of two parts:launch a rover to orbit, launch a crew to orbit and transfer it to rover. That's why rover has manned module without kerbanauts and unmanned one to launch. Ok, rover is in orbit 100 km-100 km with crew in lander can (and plus unmanned control module here too) and I start transfer to Mun. So then Mun catch me in sphere of influence I have an issue. I have no torque from SAS and control modules but still wheels of rover is working fine,I can turn on-off engines, even SAS stabilization "T" works fine (but no torque "WASDQE") and without fan made patch I have some graphic issues with interface. Please help me.

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Sounds like you're running out of power, though it is weird since your connection is still active so you have power for that. Remember that the smallest probe core barely has any torque so if your rover is any bigger than 0.625m it probably doesn't do much. A picture with the resource menu open would be helpful.

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Hey hey, anyone know how to manually turn antennas on in your persistent file. I removed RT2 a while ago (and played only manned), decided to copy my save for some playtesting but most of my antennas are off (only so many were close enough to activate through the omni), what setting would I mess with to activate the dishes?

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Below, a quote from a thread I started (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/32138-Problem-with-Compatibility-patch-for-Remotetech)

I found a solution! For whom ever it may interest, saving your ships once you have added this patch can be done trough changing your persistence file (with notepad ++ (free download on official site)) in your save file (backup before you touch it if you don't wish to corrupt your save) and changing the list of values below under the vessel you wish to reestablish com with (avoid doing this in game while this file is being constantly changed, from the main menu is fine). Find the ship in question, then find one of it's antennas in the list of parts. This only aims to open up one antenna to reestablish lost communication after the patch closed all antennas.





Change these values to:

- animState = 1

- antennaRange = 9000 for stock antenna, (50000 i believe for the stock dish)

- Mode1Event

active = False

- Mode0Event

active = True


active = False

- OverrideMode0Event

active = True

I'm not sure if ALL these values have to be changed manually or if it does the rest of the job for you but to be safe, i'm doing all of these. It isn't even very long if you use the search tool (dozen minutes for 8 ships for me) but you see which ships are worth it. Hope this can help some confronted with this problem :)

(to avoid looking through this great sea of info, just use the find tool with key words "VESSEL", "ANTENNA", (name of the ship in question), ...)

http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/491-Back-to-the-sources : One of my blog posts for more info about editing peristence files.

For the dishes, you'll have to give them a target. I'll have to check, but I think this i the kerbal center:

RTAntennaTarget = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc488

Edited by Aknar
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Hello, I have a problem with RT2+RemoteTech2_2014.


Everything looks to be fine. But I build a heavy rocket with rover and want to fly it to the Mun. I don't want to risk so mission to the Mun consist of two parts:launch a rover to orbit, launch a crew to orbit and transfer it to rover. That's why rover has manned module without kerbanauts and unmanned one to launch. Ok, rover is in orbit 100 km-100 km with crew in lander can (and plus unmanned control module here too) and I start transfer to Mun. So then Mun catch me in sphere of influence I have an issue. I have no torque from SAS and control modules but still wheels of rover is working fine,I can turn on-off engines, even SAS stabilization "T" works fine (but no torque "WASDQE") and without fan made patch I have some graphic issues with interface. Please help me.

I've gotten the exact same bug with ordinary probes, though I hadn't realized it was associated with RemoteTech (and yes, I have the hotfix installed). It seems to be a case of the flight UI not loading correctly for whatever reason.

You can work around the problem by exiting to the main menu, then reloading your game. It seems to strike at random, so the odds that it will happen on two consecutive ship loads are pretty low.

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Below, a quote from a thread I started (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/32138-Problem-with-Compatibility-patch-for-Remotetech)

http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/491-Back-to-the-sources : One of my blog posts for more info about editing peristence files.

For the dishes, you'll have to give them a target. I'll have to check, but I think this i the kerbal center:

RTAntennaTarget = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc488

Interesting, so the target ID's aren't unique to each save game. Good to know.

Also, I can confirm the antennaRange property doesn't have to be set by hand.

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just so u know the ship stop responding ive had it on stock. it seems to be something with the game it randomly pops up even when no rt installed. ive had where it dont happen for a month then randomly one day it happen mutiple times. normaly if your ship just stop responding switching to another active vessel most time fixes it.

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Okay why do I have two ships 10m apart with dts-m1's each pointed at each other and I have no connection!!! This happens repeatedly an sometimes switching back and forth restores the connection, sometimes standing on my left leg an hopping restores connection, sometime if the pahease of the moon and contents of my refresh buffer are just right I get a connection and sometimes like today I cannot get a connection and want to take a baseball bat to my computer. Can you please explain how two ship 10m apart with dishes point at each other cannot get a connection????

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they too close for a dish to work. use a omni antanna. a dish has a cone effect that it points towward the target so if they 10m apart the cone wotn work.

I'm pretty sure the cone is only for targeting planets. If you target a vessel manually there's no cone since it only has one direction to look at.

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