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Missions for Career mode

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I recently posted some ideas about budget and goals which are completed to improve it. I saw this on Reddit and really liked the idea of 'themed' missions (or goals) that you came up with. I'm trying to figure out how I might mix it in with what I already put up - maybe each organization gives different kinds of rewards. So Von Kerman gives you bonus science points for completing his goals, another organization increases your per launch budget, another provides funding increases and another provides lump sum monetary rewards.

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I like the pictures.

Could be fun, but only if the sidequests are not that much a core part of the game. I don't want these guys bugging me to do cr*p while I'm off executing my own plans.

I want to keep the kerbals working for me, not the other way around.

Though in another thread, where I raised the idea that budget could be a per year thing, sidequests could be an interesting way to boost things.

Edited by Tw1
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I recently posted some ideas about budget and goals which are completed to improve it. I saw this on Reddit and really liked the idea of 'themed' missions (or goals) that you came up with. I'm trying to figure out how I might mix it in with what I already put up - maybe each organization gives different kinds of rewards. So Von Kerman gives you bonus science points for completing his goals, another organization increases your per launch budget, another provides funding increases and another provides lump sum monetary rewards.

I just threw that together in around an hour and a half, and ofc could come with more people/organisations. Just wanted it to be an example of the sillyness I'm hoping for.

I'm seeing a lot of people are hoping for a "Space Race" kind of career vs another space program, but historically the Space Race was born out of conflict, or rather fear of conflict, and I just don't see the Kerbals being a warlike people.

First we need to see if the credit system will be a "per launch budget" or if we just get a lump of credit which we have to divide ourself, potentially a mix where you can exceed the "per launch budget" with money you have gathered from some missions.

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First we need to see if the credit system will be a "per launch budget" or if we just get a lump of credit which we have to divide ourself, potentially a mix where you can exceed the "per launch budget" with money you have gathered from some missions.

I'm hoping it be a sort of "per mission reward" system, where the challenge is to complete the mission with credits left over. The credit left-over can act as sort of your "buffer" for your next mission.

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