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Happy New Year from the UK!


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Hello Kerballers!

I\'ve been playing KSP since 0.8, though this is my first post. Very impressed with Harvester and the team\'s efforts so far. As a LONG time space buff this is the kind of game I\'ve been crying out for, and despite some minor flaws I\'ve had hours of fun building space planes, landers and of course... insanely complex rockets :)

I\'m no coder or modeller (though my creative side wishes I had those skills) so I\'ve really been nothing but an observer so far. I would however like to contribute to this community in some way, whether it\'s people picking my brain/space encyclopaedia, or sharing .craft files. My latest project is a version of the Sanger space plane concept borrowing Nova\'s excellent Vanguard space plane as the upper stage.

Enough rambling and Happy New Year to you all!

Harvester, Nova, C7, Tiberion et al thanks for your hard work!


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Thank you all! It\'s a good job Kerbin is immune to Britain\'s weather effects.... Though it\'d be interesting to try a launch in the gale force winds and rain/sleet/hail we\'ve been having the last few days!

I guess that would be an interesting feature for Harvester to add to the game at some point in the future. Dynamic weather!

Imagine returning from Munar orbit in a crippled spacecraft (mine usually are the minute they lift-off!!) only to find the spaceport is in the midst of a hurricane :)

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