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Humble beginnings

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I'd like to see expanded gameplay content and I think I heard that there's already plans for 'future tech' FTL drives etc.. but I thought one other way to expand the gameplay would be to start the space program at a more humble tech level.

I was thinking collecting low altitude science with prop planes (basic control surfaces and wings) and high altitude science with balloons.

Additionally if 'speed' can be a biome (and why not? Cool sciency things happen at the sound barrier etc...) then prop planes can be upgraded to turbo fan/jet engine super sonic aircraft to perform more science to assist with unlocking the basics of rocketry.

Basically I was confused by seeing planes near the end of the tech tree when it seems to make more practical sense to build a space program on aeronotical foundation.

... And weather balloons


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You're not alone in your confusion...:)

Balloons definitely won't be implemented until the whole atmospheric model is re-worked. As for aeroplanes, I think that having two start tech levels (one for rockets, and one for planes) should help. Of course, it brings a lot of problems with using plane technology in rockets...but then again, basic probe core, passive stabilisers and basic control surfaces should be in the first tech level. German V-2 rocket had them; even earlier experimental rockets had them.

Edited by Outlander4
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