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M$ "Flight" is the biggest blunder since Spore


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This free2play business model really gone out of control, and for m$ flight it simply pull the plug for many player for it, bye bye MSFS, god bye Kai Tak airport packs you will be miss:(

Now if only if I can get x-plane demo working .....>:(

edit :

Someone say eagle dynamics as well, but TBH they are the second biggest scam in sim gaming just right behind THE train simulator by selling game fix in a priced patch that should have been free in the first place, or through M$ FLIGHT might replace it as the second biggest scam in sim gaming =P

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

I have something that moach will go berserk over.

This is a comment on a video about KSP.

Its like? spore

TheAndrewdman 28 minutes ago


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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Meh, it\'s just that guys opinion, and you know what they say about opinions. They\'re like assholes, everyone\'s got one.


Capt\'n Skunky

True. Very true.

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Man, I just watched that video of Ballmer, man, I felt embarrassed for him. :-X

Kind of reminded me of that scene in Tropic Thunder, where Tom Cruise does his little dance, IDK why, but it gave me the same impression of him.

If Harvester has a special hell, I think you are the first entrant. Tell me about your stay.

LOL! I guess you could count Angry Birds in the \'Ballistic Flight Sim\' category as well :D


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If Harvester has a special hell, I think you are the first entrant. Tell me about your stay.

Hey, I was not serious and thankfully, I am sure Squad still has a sense of humour unlike the other dev teams we see these days. :(

Even my favourites such as Settlers are going 'Free to play'. The entire game description and setup just makes me want to hurt people it\'s so wrong. :(

I hope the developers get the idea, it\'s free, yet I still will not play it. In fact, they could not pay me to play a F2P game!

A 'free game' or a 'free trial' or demo etc are all fine. Like KSP they are great.

But 'Rope you in with promises of free games, which you hopefully won\'t realise are just tricks to get you addicted to our cash shop' are not a thing I want to play.

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I don\'t think its about which game is better, but about the FSX addon community being destroyed

X-Plane has its 'sdk' out with every copy so its not that hard for them to drop 80 bucks for X-Plane 10 (its 8 DL dvd\'s so stop your complaining) and start making a plane in plane maker. The good thing is that they dont have to do alot of edits and such to make the plane work right. After making the plane in plane maker, it will fly just fine as it simulates the whole thing real time when you fly it unlike FSX which used per-determined values for certain things. They will jump over to X-Plane but I think most of them are really holding out to see if the backlash will slap them in the face hard.

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Brings back memories. (of Riven...)

Couldn\'t they make it two Blu-rays?

One 50 GB BD-R is 25 bucks. Because the total size compressed is ~55 GB, the price would be around 100 bucks. And because the fact that the adoption rate for actual Blu-Ray drives in personal computers is so small, they would hardly sell any. A single DL-DVD-R is around 3 bucks. Both prices are for Verbatim disks which are extremely high quality disks.Now, buying in bulk will bring the price down but you still got the whole thing of Blu-Ray disks are expensive to make so its simpler to keep it on DVD\'s.

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I\'m thinking of shelling out the two hundred bucks for the newest MS Flight Simulator... should I or is it not good? I\'ve played a bit of FlightGear and Google Earth Airplane Simulator so maybe I should move to the next step, simulator speaking

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I\'m thinking of shelling out the two hundred bucks for the newest MS Flight Simulator... should I or is it not good? I\'ve played a bit of FlightGear and Google Earth Airplane Simulator so maybe I should move to the next step, simulator speaking

Get X-Plane and you will not regret it although there is a huge learning curve

X-Plane 9 is like 11 bucks used on amazon and because he only does simple DVD checks, you will be fine and it is a good entry sim that is advanced.

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Sorry guys for 'jumping' in to this discussion, because I\'m not a flight sim fan, but I\'m familiar with MS Flight series and his popularity and modding community...

So this news about removing modding ability from next iteration of game, really sucks!

'Free to play, pay for ingame content' games are on rise, and more and more games are turning to this concept of payment, but crucial thing is how that is implemented and where is implemented...

Here is one example of bad implementation:

Battlefield Heroes from (guess who) EA :-\

- they made free to play multiplayer shooter, where you payed for some unimportant to gameplay stuff, like hats, clothing and atc. You could also buy XP and credit boost, that allowed you to advance faster, but it didn\'t have any direct impact on gamplay alone. That boost or clothing didn\'t give you any advantage over 'non paying' players when fighting each other. You had same guns and same character as everybody else... You just needed to play a bit less to get to next level then other players.

But, then they implemented new (better) weapons, that you could buy for real money or ingame credits. But problem was that you could buy those weapons for ingame credits for just couple days, and price was so high that you needed to play quite a lot; if my memory serves me right, it was around 100 or more games a day; with 5 or more min per game, that was more then 8h of gaming a day just to earn enough credits to buy that gun again after those few days.

But for real money, you could buy that gun permanently.

And that give great advantage to paying players, because ones with 'premium' guns could pawn you even with way less skill then you; for example, regular sniper rifle was less precise, had less ammo, and did less damage, and on other hand, premium sniper rifle had more ammo, larger rate of fire and way more damage. So you ware not able to kill guy with one shot, and while you ware ready to shoot again, he manage to shoot you twice, and just one shoot from his rifle could kill you.

So in end, it turn out that you ware not able to play this game as free play user, because all paying users dominated battlefield.

And for good example of 'Free to play, pay for ingame content' game, I will mention Wargaming\'s World of Tanks

For real money, you buy ingame gold that you can use to buy Premium account that give you 50% more XP and credits. And you can also buy premium tanks, that are in general less powerful then regular tanks, but they earn more credits. And regarding credits, system in game works in way that lover tier tanks earn more credits then are expenses to repair them and buy ammo, but higher tier (better) tanks earn less, and often you end up in minus after battle. So you have to play with lower tier tanks to earn credits for higher tier tanks.

But big difference is that none of payed stuff effects gameplay alone; only your skill is what will decide if you will win or lose.

Sure, you can buy 'gold' ammo that you basically pay for real money, and that ammo can do more damage or penetrate thicker armor, but they made it so expensive that it doesn\'t pay off to buy it. Only place where they use that ammo is in clan wars, but in clan wars, you can even earn gold, so you don\'t have to spend any money on it (and if you play good in clan wars, your entire clan can earn so much gold, that none of your members doesn\'t have to spend any money to get gold for any type of payed content; so with good play, you can for free get premium stuff).

Basically, game favors good players and gives slight advantage to ones that pay, but just in way that they will have to play less battles to reach next tier or earn credits.

I personally play World of Tanks each day for almost a year, and I have couple weeks ago decided to buy ingame gold for 30€, so that I can buy one premium tank. Now I can play a bit less games to get same amount of credits as before, or in same amount of games, earn more credits.

And in mine opinion, 30€ for one year of gaming is bargain price.

And just one info; that type of tank that I purchase for real money, was sold over 30 000 times (over 30 000 players owns that tank), and with 30€ price, that\'s 900 000 € just from one tank. So this also works for developers.

But this system of 'Free to play, pay for ingame content' game works if it is implemented correctly, and if is implemented in to right type of game... And I don\'t think that MSFlight is right type of game for that kind of system.... And it kind of makes people dumb; they stop creating their own content, and rather wait for content to be 'served' to then, and just to pay it... And when you pay 2€, 3€ or 5€ for some stuff, at first it doesn\'t look like much... but over time it accumulates and in one year you realized that you have payed 200-300€ for stuff in game...

How will this work for MSFlight is thing that only time will give answer... But it will defiantly kill one of most important aspects of this game; modding....

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Sorry guys for 'jumping' in to this discussion, because I\'m not a flight sim fan, but I\'m familiar with MS Flight series and his popularity and modding community...

So this news about removing modding ability from next iteration of game, really sucks!

'Free to play, pay for ingame content' games are on rise, and more and more games are turning to this concept of payment, but crucial thing is how that is implemented and where is implemented...

Here is one example of bad implementation:

Battlefield Heroes from (guess who) EA :-\

- they made free to play multiplayer shooter, where you payed for some unimportant to gameplay stuff, like hats, clothing and atc. You could also buy XP and credit boost, that allowed you to advance faster, but it didn\'t have any direct impact on gamplay alone. That boost or clothing didn\'t give you any advantage over 'non paying' players when fighting each other. You had same guns and same character as everybody else... You just needed to play a bit less to get to next level then other players.

But, then they implemented new (better) weapons, that you could buy for real money or ingame credits. But problem was that you could buy those weapons for ingame credits for just couple days, and price was so high that you needed to play quite a lot; if my memory serves me right, it was around 100 or more games a day; with 5 or more min per game, that was more then 8h of gaming a day just to earn enough credits to buy that gun again after those few days.

But for real money, you could buy that gun permanently.

And that give great advantage to paying players, because ones with 'premium' guns could pawn you even with way less skill then you; for example, regular sniper rifle was less precise, had less ammo, and did less damage, and on other hand, premium sniper rifle had more ammo, larger rate of fire and way more damage. So you ware not able to kill guy with one shot, and while you ware ready to shoot again, he manage to shoot you twice, and just one shoot from his rifle could kill you.

So in end, it turn out that you ware not able to play this game as free play user, because all paying users dominated battlefield.

You could always buy better guns with credits and money. But they updated the prices. You used to be able to buy a gun for a day and pay it off in about an hour. now it is astronomical like you said

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Right on. F2P can always be screwed up, and usually is - Sturgeon\'s Law. But if applied to a game where the other players are the content (multiplayer), it can be awesome and lucrative.

A flight sim? Not so much.

This is what I\'m hoping for with MechWarrior Online, even though it\'s a shame the original concept had to be scrapped, I think this (MWO of course, not MS Flight) might be an exception of a good F2P game.

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