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Battlefield 4


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Is there anyone here playing battlefield 4? what is your opinion about this game?

For the moment, it is so buggy! I had better framerate on the beta and before the last patch than now (I get 30-40 fps with a gtx 770)

and the campaign, I've never saw anything that buggy !

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I didn't like it.You know there isn't going to be much in the way of story when it's disk 2.I've encountered several bugs,AI mess ups,Dafuq moments and general irritation at the lack of attention to detail.The story hurls explosions and Chinese people at your face.Honestly I was happy with the story in Halo4 but this can be summed up in a few sentences.Although the transition from in-game cutscene to gameplay was so seamless I stood there for over a minute waiting for something to happen/

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Probably not as good as Battlefield 3, but still enjoyable. The commander mode is surprisingly fun. Although I really don't like that they made the PDW the main engineer weapon instead of the carbine, and made semi-auto sniper rifles available for all classes.

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The multiplayer will defenitivly be as good as bf3 once all the bug are patched (if they are ever, remember bf3), but the single player is so bad! the story doesn't make sense, Most of the time, I didn't knew how I got where I was or even why I was there. The AI is one of the worst I saw and there is just so many glitches

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The SP story is the among the worst I experienced. Good thing it's Battlefield and I expect nothing from the SP (BF3 SP was pretty good though). You can't even call it story holes, it was more like story dots. Weak characters, excellent voicework. Some locations were pretty great and the character detail is very good.

MP is as amazing as expected and I seem to be pretty lucky (ocassional crashes after some hours). On the new patched (R6) servers and with the fixed join queue I have close to zero problems.

The latest AMD beta driver is a bit of a diva with some flickering problems on the desktop w/ multi monitoring). Performance is great on a 2500k / hd7950 / win8.1

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ARMA > all other military style fps games :D

TBH I havent bothered with bf4 as from what I have seen its mostly the same as bf3. I played the beta on a friends pc and it felt just like bf3.

I feel its going the same way as call of duty. Same old game, extra bit of polish with money making dlc already designed and ready to sell. I will stick to ARMA thanks. If i want to play a competetive fps i have CS:GO.

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