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glitch/clipping error, looks like no fuel tanks.


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as you can see, i have 90 units of fuel on this craft, even though there appears to be no fuel tanks attached. what i've done is stacked the torvoidal fuel tanks on top of each other, there is a limit to what can be done with this, i'm not sure exactly what it is, but i do know its around 20 tanks. i think its pretty cool. idk about you guys. side note: it acts sort of like a slinky, when attached to the next part with no clipping upon any sort acceleration, including negative acceleration.

edit: sorry i didn't realize i had to host images, so i don't have an image. sorry

Edited by ForrestPailes
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You need to host you pics on a server if you want us to see them because we cannot (thankfully) access your hard drive. Use Imgur for example.

Otherwise, the toroidal tank stacking exploit is known, as well as the intake stacking is.

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