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The Kermmunist Space Program (A Pictorial History With Some Words Added)

Guest LTrotsky

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Guest LTrotsky


Workerbals of Kerbin, Unite!

Index of Kermmunist Historical Space Exploration Missions and Achievements

A Retrospective on the First Kermmunist Exploration Cycle: Prima

Year 1, Day 27 - Kraken 11 - First Mun Landing

Year 1, Day 174 - Kraken 12 - Mission to Minmus

The Launch of Kraken 13 / DSP II - Probe to Duna

Kraken 13 / DSP II - Shots from the Duna Probe

Design Buro Previews the new Gigant System Command Module

Year 1, Day 179 - Gigant 2 Mission - Stranded! Rescuing Jebediah Kerman

Gigant 3A - Erg I, Pre-Launch Interview with "Deke" Kerman

Gigant 3A/Erg I Mission - The First Space Station (in Space)

Year 1, Day 180 - Gigant 3B Mission - Docking with the Erg I Minmus Station

Year 1, Day 186 - Deep Space Probe III - Evenik I Science Probe - Unkermanned Mission to Eve

Year 1, Day 230 to Day 232 - Skienter I through III Mun Probe Landings

Year 1, Day 231 to Day 269 - The Historic Mohonik I Mission [ Video ]

Year 1, Day 269 - The KSP Design Buro Qualifies the Duna I Mission [ Folio ]

Year 1, Day 270 to Year 1, Day 333 (and beyond) - Gigant 4 Mission to Duna [ Folio ] [Video soon]

Year 1, Day 270 - Gigant 4 Mission to Duna, part 1, The Launch [ Historic Video of the Gigant 4 Launch! ]

As the Kermmunist Space Program has now demonstrated the superiority of the Kermmunist system of space exploration, we have been authorized to begin publishing pictures, with some words, to record for all history our glorious achievements in the Kerbol star system.

At present, only a few pictures have been authorized, but they show beyond any totally logical and ironclad reasonable doubt that the Kermmunist Space Program is well on the way to the exploration and future settlement of space, and with not really that many Kerbalnauts having given their lives along the way.

The KerSpaPro has successfully completed two program cycles to date. Each cycle is based on the best technology available, when new technology is discovered by Kerbal scientists, a new cycle is initiated. This, incidentally, also proves that there is such as thing as a Kerbal Scientist, despite a great many naysayers - mostly non-Kermmunists.

The Prima Cycle was our first effort into spaceflight. Unfortunately, no pictures of this phase have been authorized for release. However, it did set the basis for the next cycle : Kraken.

The Kraken Cycle is based on the Kraken Launch Transit System (KLTS), which has 5 stages to complete launch, orbit, transit, de-orbit, landing and return to Kerbin. A view of Kraken 11 is shown below :


As the picture shows, we Kermmunists believe in doing things big. The Kraken system has a total mass at launch of about 185 tons.

The Kraken Lander, at the top of the system above, was tested beforehand - of course! - by Kerbalnaut Jebediah Kerman.


Apologies to Mr. Kerman for the misspelling of his first name in the words added to the pictures. The offending writer has been sent to a re-education camp.

The Kraken 11 mission was a complete success, and some pictures are currently being airbru*cough* - prepared for publication.

We can further report that the Kraken 12 mission is currently moving to the pad, and a special hovercam has been added to the mission payload to photograph all the glorious achievements. Kraken 12 will place the first live Kerbal on Minmus, and do Kerbal science - which, again, does in fact exist.

Further glorious successes of the Kermmunist Space Program will be published here as they, inevitably, occur. The Kermmisars have authorized us to tell you the KerSpaPro is currently working on a new launch system as the Kraken Cycle comes to an end. This system is known as the Gigant Cosmos R-35 System. The name should give you a hint about the new capabilities, and not in any way suggest to you that there were 34 other systems before this one. The launch booster stages alone weigh 585 tons, and is already a giant leap forward for Kermmunism and Kerbality.

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Guest LTrotsky


The KerSpaPro has just released these photos of the Kraken 11 Mission!

1. Here is a descriptive photo of the Kraken Launch Transit System - known in KerSpaPro as the KLTS-3b :


2. Just to prove, but not beyond any totally logical and unassailable doubt, that Kermmunists have a sense of humor, the KerSpaPro workerbals provided these for publication :



3. Here is a composite shot by an unquestionably (or, perhaps unquestioning?) brave Kerbal Journalist near the launch pad, with some words added - as promised.


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Guest LTrotsky

As mentioned above, the Prima Cycle was the first KerSpaPro manned flight effort.

The purpose of the Prima Cycle was to achieve orbit in manned flight. Here is a composite of some representative Prima Cycle vehicles.


Prima 1 was, incidentally, a command pod launch pad test, with some scientific ground sampling (scraping carbon and other matter off the pad grates) and reporting, which enabled Kerbal scientists to develop "decouplers". They didn't explain the relationship between ground samples and de-couplers, and we didn't ask.

The photo also shows the experimentation of the KerSpaPro engineers. Though Prima 12 and 14 appear similar, it can be seen that an engine was removed from the P-12 vehicle, merging the 2nd and 3rd stages into one, and adding fuel. The conversion of engine weight to fuel mass was hoped to allow a full orbit. In addition, P-14 has a LT-V45 main motor, rather than the LT-V30. With a slower burn rate and better control, Prima 14 thus achieved the highest altitude of the Cycle to that point.

Not every Prima mission was a manned flight. Several involved pad tests which were nevertheless given a Prima Mission number. Pad tests included discovering whether or not the vehicle could sustain it's own weight without the rocket motor at the bottom falling off. Towers were not yet invented, though more than a few had suggested them.

Prima 14 did achieve an altitude of 327 kilometers, but remained on a sub-orbital trajectory. Prima 15, however, did achieve orbit and thus successfully completed the Cycle.



The Kermmisariat has also authorized me to say that no Kerbalnauts were killed during the Prima Cycle.

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Guest LTrotsky


The KerSpaPro has just announced the launch of Kraken 13 / DSPII, with the mission of thermal and barometric testing of Duna.

An album of photos has been released, so that we can all celebrate this most glorious achievement of the Workerbal space exploration effort!

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I wish to add that I am personally aware that Bill Kerman was not hit by any of the tower debris jettisoned by K-13, and is in fact still alive and well.

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Guest LTrotsky


The Kermmisariat is pleased to release this photo album of the Kraken 12 - Mission to Minmus.

Highlights :

* The Bloomin' Onion

* "Sparkly Areas Discovered on Minmus"

* Launching to Orbit with a Spacesuit Rocket Pack, or Not.

* The Other Glorious and Informative Informational Type Stuff You Expect From KerSpaPro!

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Guest LTrotsky


The KerSpaPro debuts the new Gigant S3 system with these photos of a pad test of a new system to enable the safe separation and escape of the crew in the event of total disaster, making it not total but more of only a partial disaster. Workerbals across all of Kerbin are advised not to interpret the development of this system as evidence of a great many total disasters which have previously not occurred.

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Guest LTrotsky


Earlier, we said that the KerSpaPro was all about 'truth in space exploration.' Here is the proof.

Jebediah Kerman became stranded in space, and had to be rescued. KerSpaPro immediately put together a rescue mission package, which also enabled a full flight test of the new Gigant S3 system, the Gigant 2 - ROJK Mission. This is part of the design test philosophy at KerSpaPro, which is known simply as the 'win-win' philosophy. Win #1 = test the system. Win #2 = if the system doesn't work, now we know it doesn't work. In this case, there is a third win : if the system works and Jebediah is rescued, well, some would consider that a win also - especially Jebediah I would imagine. In any event, the design test was combined with the rescue mission, and here are the glorious results and inevitable successes, conveniently packaged into a photo album.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have also been following, but as your threads often seen to coincide with when I realize things of my own, I may have been avoiding bumping other threads.:blush:I know how much a comment is worth to a writter, so here's one now! Please don't throw things at me.

I've been enjoying the "Kermunist" style.

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Guest LTrotsky


KerSpaPro has just completed the most complex mission ever attempted, as a prelude to an upcoming Duna mission.

The Mission included the use of a newly-designed launch booster with the highest thrust ever achieved in the entire history of KerSpaPro.

For aspiring Kermmunist Kerbalnauts, a craft file will be posted here, if requested, containing the Gigant S6c-2524 Launch Booster and Orbital Stage used here, so that Kermmunists everywhere can experience the power and reliability of Kermmunist technology! (Note : Subassemblies stored as files and used on another ship do not have the struts actually bi-connected - they are in place but attached only at the 1st point - anyone using the file will have to re-connect all the struts in the LB/OS system, otherwise it is a nice fireworks display).

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This thread is great and really well made! Props to you for dedicating yourself to this project, which shows with the consistency and quality of these mission reports. The commentary is clever and humorous, the development of the space program is interesting and the setting feels so Kerbal.

I'm so jelly :P and totally inspired to do something along the lines of your Kermmunist Space Program in my own career save.

Long live the Revolution!

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Guest LTrotsky
This thread is great and really well made! Props to you for dedicating yourself to this project, which shows with the consistency and quality of these mission reports. The commentary is clever and humorous, the development of the space program is interesting and the setting feels so Kerbal.

I'm so jelly :P and totally inspired to do something along the lines of your Kermmunist Space Program in my own career save.

Long live the Revolution!

Viva Che!

Thanks for the compliments. It does take a bit of work to do this, but it makes the missions "real" when I know that they have to be reported to the Kermmunist Kerpublic. Also, I think that with KSP at the stage it is, there will be many more users going forward, and there is (or was a couple weeks ago) a general lack of 0.22 help on you tube and elsewhere. This is my contribution to filling that gap (a bit). Glad you enjoy it!

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Guest LTrotsky


The KerSpaPro has just announced the successful completion of the Deep Space Probe III - Evenik I Mission, which landed a science probe on the surface of Eve. Moreover, I believe them!

KerSpaPro has also, for the first time, announced a launch schedule as follows :

1/ 233 - Deep Space Probe IV - Mohonik I (Moho Science Probe)

1/ 284 - Gigant 4 - Kermanned Mission to Duna

The new capability to plan launches around windows has been gloriously achieved by Kermmunist scientists who rely entirely on the work of alexmoon who may or may not be a Kermmunist. We suspect he has Kermmunist sympathies, because his excellent tool is available for free to all Kerbals (and presumeably other species as well) at http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/.

Here is the DSP3 - Evenik I Mission Folio :

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Guest LTrotsky


Another historic 26 1/2 hours at KerSpaPro, which has just announced the successful launch and landing of 3 unkermanned probes on the moon in the space of less than 2 days.

The KerSpaPro is now a nuclear power, or rather *has* nuclear powered engines.

The Kermissariat has, as required by the law of truthiness, provided this folio of another glorious triumph for the Workers' Kerpublic.

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Guest LTrotsky

We are not sure what to make of the minor quakes detected on the Mun, but the Skientists are looking into it.

I can report to the Kerpublic that the Mohonik I has been launched and is now reportedly in orbit around Moho! Details will be reported as they emerge. Stay tuned.

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