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Points of Interest

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I had a dream the other day where i was in low Munar orbit and I did some sort of experiment, i think it was a crew report, and the result that came back was typical but it said afterwards that the kerbals had noticed something interesting on the surface. After this there was a marker placed on the surface where there was some extra science to be had for doing some EVA sampling or something similar I imagine. So i was wondering if anyone else might think this is a good/neat idea or if im just having the dreams of a crazy person.

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Oh, yeah. (Before the 0.18 update, I had a dream that the dang mk2 fuselage wasn't so fat and the mk1 cockpit was like it was in the original C7 pack, but more cool lookin' (no offense, C7. :) ) and there were tons of different kinds of ullage motors angled at different ways. :) )

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Man, I'd love it if there was a stock way to scan for the anomalies/easter eggs. My first choice would be for a vessel mounted telescope that could directly view the surface (and could be used to scan for landing sites etc), but I'd settle for a magic detector like the ISP Mapsat mod has, or the crew 'noticing' things with their sharp eyes, as you describe.

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I had a very similar idea. I was hoping for a general waypoint feature (like my GPSr) to allow me to mark a location that I observed from orbit. I was thinking of discovering anomalies (I have yet to find one). The waypoint would be like a flag with no geometry.

I really like the idea of extending this to science experiments as well to suggest a ground landing location. Science is currently very mechanical and this would make it feel more like actual discovery.

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The idea I think behind it is additional challenge with an appropriate reward. As of now you can land anywhere and get the same results as anywhere else, whereas if there were these points you could land and visit them and get rewarded for the extra effort of landing [or driving to] this exact spot.

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As of now you can land anywhere and get the same results as anywhere else, whereas if there were these points you could land and visit them and get rewarded for the extra effort of landing [or driving to] this exact spot.

Not entirely true.

Currently Kerbind and Mun have different biomes. It is true that each biome actually generates same amount if science points when doing first expiriment in that biome. But this may probably change.

Also developers noted that they intend to include more biomes for other planets and mons. And I would not be surprised if they make special small biomes around easter eggs with different science points award values.

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