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Is there a way to show total dv?

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When you place first maneuver, the game shows you delta-v needed to execute that maneuver. However, when you place another maneuver on the trajectory after the first maneuver, required delta-v is not displayed anywhere, or at least I failed so far to find it.

Is it possible somehow to see delta-v needed for other than the first maneuver?

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Is it possible somehow to see delta-v needed for other than the first maneuver?

You need to close the maneuver node editors for all maneuver nodes first (=hide all the handles) by clicking somewhere in empty space. Then, simply hover over all the maneuver nodes. No need to delete nodes first.

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Hey, it looks like it works! It destroys the path but to get rough estimate it's okay and I can set up the path again. Thanks!

Yes I play vanilla.

This is actually one of the best tip Ive read in a while :) I was wondering the same myself.

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