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Kerbal Powers Board Game

The Fleet Master

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wait does that mean I can launch another base? does that cost money? does other stuff cost money? How much do I have?I am really just confused atm


i had to make it so that there are no costs of things yet. so if you want tanks build them if you want plains build them, just no space stuff as of yet. you can claim another territory you just have to launch it legit from KSC to where you want it either via rocket or boat or plane. So no costs yet that will be added in the next update I just want you all to get used to the format before we get to terribly competitive.

Also to everyone make sure you check out the rules on the other threads. I will be doing a walk-through video explanation when i get a mic.

Edited by camulus777
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Question: Am I allowed to claim another hex tile today, and will it cost me any money, and how do I know how much money I have


what we are doing to start off an set up is putting a freeze on buy spending and pretty much using Kerbitz till we get everyone establish then i will post my video for everyone to see. That way you wont have to read everything i posted only reference it. So place your next command center and don't forget screenshots :) And yes one per day. thus far.

Edited by camulus777
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-Definitely limit them people around here are prone to outbursts of diplomacy:P

-Maybe have it linked to the mass of the launch craft but a reusable stage will reduce that time.

-Well honor systems have worked so far on GNBC,Maybe we can just trust 'em.

picks are for entertainment not to make sure people are doing things legit. I trust that people will. It's to show how the design works and learn how to land on a dime. If you already can great. As for your last point you might want to PM about that I have some things that might help and would like your input.

and before you get to colonizing the new world half way across the world lol lets stick to the continent you started on. We are just starting, but will get to all that later trust me.

Is anyone else doing a drag racer? I'd like to see one do 300ms

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I am sorry I couldn't play today (and I can't still), but I did, however figure out the issues I've been having with building watercraft. And without using any help! (I am so proud :D)

So, I'll carry my game on tommorow, when my schedule isn't overburdened by RL difficulties.

Also, why isn't my tile on the map?

Edited by Krevsin
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Sok the game is kinda designed for rl difficulties :) ill wait to see if anyone sends more map uploads before i update the map.

All your stuff is comin out cool guys. I'm quite impressed with the constructions.

Edited by camulus777
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