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Yep, i want to suggest some options for fuel,

1. Now in ksp we have like 4 types of fuel tanks, 1 - for rocket fuel, 2 -for planes fuel, 3 - for RCS fuel and 4 - for xenon gas, my idea is to make form them the same fuel tanks and add an option to fill it with what you want (just fuel, fuel + Oxidizer, RSC fuel or Xenon gas), there will be no more making the same size of fuel tank for different type of fuel

2. Add option for transferring fuel in docking ports, so everybody can transfer fuel from one rocket to another without clicking every fuel tank in rocket

3. Multi fuel tanks transferring fuel, with right mouse we can select as many fuel tanks as we want, but we can only transfer fuel from one to another, it's very hard when you have couple fuel tanks around your rocket and want to keep balans in all your tanks, this can be fixed with other one, add option for equalize fuel in tanks when you select 2 or more fuel tanks

3. Add new 'External Fuel Duct', i'm thinking about 2 types, one, the fuel in all connected tanks will be used in the same level, and two, the fuel will be used from bigger tanks first, and then, when the amount of fuel will be the same will work like the first one

And also a old one: Make-all-decouplers-not-cross-feed-fuel

Edited by Mr_Auto
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