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F4 Khantom (US F4 Phantom replica)


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The United States' F4 Phantom has been my favorite plane for a long time, so I've decided to make a stock replica of the Phantom :) My F4 Khantom is capable of mach 2.2 (Just like the real plane), carrying 1100 units of fuel, it is capable of extremely long trips, including Visits to the North Pole and back, or even circumnavigating Kerbin.

The craft ways a hefty 15 tons and is quite maneuverable for its size. The only downside of this plane is its difficulty landing. Because of its weight, it can be quite difficult some times to pull your nose up to slow down for a landing, which is why I suggest doing landing procedures several hundred meters before when you would usual do them. Lift off can also be hazardous, due to its long tail, its very prone to smashing it into the runway as you begin to pull up, which is why I suggest you do this slowly.

Enjoy :)

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Download Link: http://www./?t3qi9y9oajbu6zr

And if you have the gatling gun mod, you can strap 6 of them under the wings of the Phantom and go rambo on an unsuspecting plane.

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  Damaske said:
Nicely done, this and the A-10 are my fav airplanes. Its too bad they converted all the old F4's into unmanned target drones and blew em up in missile testing. not a good thing to do to such a beautifully jet.

I love the A-10 as well, and it really is a shame what they did to the F4s. At the least they coulda sold them to less advanced countries. And 20 mil a pop they coulda really helped out americas debt.

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  Turd said:
Nicely done! I'm gonna try this one out. My grandfather was a Phantom Phixer back in the day.

Thank you!

And that's awesome :) My grandfather was also in the airforce, he was a Flight Colonel in a B52 bomber devision.

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Wow those look great! Nice job :D

Did you try messing around with using ram air intakes for those side scoops? I'd guess that a combo of the ram air and the radial scoop you already have would look pretty slick as well :cool:

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  Cruzan said:
Wow those look great! Nice job :D

Did you try messing around with using ram air intakes for those side scoops? I'd guess that a combo of the ram air and the radial scoop you already have would look pretty slick as well :cool:


I dont think the RAM intake is appropriate for this plane, the glowing blue is futuristic.

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Heya Odo,

Nice replica, looks great. How does it handle. I know from experience that that thing has to be heavy on take off. Does the wing configuration work well in the ksp? What is it's turning radius as compared to other lighter planes? Have you thought of doubling the wings? Put another set directly under the first that clip together to form one slightly thicker wing that provides more lift. You don't need to turn clipping on to do it, and from anything but extreme close range it's unnoticeable.

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  barrenwaste said:
Heya Odo,

Nice replica, looks great. How does it handle. I know from experience that that thing has to be heavy on take off. Does the wing configuration work well in the ksp? What is it's turning radius as compared to other lighter planes? Have you thought of doubling the wings? Put another set directly under the first that clip together to form one slightly thicker wing that provides more lift. You don't need to turn clipping on to do it, and from anything but extreme close range it's unnoticeable.

Thank you! The plane handles great, semi tight turn radius and it can lift off half way down the runway. And yes its pretty heavy 15 tons, but the wing configuration works well.

  The Error said:
...SIX miniguns?

Wow. This is a pretty beefy plane. I think I'll give it a go!

(How the kell do you haul six tons of minigun?)

Well I had to drive on the end of the runway just to get it into the air :P needless to say it didnt steer very well with 6 tons strapped to its wings, which is why in the pictures of me shooting Im aiming all over the place and Spray and Praying.

  dellcom1800 said:
Thats pretty sweet

Thank you!

  700NitroXpress said:
Pretty slick indeed.


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While doing a max speed text I found I was capable of going mach 5 with the turbo jets alone as long as I steadily climbed altitude. (Mach 5 is roughly 1700m/s) While doing this I realized I had gotten a apoapsis of 70km right as my engines ran out of intake air. This means that this plane could idealy be modified to become a SSTO.

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UPDATE: I've nerfed the F4 Khantom to be more realistic to the real plane. It is no longer capable of Mach 5, its fastest speed is Mach 2.2 (Like the real plane) It is also no longer able to get to space like it was previously. (This was done by simple removing a hidden air intake on the back of the cockpit. It was blocking the hatch so its a win win.)

I've also just taken it to the North Pole, it still has plenty of fuel to return, so Im sure circumnavigation of Kerbin is possible with this plane. rovRnJF.png

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  Save Ferris said:
Also... Is that a KiG you're firing on? :mad:

Uhmmmmmm :D

No thats a Bogie, its a cheap little plane I made for firing on. It looks like one from a distance though. It has the same shape as a Kig but its designed to take off by itself so I can control the plane that is chasing it.

Although I DID have a quick skirmish with one of your Kigs (I think it was Kig 21) to test Lazor guided missile mod, but it was super OP so I uninstalled it.

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  Odo said:
Uhmmmmmm :D

No thats a Bogie, its a cheap little plane I made for firing on. It looks like one from a distance though. It has the same shape as a Kig but its designed to take off by itself so I can control the plane that is chasing it.

Although I DID have a quick skirmish with one of your Kigs (I think it was Kig 21) to test Lazor guided missile mod, but it was super OP so I uninstalled it.

Ha alright, just checking :wink: And really, this is a nice-looking plane. Really true to the F-4.

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