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A question about .craft files


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Why do people make these craft and not provide the requisite parts? It seems the creators just assume the associated mods will be updates in a timely manner and yet I have numerous craft that are broken. Would it no be advisable to include any non-stock parts? If the mod is available, but broken, the provided parts make the ship accessible. I the mod works in the KSP version running you just don't move those parts over.

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As a developer, the last thing you want to deal with is having your set of parts divided up and scattered to the four winds. Piecemeal redistribution of parts would make it impossible for developers to control their work and receive proper credit. It would make troubleshooting impossible. Users would not know where to go to get the latest version of the parts. This small list only scratches the surface of the problems that would arise if parts were redistributed with craft files, and I'm only looking at the practical side of things. I won't get into the rest of the copyright/licensing maelstrom.

Edited by Jack Wolfe
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No, what Jack said is right. Seriously, someone who lacks the technical ability to locate these parts isn't going to know how to manage something they couldn't even find on their own. It's a Pandora's box of third-party support, and it's the reason "mod packs" are a bad idea. You know what they say... "Give a man a fish, and he'll pester you endlessly about fishing questions, ask you to gut other fish he's been given, make you cook his fish for him, etc. etc." :sticktongue:

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Alright, so I've done a bit of reading (not done), but I have come to the conclusion that a .craft file is nothing more than a "collection" of mod parts. Redistributing a collection of works is, as far as I can tell, not prohibited.

Please, correct me if I'm wrong. But, I really do think it's is allowed. The only exclusion being unless someone has a mod that excludes ANY distribution. In that case, ANY any craft files uploaded are in violation of the license and need to be removed.

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You may be able to distribute the craft file itself, but that doesn't extend to bundling the parts with it. Unless the mod permits distribution of its assets (such as parts, models or textures), you're simply incorrect.

A craft file is nothing more than a config of something you have assembled, it doesn't include any of the other author's work.

But for those who feel compelled to use craft files they know are not stock, there's a means to tell you which mods may be needed:


Once you know which mods are needed, it should be a simple matter of going to Spaceport or these forums and downloading them yourself. There's no need to campaign for people to bundle stuff that isn't theirs with craft files - people who are unwilling to do the legwork should stick with stock.

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How can an FOSS not allow redistribution?

FOSS code is that which allows modification of the source code. While plugins have to include the source code for security there's no obligation for them to allow people to modify or further redistribute it.

Craft files are a description of which parts are used and how they're placed, not the parts themselves.

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FOSS code is that which allows modification of the source code. While plugins have to include the source code for security there's no obligation for them to allow people to modify or further redistribute it.

Craft files are a description of which parts are used and how they're placed, not the parts themselves.

That's not true... FOSS does mean you required to let others share it. If you do not it's not FOSS.

What you're failing to notice here is, KSP mods are not all FOSS. There is a requirement to make the source code publicly viewable, NOT FOSS though. Authors can pick any license they chose including All Rights Reserved meaning you cannot make modifications.

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