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Command pod orientation inverts upon reload


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I've been having a weird glitch with my command pods for a while and I guess it's time to confront it.

So, when I reload a craft, either by Revert-to-Launch or F9 quickload but not by Return-to-VAB/SPH, the command pod is pointing backwards. Here's an example


The mesh doesn't move, the pod is still oriented level, but now it's heading 270 instead of 90

what gives?

mu: https://github.com/Greys0/HexCans/blob/master/GameData/HexCans/Models/HexPod.mu

cfg: https://github.com/Greys0/HexCans/blob/master/GameData/HexCans/Parts/HexPod/Normal.cfg

Unity: https://github.com/Greys0/HexCans/tree/master/Model%20Basefiles/Unity


Does not invert repeatedly if reverted multiple times, settles at 270

Does not fix if Control-From-Here is used

Edited by Greys
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Um WHAT!?!

I'm gonna guess its safe to assume nothing out of ordinary in debug/dump log?

I have had issues with parts realigning on reload...but never where the model didn't move as well. This is by far the most odd little glitch have I seen in KSP. Only thing I can think of is double check scale and rotation in your modeling software and in Unity...past that Im sorry to say Im at a loss.

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I had a problem like this yesterday Greys. I loaded a subassembly I had saved just a few moments earlier and it loaded upsidedown in the VAB. I can't replicate it though. I added the latest MJ and the new planets mod yesterday..I was assuming it to be related to one of these, but Im not sure.

Edited by angusmcbeth
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I had a similar funny thing yesterday: I was launching a rocket like usual, with MechJeb. Shortly after liftoff, the thing began to roll like crazy. Or so I thought: It rolled by exactly 180 degrees, then stopped, and went perfectly for the rest of the launch. There was a subassembly involved for the lifter, but I haven't investigated further.

Also, I have the planets mod installed, but I really doubt that's causing problems there. Not that I have the source....

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I seem to have resolved this by moving the actual geometry to eliminate the majority of orientations I have to change in Unity, which was annoying, Unity is annoying, I dislike you Unity, I hope you get barked at by small dogs while trying to talk to somebody.

I have all my stuff in Unity assembled as an empty with PartTools on it, then an empty which contains all the actual stuff; this way I can fiddle with the second empty to make it all the way I want, and I can fiddle with the first empty to line things up in Unity without actually changing the output.


I previously had HexPod/HexPod oriented as (in node notation) 0, -0.75, 0, 90, 0, 180; flipping it backwards, rotating it right side up, and correcting it for being offcenter.

For whatever reason reloading the ship seems to pass these down to the mesh or something weird, I can hardly guess; but changing the mesh has eliminated the need for a lot of this so whatever KSP does doesn't matter, I still need to doublecheck that I haven't broken anything crafts wise, I don't think I have.

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