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KSP nominated for Best Sci-Fi Game - Voting now open


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KSP is gaining a good lead.

I voted for the WiiU as best console:P

Good catch, gonna vote WiiU too.

edit: Wow, PS4 is dominating (rightly so though, compared to what MS tried to pull on us)

Edited by OrtwinS
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Tomb Raider is one of the 4 nominated for the "best story" catagory. I'm not sure I could comment politely on that.

I do love the contrast in styles of the thumbnails used to represent the 4 sci-fi games. The 3 non-KSP ones could all be interchanged and you wouldn't be able to tell; moodily lit with reflective metallic surfaces and too much bloom for the human eye to handle. KSP on the other hand features 3 gimpy looking aliens in dayglo orange jumpsuits. Hooray for KSP!

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